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  1. 4

    Happy New Baby Year!

    Freshly out: First stand Then wrapped up in blanket and camera battery died! Of course, no idea what her name is yet. Need something to go with the New Year theme Too cold to unwrap her or turn her out right now. Have 3 more due this month! The next one should be in a week or so...
  2. 4

    Happy New Baby Year!

    GIRL!! Appears to be solid red - out of Arianna, line bred Buckeroo daughter, by our multiple national champion/HOF stallion "Pops" AMHA/AMHR Born at 8:22pm Back to the barn with towels and blankets - update soon and pics!
  3. 4

    Can't find my growth chart

    Rabbitsfizz - You deinitely got the right answer from what I have seen!!
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    Embroidery Lady from AMHR Nationals

    I have been trying to get some info to the people who did the embroidery at Nationals.... I have left several messages but maybe I am using the wrong number If you have contact info, please let me know Thanks so much!
  5. 4

    National Champion Multi Color Stallion under

    Andrea, we are very excited that Stewie is going to such a nice home! Can't wait to see pics of the 2 of you together
  6. 4

    2009 AMHA World Show - Amateur Division

    Wow, they are very generous A definite thanks from here!
  7. 4

    Congrats Karen!!

    Talked to Karen Hunter (AKS Miniatures) a little while ago, and she WON her Ammy level 1 jr stallion class with the colt they got from James Walsh, RHA Mercury Rising I hope she'll come on and post a pic!! Karen supposedly does "do" halter - she leaves it for her daughter, Samantha (who...
  8. 4

    My first Top Ten

    Congratulations He looks great! My Jones boy also took a top 10 in halter (4th) and 3rd in open hunter James does a wonderful job of presenting horses. I love to watch him
  9. 4

    AMHR Nationals made news here.

    That was neat, Thanks!!
  10. 4


    You guys definitely had some awesome horses there!! Congratulations on all your placings
  11. 4

    My Post Hospital / Surgery Follow Up Appt Results

    Hey Jill Just thinking about you and hoping you (and your fur kids) are getting over the surgery and continuing to improve daily!! Dont be working too much yet!
  12. 4

    We had a baby here yesterday.. FINALLY!!

    Congratulations on a healthy baby boy I am going to have to have your mares explain to my mares that they should foal between 6 am and 10 pm - not 10pm to 6am, NOt to mention prior to going away on a trip!! lol Of course, you are in trouble until you get us a pic!!!
  13. 4

    National Champion Multi Color Stallion under

    Hi all. We had such a good time esp with Stewey!! I think he thought Nationals was invented just for him He definitely played up the ambassador role - except when he was having his ears clipped (ask Jon) After almost 2 weeks of hard work, he did need a break : He thought Bruce's couch...
  14. 4

    Lucky Trails Foals

    The babies are getting so grown :-) Have 6 Pops (Images Little SuperStar, Multiple National Champion/Multiple HOF) children : Giselle, bay filly out of Reeces Enchanted Hawk (World top 10, Hawk daughter) AMHA/AMHR, 30" at 6 mo Nothing but nose shots, lol Ha, got a pic this am Poptart...
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    Foal number 5.....

  16. 4

    Last colt for 2009 for Ozark

    He's great Lisa! He looks just like his sister ("Bruce's Southern Nightmare of LTF" aka Spook, haha) Of course I am no help on names but Heather will suggest some when she gets in
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    I am thinking about getting a chihuahua but

    I have 4 - mine are all sweet and friendly but have a favorite person. They have been well socialized their whole lives though and treated like other "dogs" - in spite of them believing they are special little children. I do know several chi's who fit the descriptions by Keri and Gails hubby...
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    Congratulations and good job "Grandma"
  19. 4

    Lucky Trails/AKS minis

    Here's the only pic I could find of Fashion with "her" TWH baby - the baby was about 2" taller than Fashion at this time The owners of the barn said they were teaching Fashion to "shake"