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  1. minifancier

    Dangers of leaving on a halter

    I also have never ever left halters on any of horses. From Arabians I have had to Donkeys to minis no way do any halters stay on them when not being attended too. Even if I stop for awhile and going back in a few minutes the halter comes off. All of mini come right up to me hang their head...
  2. minifancier

    Scottsdale Horse sales

    Yes that Arabian show in Scottsdale is wonderful/ For 10 years I lived in Tempe, AZ. which is just south of Scottsdale and I went Every year to the Arabian show~! After all I did own and show Arabians for years before I got minis~ :bgrin
  3. minifancier

    Well "don't buy gas" day didn't work

    True and here is a direct link to snopes saying this is False also This was originally sent by a retired Coca Cola executive.
  4. minifancier

    No mini auction this spring in Eau Claire?

    Just curious. I see no sale listed in The Country Today and I went the the Fairgrounds web site and not only is nothing listed for May nothing listed in Sept~??
  5. minifancier


    We all need to keep writing letters, e mails etc. to Both Satellite systems to get them to carry 24/7 Horse TV.
  6. minifancier

    Dont Pump Gas Tuesday

    Course we know it won't work, so knowing that I AM going to fill up on Tuesday. This has been around the net at different times thought the last few years. Just stop and think how many people did not drive for a day, for days, and even Weeks when Katrina hit NO. Did Gas Go down then? In fact...
  7. minifancier


    Just think back when Katrina hit. Millions were not driving for Days and some even for weeks. Well did the price go down NOPE they went up and up and up. This has been around the net for the last several years and not one time has it worked and won;t work in fact heck out Snoops and you will...
  8. minifancier

    Crop Duster in our BACKYARD! *PICS*

    You live next to fields that gets dusted via planes. The guy is just doing his job. What do you exspect?
  9. minifancier

    mini mules tails?

    I would say because of the chromosome difference in even in the hinney..That is also considered a hybred and will be sterile. A mix of 64 and 62 makes 63 an odd number which is a hybred and is sterile odd number of chromosomes are for the most part sterile.
  10. minifancier

    mini mules tails?

    The hinney ( female donkey to male horse ) has more "horse" looks... and the mule.. ( male donkey to mare horse ) looks more like a donkey..
  11. minifancier

    How many have mini donks and horses?

    Oh frisky,, don't take to heart ..Just because some people are a little strong on the language ...Mine has been out in the cold for almost 5 years without any trouble,,But like that person did say "some handle it some don't" But then to go on and on was really not called for ...Let it roll...
  12. minifancier

    How many have mini donks and horses?

    Maybe dreamsmini's it is the story that goes along with the donkey that makes them soooo irresistible and appealing~!
  13. minifancier

    French Poitou Donkeys??

    Here is a web site about them..I had necer heard of them but they do look different, like I don't know, maybe a donkey with hair like a baffalo
  14. minifancier

    How many have mini donks and horses?

    Know last year when it got real cold my Charley would spend lots of time in the shed..But I did not shut him in there he would go in and out..I guess maybe that is why I had him in the house a lot~! And I would go out and just "feal" his ears and see how cold they were..My sheds are more then...
  15. minifancier

    Pics of my jenny and her hinny ....

    Oh ya Roxy Run: You can also house break them~! This is my Charley I had him for 4 years, and he would come in the house many times..Never had one "accident"
  16. minifancier

    Pics of my jenny and her hinny ....

    Real nice looking~! Neat pics..
  17. minifancier

    Anyone breeding for mini hinnies?

    Ok here maybe the reason why~!
  18. minifancier

    Anyone breeding for mini hinnies?

    Mary Lou: I am trying to find out more info on why there conception rate is so low but I have not found a source yet..But if I remember correctly, the physical looks are different,in case you didn't know..The hinney has more "horse" looks and the mule looks more like a donkey..Then is gets...
  19. minifancier

    Anyone breeding for mini hinnies?

    Ashley: If you would have just said "I have tried and it didn't work for me" and left it at that, it would have been cool..But to say it the way you did, and you said the same thing on another post about breeding for mules or and or hinneys the same wording also..It isn't what you said it is...