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  1. Donna

    Our new colt from Ravenwood

    Very nice! Congratulations Samantha!
  2. Donna

    San Antonio Show results

    Just wondering how the AMHR portion went.
  3. Donna

    How do other people wean their babies!

    Donna, I registered online with the web site Old Farmers Almanac. Every year when the youngest babies are around 4 months old, I look at the Astrological Calendar and posted on the site is the best days to wean, castarate, cut your hair to grow, lots of good information. I take all the babies...
  4. Donna

    Anyone know if the stallion

    I own a grand son of Dan, I talked to Getia about Steely Dan and she said she would never sell him she likes him allot. Bailey as we call him looks allot like his sire and has done well for us. We were thinking about selling him however as we have to many stallions. We did not show him much...
  5. Donna

    I'm devastated and heartbroken

    Ciny, so sorry to hear about your loss. My loving thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband. Find strength in your memories .
  6. Donna

    Show Results

    It takes AMHR to long to post, looking for immediate results, lol
  7. Donna

    Show Results

    If anyone has the results for the show or knows where I can find them, please let me know, Thanks Donna
  8. Donna

    My fight to save Beths Eye is Over

    Sheez Home!!!!! Beth is doing really well, it was hard to see her at first, but I am adjusting. She is still just so beautiful and the gang at NC State fell in love with her. They said they fought over who was going to graze her yesterday, LOL. You really cannot help but fall in love with...
  9. Donna

    My fight to save Beths Eye is Over

    UPDATE for Thursday: NC STATE called this morning with an update. Beth is doing good, she appears to have little soreness around her socket. She greeted the student attendant with a whinny this morning. She is moving about in her stall. Sounds like she is on her way to a great recovery...
  10. Donna

    My fight to save Beths Eye is Over

    Lori, thank you so much for your concerns. She did have some sight for a while,however, this last episode with the inflamation has been smoldering in the back of the eye and of course when I noticed it had flarred up again it had already done more damage. The last flare up was in Febuary this...
  11. Donna

    My fight to save Beths Eye is Over

    UPDATE: THe vet called from NC State and said that Beth is out of surgery and doing fine in recovery. He said the surgery went very well and she should be able to come home on Friday. They will start feeding her Mash tonight and hay tomorrow. I still can't believe this has happened and ended...
  12. Donna

    My fight to save Beths Eye is Over

    Beth and I fought the battle, and we gave it all we had. We have been a team from the very beginning. From the first time I saw her I knew that she was meant to be mine. She was straggley and thin, allot of hair on her skinny frame, but her beautiful head and sparkling blue eye took my breath...
  13. Donna

    ECMHC Spring Fling 2008

    Was there a photographer at the Show? if so, is there a web site where you can view pics. My husband, Buster, took our yearling fillies, Anita and Diva out as well as his gelding Whiskey. Anita took three first in her open class and Diva took two seconds and a third. So he said, lol...
  14. Donna


    I bought a colt at a sale only to find that he was without all his packaging. We were going to geld him anyway, so it was no big deal, did not pay allot for him. We were told the surgery was a bit more in detailed since they would have to literally go in and find the other. We never expected...
  15. Donna

    Uveitis- what to do?

    As some of you already know my beautiful mare "Beth" developed Uveitis last year. It is speculated that her Uveitis was brought on by trauma. She has been tested and was NEG for Leptospirosis. After having been treated over the period of several long months with Topicals and Banamine, Beth...
  16. Donna


    One would think YOUR vet should have known the answer to such a general question, :DOH! especially if your vet is an EQUINE vet. It is not a new concept, "worming horses". I think I would start searching for a new vet. Just my observation
  17. Donna

    Sad news

    Stacey, I am so sorry that you lost this baby. I know what you are going through, my love and prayers are with you. Hope all else is well and looking forward to coming out and visiting, Love Me
  18. Donna

    Horse Business Software

    I use Horse Trak , have for years, it is a very good program, especially if you show, you can keep up with everything right down to your winnnings and gas, mileage, the whole bit. The only thing you need to remember, BACK UP! Always backup! Hope this helps.
  19. Donna

    Update from Feeding Fescue Hay and Foaling issues

    I wanted to let everyone know that has been praying for my mares and their foals that we have had Three Fillies and all have been delivered with NO RED BAGS and No real problems. The Equitox was given in time to reverse the affects of Fescue in regards to the milk Production. I have had to...
  20. Donna

    Your experience with purchasing

    I bought a mare supposedly in foal from someone that I thought was a very good friend, WRONG! I was quoted two prices, one in foal and one open. The seller had her palpated and the so called vet ( a newbie) found all the mares she palpated to be in foal, hense, I paid for a bred mare. Upon...