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    Dell Terras

    Is there a chance that someone could do a search in the AMHR, AMHA to see who owns him now. If he is an old boy now he may only have been registered R. Search could possibly end you up with a pic as well as the other info that you want. Good luck. Barb
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    Trimming hard hooves

    I have a couple that you almost need to put a johnson bar on the end of nippers LOL I find the black hooves a lot harder, with some worse than others. Soaking may help.
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    Saturday - Christmas dinner at hubby's moms. Sunday - Church Can't do much horsie things as am suffering big time with tennis elbow, not one but both arms. Kids doing double duty on most everything. We are pretty much ready for Christmas though, a bit of wrapping, set up the tree, and toss...
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    This morning sucked

    So sorry, what a heart wrenching experience. The not knowing is very hard to put closure on. ((((HUGS))))
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    Looking for the perfect picture

    The pic in your avatar looks like it might make a good silouette for a card.
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    dwarf for sale

    Whatever became of the forum Pixie's Yard? I used to visit it often, and I had gotten too busy to visit much of the puter at all and when I went to my shortcut could not find it any more. Does Jean still have it going, or ??? It was a great place to learn about the dwarfs.
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    dwarf for sale the looks of where this post went I am sorry I posted. I am certainly NOT a part of any click on here and NEVER have been.
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    OMG its to cold!!

    I can relate to that. It is -8 F right now and dropping. But, it is that time of year eh!!!
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    Picture of harness on auction

    Can I have the horse with the harness
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    Mouse holes...

    I hope you get the problem solved before the foal arrives, BUT if you don't I would be more than happy to send you a barn cat We have an abundance of these. Even the sought after B/W pinto colour
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    I would think if the seller knew that the filly was being loaded into the tack room with the others that would be taken as it is okay I would think. If they were moved to the tack room after the fact then she would maybe have something to complain about. It appears to me that the seller knew...
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    looky what I found

    teehee, the old bloak eh!!!
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    Anyone have a photo of....

    I'll have some of whatere it is you had
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    Any Bellydancers here

    I hear yuh Lyn plenty enough belly here too. My belly dances over my pants everyday
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    Which feed should i get ...

    Is the Equine Junior you are speaking of a Purina feed. I have the particulars (write ups) for the Equine Juvenile Development Chow and the write up for Omolene 300. The juvenile one states that it is high fibre, multi-particle feed containing Athlete specifically designed for weanlings and...
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    show us your splash overos and snowflake appy hors

    All gorgeous, too bad your boy is only R Mona he is a looker for sure. I have a snowflake mare, but am clueless how topost a pic.
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    Water Heater

    I can semi piicture your setup, but do you have a pic for the part of my vision that is lacking
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    mixing up beet pulp...

    Pour my water in with the beet pulp and just before serving I add my oats/grain/supplements and mix with a very long stick. It mixes best when beet pulp is sloppy. There little whiskers this time of year are always covered with the slop They sure dive right in eh!!! Reminds me of a toddler with...
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    Silver dapple??

    HMMMMMMMM, don't matter about the colour at all as she won't clash with any decor in my barn Send her on over here, I will be happy to keep you posted on the colour changes. Pretty regardless of her colour eh!!!
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    Help needed to get Lucky out to Jodi

    Way to go Lyn, I hear you when He says give we are obligated to do so. It is your obedience to Him that I see, so God bless you for your obedience to Him. Have a blessed holiday season and I hope the transportation falls in place.