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  1. 4

    Tiny update

    So sorry... :no:
  2. 4

    Older Broodmares

    My favorite broodmare, Flame, is 22 yo this year and rebred for early 2008; and we have a 19yo confirmed for an early 2008 foal. Flame is also the local kids favorite - loves to have her long thick mane and tail brushed and braided for hours at a time! Her the pics of the 22yo that I got from...
  3. 4

    Prayers and help please

    Prayers from NC... : : :
  4. 4

    Midas achieves his first hall of fame on his 3rd birthday~

    Congratulations Lyn :aktion033: Your boy is a real sweetie :
  5. 4

    Lilly is 2 months old and coming or going....

    She prefers going : : and going :bgrin : and going!! : Maybe she needs a name change! :
  6. 4

    Ready for some more foals?

    Keep this up, and I may decide I like pintos! :bgrin They are lovely :aktion033:
  7. 4

    Miniature Horse Show in Richmond, VA

    We used to go there and had a lot of fun and learned a lot, but at 120 miles away, it isn't practical to go very often :no: especially since they have added mini classes to the open show circuit just 45 miles away! I definitely recommend it if you are close though! :bgrin
  8. 4

    follicle size

    Yes Nathan... I was surprised too - today I breed my Buckskin 36" mare on a 51 mm follicle and a just as "hot" in heat 32" mare with a 43mm.... go figure :o
  9. 4

    follicle size

    I have ultrasounded several mini mares throughout their cycle and have had them ovulate from 32mm to 52mm depending on the horse They just love to keep you guessing!
  10. 4

    I am SO excited! :))

    Congratulations!! I can imagine how proud and excited you must be :aktion033: :aktion033:
  11. 4

    A scare with Independence

    Glad everything turned out well! I would think you should change brands of vaccines - most reactions are to the adjuvants and different companies use different vaccines. :
  12. 4

    Coyote Winds Knockout

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you! :
  13. 4

    My yearling Filly went to her first show

    awww! she's sweet -esp love the last pic :
  14. 4

    Our 2007 Bald Face Blue Eyed Filly

    lovely filly! : You have been blessed this year! :bgrin
  15. 4

    Update on Skylar and Savannah essay mare

    What a wonderful real life fairy tale!! :aktion033: :aktion033:
  16. 4

    We had a bouncing baby boy

    :aktion033: :aktion033:
  17. 4

    We need to start an Easter Foal Count!

    :aktion033: :aktion033: Lovely Hope everything goes well :
  18. 4

    Easter Presents

    That is our last Uno baby...we had 3 bred, the only filly was still born due to a severely twisted cord :no: We are expecting 2 Starstruck babies (1 due any day!!), a Chad baby and a baby off "Bobby" (Thanks to Mary Ann Bartkewich) :
  19. 4

    Pictures of Bebops filly

    Hang in there :aktion033: It will take 2-4 weeks minimum for healing :