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  1. S

    Stallion Reports (AMHR and AMHA)

    Am I glad to hear that as I have put off way too long and need to get them in. Thanks for the reminder with the post here.
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    THANK YOU! Please read

    Looks to me like VERY special gifts for a special gal.
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    What to wear in a driving class??

    Stupid question here, you say long sleeves please for safety sake, what do you mean by that ( I do not show ) And, can you share the no slacks as some judges don't like'em in ladies classes. ( I would be a done in there as I am terrible I DO NOT wear dresses ) Maybe to a wedding, but....
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    Play this Christmas game! It's fun!

    candy - candy cane
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    Tankless On Demand hot water heaters

    They certainly look like they would be worth further investigation don't they. I think we should all have hot/cold running water in our barns. I don't
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    My merry Christmas to You

    I might take you up on the offer to use some of those Merry Christmas "flashers" as they are beautiful. Thanks for sharing them with us and allowing us the opportunity to use them. I wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY, BLESSED NEW YEAR. And that goes to all forum members as well as...
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    Crusty Like Scab

    Hi kaykay, that is what we done. I am glad it wasn't any worse than it is. I am pretty sure it is rainrot too, that is why we chose to use the betadine. It looks better today than last two days, so I am thinking it is coming along nicely. Will certainly keep an eye on it. Thanks everyone for...
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    Crusty Like Scab

    Thanks for your reply Jean. I am under the thinking lines of rainrot, but will certainly keep an eye on it as I have never seen, or dealt with ringworm. (I remember from my school days a boy from a beef farm with ringworm) I will do as you say and use gloves when handling this girl, and keep the...
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    Gate Latches

    Another great thing I seen and thought some day I will do it here, is seat belts. A local wrecker would likely let you have all you want from old vehicles in the yard that are going to be squashed. Attach one end to one side of post and the other end with the adjusting part to other side of...
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    Crusty Like Scab

    I have a little filly 4 mos. old that has/had a crusty like scab on her back. It seem similar to a dirt type scab, or like you would see on a baby cradle cap. I had been trying to soften it then brushing away at it. The scabby part broke off today and was like a pus pocket under it. I treated...
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    So sorry that each of you didn't get the proper recognition. It shows our human side clearly eh!!! I was making booklets for our Church Carol Sing come Sunday, and after double/triple checking everything after I put it ALL together error jump right out at me. I do hope that the corrections get...
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    War on Christmas

    MERRY CHRISTMAS, Jesus is the Reason for the Season. Barb
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    Not sure if I am the only one

    What an amazing story, and thanks for the heads up to others. The Lord was not ready to take yo home. Do have a blessed Christmas. Barb
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    I'm doin the happy hot-water dance!!!

    turning pea green here LOL with envy. Do enjoy that hot water. I am sure you could fit a cot and small kitchenette in there somewhere I think EVERY barn should have HOT and cold running water. Mine doesn't, but hoping my next one does.
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    redneck tree stand

    The tree will look great when the trimmings are on it. Merry Christmas. Barb
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    Play this Christmas game! It's fun!

    Oh well, Yummy ; Yummy, yummy in my tummy
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    Dell Terras

    ....thanks lyn, I knew he had a falling out with the AMHA so that is why I thought they would only be R. I see I had my thinking in reverse there. Thanks for clearing up my mind on that one I get things backwards now and again. I knew he had passed on, and some of the horses were sold without...
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    Trimming hard hooves

    WOW, I didn't know that pine shavings could be a factor kaykay. My horses aren't stalled much at all, but a good thing to catalogue for future drawing. What shavings are your shavings of choice.
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    Trimming hard hooves

    Jill is right about the quality of your nippers. A good set are well worth the money spent for sure. Don't give up on em'you'll be happy in the end. Check out a tack supply shop and see what may be on the market for what you're wanting/needing for the sole. Have a blessed weekend. Barb