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  1. minifancier

    Buying a new Desktop, what brand

    Yuppers that is what my next Desktop will be~~! A Mac. i have had a H-P and Now a Dell I absolutely HATE the Special Memory Dell requires costs are out landish to upgrade.~! So it will be a Mac for me next time. i learned on Apples, and Macs. I used a Mac Power PC at work for years and was...
  2. minifancier

    Dominick the donkey

    Here is the Video of the song with the same group.
  3. minifancier

    WOW! I have to have this right now quick!

    Here is what it would look and Sound Like~! This is one all decorated with the music is by The Trans-Siberian Orchestra called Wizards of Winter. Enjoy
  4. minifancier

    New type of mini, 21" - 24" tall, that lives in the house

    I just love this one Hasbro's Furreal Butterscotch Pony~! This IS a mini you can keep in the house and is big and strong enough to "sit" on, whinnies , nickers moves its ears, tail moves, ears move are done by sensors in the different places~...
  5. minifancier

    Water Heater

    Never use a heat Tap around a tank. But I have used for many many years now Stock Tank Heaters.. All kinds that are on the market, from the Floating ones, to the Sinking ones to the Screw in the drain plug ones, and those are the ones I prefer, when it comes to say 100 gal tank or larger I have...
  6. minifancier

    Insulated Buckets, or...

    I have used the Heated Buckets now for years and they work fantastic, even down to 20 below zero not even frosting on the edges and they are SAFE around horses as No heating element is exposed not at all it is Within the Walls of the bucket~! And use WAY less then the plug type heaters in for...
  7. minifancier

    Cute Roomba Ad

    When I had a donk he did like to come in and watch tv. I am looking for another one now as I am donkeyless.
  8. minifancier

    What temp do you blanket

    With all that hair, no blanket is needed. In fact I don't even Own a blanket that would fit a mini. Never have blanketed a mini in all the years I have them, just is not needed, and if you do put a blanket on it Flattens the hair down and when turned out without that blanket on, because the...
  9. minifancier

    Burger King TV ad

    But you knwo what? YOU guys are Talking about~! You remember The Commercials, They ARE getting they message accross cause so many have posted already about it This makes good what commercials are really doing. People Remember the NAME "BURGER KING"~! Good or bad, the ads are Working, now...
  10. minifancier

    Double decker truck crashes in IL

    No flame from me at all. Those people that wanted the slaughter stopped WE warned you all of things to come, but OH NO that won't happen, Well SEE it IS happening so now, You, and you all know who you are, You are the ones that have to Live with Your decision.~! Thanks To each and every one of...
  11. minifancier

    Water tanks

    I use the Rubbermade ones that are 55 gallons, and 13 inches high, those are the ones for sheep~! And any mini will be able to drink out of those... And in the winter I put in the Drain Plug heaters.
  12. minifancier

    Car Insurance?

    I live in a small town in rural WI. I have Collision on one vehicle and because of real low mileage driven in one year I have Special LOW rate on just liability on a pick up truck. SO that is 2 vehicles I have State Farm and I pay Gesh I guess some will really get sick from what price I am...
  13. minifancier

    Eau Claire auction

    Yes I am better today thank you. I even worked outside after the Packer game that is lol. I just needed to take a day and rest up. My knees and ankles were really acting up on Saturday but I still went even brought my trailer just in case maybe there would be a mini donk, but non went through.
  14. minifancier

    Eau Claire auction

    I was there from the beginning through about the first 10 horses, then left. The guy I was sitting next to bought 25 lead ropes~! I nearly bought a easy entry cart, but then it will be another year yet before i am ready to "hitch up" I Should have bought the "used" driving harness i could use...
  15. minifancier

    Would anyone want the book by Walter Farley

    I met Mr Farley at the 1978 Arabian Nationals and I had him autograph my hard cover edition of "The Black Stallion"~
  16. minifancier


    Yuppers that is all I do just mix it in with their grain and it is gone. I give it once a month as a Preventive measure, once I have done the initial "clean out"
  17. minifancier

    Mini Horse Auction in Eau Claire Sept 22

    Hi I may even bring my trailer "just in case" :
  18. minifancier

    Anybody watch Kid Nation?

    I watched it and loved it also and will continue to watch it.
  19. minifancier

    Mini Horse Auction in Eau Claire Sept 22

    For sure it is, My Mom and Dad live in Oshkosh so I Know how far it is and 3.5 is a long drive just for fun.
  20. minifancier

    Mini Horse Auction in Eau Claire Sept 22

    Well I posted this a few days ago but on the main board but instead of being Moved To Here it was DeLeted for some reason. :no: Midwest Miniature Horse/Pony AuctionSept. 22nd; 10:00AM Eau Claire CountyFairgrounds. Expect 100 head. Coggins required. Info (715) 772-3229. And this is one Block...