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  1. Donna

    I lost my Anna ------- this is so sad.

    I am very sorry for your loss and what a tragic thing to have to deal with, but you really shouldn't be so quick to "wonder" if hunters shot her. That is so unfair. You said coyotes had gotten to her and it is highly possible they killed her. They will be back for more. You should be...
  2. Donna


    I think she to is absolutely adorable. A Loving Spoonfull ! I could just eat her up. I had a little colt here that the vets also thought had dwarf characteristics. He did not grow to be very big at all, but his legs straightened out and he looked very normal. He ran , jumped and kicked...
  3. Donna

    Stallions for 2009

    This is my Stallion of 2009, McCarthys Hershey Swirl. He placed top 10 as a weanling, National Champion in his class as a yearling, Reserve Champion in his class as a two year old. Looking forward to 2009! Swirl is AMHA and AMHR Registered. We are looking forward to seeing what this guy...
  4. Donna

    Looking for AMHR National T-shirts

    My daughter started making T-Shirt Quilts and they are really neat! I do have a dilemma though, I managed to get one for the years 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, But I will need a few more so If anyone has new or lightly worn 2005 and years prior to 2004 please let me know, I will pay you for them...
  5. Donna

    Question about trainers and contracts

    I had a contract with a trainer, I also had an attorney look it over. I was told that it was so full of loop holes that it wasnt worth the paper it was written on. Maybe? I don't know, just made me stop and think hard about future contracts. Accidents do happen, and so does incidents! Careful!
  6. Donna

    Va State Fair.... we had a ball

    OH Lynn, how adorable! What a creative costume! Congrats!
  7. Donna

    Can someone tell me the current owner

    Minih, I would call him "steely" color, LOL. He is silver like steel! White mane and tail. We keep thinking he may be white later on , but he gets white dapples and darker body every year. To answer your question, I dont know!
  8. Donna

    Can someone tell me the current owner

    I think that Getitia Matheny still owns Dan. The last time we talked about him, she said he would never leave Buckeye Walnut Creek. She must really love this guy. I have a grandson of Dan, RHA Rangers Irish Creme. I am told he looks just like his grand-pa. This is Bailey as we call him-
  9. Donna


    I do not think this thread is of any new news to anyone. The barns were full of chatter and speculations about what was going on this year as well as previous years. I agree that there appears to have been some kind of political pattern. I did not always agree with the end results either...
  10. Donna

    Well, Rascal is now a gelding

    I paid $500 for a colt in tack, simple surgery. I was quoted $1200 or more to do a crypt here in Va. . I had a crypt surgery done on a colt several years ago that went up into the $2k range. You just never know.
  11. Donna

    supplements/vitamins for pregnant mares?

    I was supplementing my mares with Mare Plus until last year when I had several mares that made Ultra Rich milk that gave the babies horrible belly aches and diareha. The vet said that I already feed a very good food and my hay is very nice, there was no need to supplement. I feed Purina...
  12. Donna


    Ok, but now, case in hand, you are showing this stallion with his wee little one just sitting there, your vet has indicated on paper that he has two because he felt a wee little bit of it, and the judge decides to take a peek and lord and behold there sits the rock all by itself , you get...
  13. Donna


    thats exactly right Jill, I have learned that you need to ask questions, do some research for sure. It is very sad that sometimes it comes down to this. Wanting to be a apart of the Miniature Horse World, owning, showing, buying and selling should always be a pleasant experience, unfortunatley...
  14. Donna


    Let me clarrify Jill, when I said I settled, I settled for what I asked for and nothing else. I only wanted to be fair from the start, not greedy or vandictive. My attorney seeked exactly what I had asked for all along. Since it was obvious that the seller and I were not going to work it out...
  15. Donna


    Like I said, check with a Lawyer. Every state has its own laws to govern. In the state of Va. Jill, where you are located along with myself. I bought a stallion with the full intention of using him as my sole herd sire. With that said and it was understood when I bought him that was the full...
  16. Donna


    I bought a colt as a weanling and to discovered he was lacking. I contacted the breeder and was to informed to give him time. I had the breeder put it in writing that if the colt had not dropped by the age of three , she would replace him for a horse of equal value. I was offered very little...
  17. Donna

    Question about Thyroid

    I have a mare that we thought was going to do the same. Bagged up and all, now she is so fat, and we have had her dry lotted and on ration for two weeks and I am getting worried. I am having the vet out on Friday to pull blood. Will let you know.
  18. Donna

    "Hawk" Toni Reece's main stallion ---

    OH NO! I am so sorry for Toni, and Danielle! This is my Hawke Daughter, Fancy Hawke, we just love her and this years foal, out of NFCs Superman is just as nice. Such a loss.
  19. Donna

    Is this true?

    I to heard the rumor and if it is true, and the proof is there, then I think AMHA should ban all persons responsible from the registry or at least hand down some punishment and also make it public to the members of such a horrific act. To think that if someone did violate anothers personal...
  20. Donna

    Intervet Prestiage 5 in one shot for 5 mo old foal

    It has been my experience to give EWT-WN at age 3 months and then Flu-Rhino at 8 months. I suggest you call your vet for their expert opinion.