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  1. KrisP

    WOW my Angel just foaled a lovely healthy boy!

    Congrats on a successful year, now get some sleep for those of us that have a long way to go, lol! krisp
  2. KrisP

    Sharing some of Hubby's art on our Mini trailer

    That is GORGEOUS!! Yep, he's a keeper!!! krisp
  3. KrisP

    Here's Romeo

    Thanks again guys, here are some new pictures, and I know, he doesn't look like a preemie, but there were at LEAST two fences between the mares and stallions at all times last year, no one ever got out (we've had that happen before so really take precautions). And I saw him breed her on July...
  4. KrisP

    Here's Romeo

    These are NOT very good pictures, will get better ones when he's outside, the flash went off and it REALLY upsets his mama! Yes, he was at 292 days gestation, even the Vet didn't believe it, he's amazed he was alive at all. He's bucking, kicking, nursing and pooping and already driving his mom...
  5. KrisP

    Pedigrees In Miniatures.

    NOW with AMHA papers are more important, it still has to be a good horse, the papers are secondary to that. I hope that AMHR does eventually also go with DNA, it will help with honesty. In the last year I've been contacted by someone that has a horse that is supposed to be out of one of my...
  6. KrisP

    Need Lots Of Good Thoughts

    Sending good thoughts and prayers your way for things to go well. I'm glad you got her checked and are treating her, hopefully all will go well. krisp
  7. KrisP

    Need Lots Of Good Thoughts

    Sending good thoughts and prayers your way for things to go well. I'm glad you got her checked and are treating her, hopefully all will go well. krisp
  8. KrisP

    Need Lots Of Good Thoughts

    Sending good thoughts and prayers your way for things to go well. I'm glad you got her checked and are treating her, hopefully all will go well. krisp
  9. KrisP

    291 days and all is well

    Even when you keep a close watch on them they still manage to slip them in! Tonight Sweetie made it to day 292 and was right in front of the house grazing, checked 20 minutes later and there she stood with a baby! :new_shocked: :new_shocked: Alls fine, we've pooped and eaten and we're running...
  10. KrisP

    New appy Colt with Red Eyes

    First, enjoy your little one while he's a baby, this is his fun time. I've had a few ASD babies (before I researched and learned of ASD) we had thought that they were just "simple", didn't realize it was a sight thing, poor little ones. I still have two of my ASD effected mares, they are pets...
  11. KrisP

    It was a filly week at Little America

    Congrats on the nice fillies Tony, and I'm so glad to see the first Dominator grand baby there, we've been anxiously awaiting your having them! She's NICE!! :aktion033: Will go give Domi a hug and tell him he's a Grandpa! (he's about to become a daddy again here any day) krisp
  12. KrisP


    The bears ARE a concern, a forum member lost her mare to a bear a few years ago. Also, since the bear used this barn I'd do all possible to remove the scent of it as it could really upset the mini, I'd clean and bleach EVERYTHING to get the odor out. I once had some people that were new to...
  13. KrisP

    Ladies in waiting, aka, MOOOOOM PUT THE CAMERA AWAY!!

    Thanks guys, they are a bit spoiled and they know it. The scary thing is that they're NOT tiny girls, they're both just under 34" tall, and they're also only at day 288 right now, but I don't think that Sweetie is going to hold out much longer where as Storm is just now beginning to bag...
  14. KrisP

    Mighty Duck..

    Such a pretty girl, you know she can come live here anytime Christine! She'd fit right in~! krisp
  15. KrisP

    Possessed mare ready to pop!

    Hopes she foals for you soon! My girls are actually at only 288 max right now but Sweetie is going to blow any minute, luckily she's one that gets clingy and loving before she foals, she even looks at our dogs like they're her foal and loves on them. Hope you can get some sleep soon! kj
  16. KrisP

    Ladies in waiting, aka, MOOOOOM PUT THE CAMERA AWAY!!

    Sweetie and storm are camped out in the front yard awaiting their arrivals, they are NOT impressed with me right now, they say their condition is ALL MY FAULT Sweetie out like a light, Storm standing watch Oh so stresssed, this is the hard life Yes, Sweetie sleeps this soundly, I got...
  17. KrisP

    Hope in the next two months

    Just starting foal watch here, I just can't take those early foalings in the cold anymore so we don't breed early :bgrin Our mares were pasture bred and are all at a max 286 days as of today but Sweetie is getting very very close. All of these foals are very anticipated, they're out of...
  18. KrisP

    What makes YOUR stallion special?

    Ok, first be warned, I LOVE the boys, stallions hold a special place in my heart and we have quite a few of them, my whole life is basically devoted to our farm and the horses (I'm SO thankful for a loving husband that dotes on me and has let me have my hearts desires). Cody was our first mini...
  19. KrisP

    Ok, It's My Turn - Finally

    He is just the cutest little begger, somehow that name is absolutely perfect for him, I actually giggled when I saw what his name was! :aktion033: Have fun with him! krisp
  20. KrisP

    Maybe I just shouldn't say anything...

    Copying and pasting my response from the other thread: I'm not sure where the information for the red vulva came from either BUT it has been a good indicator for me the last few years on the majority of my mares. We also have a been foaling for many years now and EVERY mare is an individual and...