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  1. minifancier

    Obama -- Recap Of His First Bit of Time In Office

    That is what I said. His Policies to fail~~~ which IS Socialism.
  2. minifancier

    Obama -- Recap Of His First Bit of Time In Office

    Like Rush said he hopes Obama himself does good just that his POLICIES FAIL, and so do I as we don't need to get any closer to a Socialistic Society then we have already,
  3. minifancier

    big news in healthcare

    Name just ONE thing the Government does well, ( Besides Collect Taxes) ?? Some times you can't compare medical in Canada to what may take place here in America two different forms of Government and one that really want to get a hold of more and more control over its people all the time. THINK...
  4. minifancier

    Fox news is no better than the lying trash tabloids...

    Well ratings don't lie, FOX is number one for a good reason.
  5. minifancier

    big news in healthcare

    We sure don't want to have a nationalized health care. I had a knee replaced last summer. I had a CHOICE of either going to a regular hospital or a specialized Surgery Center.~! I choose the Surgery Center. Could NOT have done that under government control over our health system. I went in...
  6. minifancier

    Obama -- Recap Of His First Bit of Time In Office

    And give the chosen one a few more weeks and you will see his ratings going lower at a pretty good clip too. Change heck there is Not One Single thing of change most ALL of his appointees are just washed over from the Clinton Administration wow what a change that is NOT. Transparency in...
  7. minifancier

    Amusement Park Enthusiasts.......

    Well your a ways away from this but how about Silver Dollar City? That is in Branson MO. and it is like a Disneyland only set in the 1800's~! You will see glass blowing basket weaving and many other things of that era. Plus the rides are Fantastic, LOTS of water type rides, and most all of...
  8. minifancier

    Fox news is no better than the lying trash tabloids...

    If ANYBODY is going to take that Red Eye show seriously then some people have a problem/. It is after all 2AM CDT when it comes on and done by to gays. Just thought I would present the true facts of things.
  9. minifancier

    VHS to DVD?

    Yes, I have done the same thing forgot to Finalize the DVD. I have a Pioneer DVD Player/Burner with a VCR player/recorder. One quick reminder when it comes time to get new blank DVDs make dern SURE you get the CORRECT ones, as there are now many different types on the market. I once bought the...
  10. minifancier

    Tell me everything...

    Here is a picture of my new donkey I got him last Sept. Traded a mini gelding for him. So now that is all I will have is this mini donk. I have had mini donkeys in the past. and now I can start this one from the beginning as I have done the others. I will get him gelded in early spring, his...
  11. minifancier

    Tell me everything...

    they even like to come in the house once in awhile and watch some TV.
  12. minifancier

    I am getting tired of people saying McCain is old

    Geesh I guess some have not been paying attention to what McCain HAS been doing these past weeks~! I Bet there are very few of US here on this forum that could keep up with such a schedule as what McCain has been doing. And just think of the stress that goes along with it~! And then you look...
  13. minifancier

    A little warning about prescription meds..

    And I was on Methotrexate for one full year along with Enbrel taking 2 shots a week of Enbrel and 10 --- 2.5 mg tabs of Methotrexate once a week~!
  14. minifancier

    A little warning about prescription meds..

    3 years ago I was on Enbrel along with Methotrexate for my severe RA condition Well I had a very severe reaction to the Methotrexate and really did not know it at the time... It started with what seemed the stomach flu. Couldn't keep anything down you all know what I am talking about. I went...
  15. minifancier

    I am very DISGUSTED and MAD

    I agree also the processing plants should be opened back up with even more USDA Inspected there making sure everything is on the up and up and down in a quick and humane way. Slaughter is a necessary evil. Now the hoses are being TRUCKED to Canada and into Mexico and while in Mexico Lord only...
  16. minifancier

    Anybody here ever had a knee replacement?

    I am careful and resting some today yesterday the Doc said I was doing great and keep up the good work in 3 weeks I go back and they will take X-Rays to see how the new one has "set in" Ya they get you up the next day and you start walking around at the hospital. The best thing the Doc said to...
  17. minifancier

    Anybody here ever had a knee replacement?

    Thank You. Yesterday I had the stitches taken out and after few hours later and after a nap lol I went out climbed on the lawn mower and mowed for 30 minutes ~! Came back in did more icing down, and today I may go back out and finish the mowing~!!
  18. minifancier

    Anybody here ever had a knee replacement?

    I am 2-1/2 weeks out of surgery from have a total knee replacement on my right knee. Just wondering if others here either have had one, going to have one done, or is just thinking about getting one done. I am already walking all around with just a use of a cane. The surgery went just great and...
  19. minifancier

    ADMS requiring DNA or Microchipping

    I have a friend that has 2 mammoth Donkeys and they are ALSO requiring either DNA or Microchipping to become registered . So my friend has them both Chipped I was there at the time to watch not a big deal at all. Both took it just fine right behind the ears.~! She had her vet do it.
  20. minifancier

    Safe to haul in a truck with camper shell?

    I hauled a shetland pony 200 miles in the back of my pickup with just a topper on it. I had tied him so that he was sideways up next to the cab, not a problem. Of course you see by my avatar i haul them in the back seat of my car also