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    china bell pictures

    Oh my, if that is a belly then I certainl wouldn't want my belly seen She looks great.
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    New Colt

    He has been up and walking pretty much from the get go, but it is almost like he doesn't have good circulation in hind legs. All four are actually cool/cold to touch. I have been massaging them and the back left he doesn't really want to put a lot of weight on ( not that he has a lot of weight...
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    New Colt

    We had a colt born early this morning and his flaps never came off. I have removed most of the flaps on his feet, but his feet are quite cold and so are the bottom portion of his legs. Any suggestions?
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    True Friends

    {{{{HUGS}}}} So sorry about your mom Kim, and bless your heart Judy for being so thoughtful. It is a wonderful gift to have friends that go beyond. Best of luck to my fellow Canadians heading to the Nationals this year. Go girls. Barb
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    True Friends

    {{{{HUGS}}}} So sorry about your mom Kim, and bless your heart Judy for being so thoughtful. It is a wonderful gift to have friends that go beyond. Best of luck to my fellow Canadians heading to the Nationals this year. Go girls.
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    Our last foal of the year!

    What a beautiful filly, and I can see why she is a keeper. Thanks for sharing.
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    Can I see pictures of....

    Hi Maxine, Gage posted the pic for me. I think my girl is doing fairly well driving for a couple green horns. We do not show, but do, do the odd parade and local fairs.
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    Can I see pictures of....

    I've never seen the "horse nappy" in action before, thanks for that- it looks far neater and tidier than I had imagined. .........stupid question, what is a "horse nappy" that rabbitsfizz made mention of.
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    Can I see pictures of....

    I would love to send you one but have not a clue how to post a pic. I could send it to you via email, (need addy tho) I CAN do that much. Then you could post it if you liike. It is a pic I took while walking beside my daughter as she drove it in our Canada Day Parade.
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    Diarhea in month old filly

    Has there been any new grass or new hay added to the diet. We have been doing our hay for this year and have been feeding new hay to the herd. I had a colt get a bout of diareha (sp) when we put out new hay. I gave him pepto-bismol and he cleared up well.
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    LOL! Had ta share a funny pic...

    Cute pic for sure, But I must say I love Little Diva. Is that a colt or filly? Either way what a gorgeous horse. Thanks for sharing. OOPS, I reread it and see where it is she
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    Hi Desiree, Did the previous owners tell you much about these horses. Blue Ridge is/was a canadian breeder in Oakville Ontario. They sold off the last of their herd about two years or so ago. Double check on what you have been told about Blue Ridge Billy as I think he may have been born here in...
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    Missing Miniature

    Hi Elaine, I am so sorry you have not gotten your boy back yet. I do remember when you first posted this last year. I do hope the word spreads far and wide and your kids get their boy back. A loss through theft is harder to deal with than a loss through death. We will continue to remember this...