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  1. D

    Donkey Trots

    I was wondering if your donk had diarrhea or if you were happy it trotted! About 1/2 of our jennets always get cow pie consistancy for a few days during their cycles, so like some people, they just must get icky crampy tummies, as I've never had any problems. Are you sure your girls are bred...
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    What wormer do you use on your mini donkeys?

    I've been using Ivermecting most of the time, and rotating in Exodus (they really like the apple flavor of it) and doing something for tapes once a year
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    My new Christmas gift from hubby

    What beautiful donkeys and a darling baby! I love the jennet's markings - very unusual facial ones. Congrats!
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    Donkey halters

    My favorite ones are the Hamilton brand halters - regular horse ones - that have the brass fittings. They are soft, but heavy duty and very durable. The best size is "Pony" for the adult minis (believe it says average mini donkey on the lable too) and there are weanling and colt (regular horse...
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    Ear Warmers

    Cashel makes masks of all sizes with jersey mesh donkey ears.
  6. D

    Stalling your donkey??

    I'm glad it worked and feel free to ask away! I don't always check this board, so feel free just to email also. It's cold there!!!??? Get to Wisconsin right now! It's 14 freaking degrees and a windchill below 0! brrrrrrrrrrrrrr......
  7. D

    beet pulp, flax seed and boss

    My donkeys get grain with BOSS and beet pulp in it if they need the grain. Like heavy nursing or late bred mares, or anybody under 2 for sure. However, the most they get is 1 1/2 cups PER DAY. That's it, no more. However, my donkeys all get alfalfa. EVERY animal I have here gets alfalfa. But...
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    Stalling your donkey??

    is it working? I bet the little girl is lots happier if you decided to try it!
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    Donkey wight

    This donkey should receive NO grain, NO alfalfa, just pure LOW protein grass hay. THAT"S IT!! Over weight donkeys can die from a condition where the liver gives out, and if it looses weight too fast, it can also die, from the liver has to process too much broken down fat.
  10. D

    Stalling your donkey??

    Any donkey we've ever had to seperate - young or old - simply hates it. They turn into total possesed freaks trying to get back to their buddies. Especially since your girl is quite young, that is making the problem worse. Is it possible to put her in a stall with the mini? We always try to keep...
  11. D

    Drugs react differently on mini and donkeys?

    What we have found with donkeys is when medicating with a drug to "put them out" for gelding or such, they will take more than a horse their size. But it's best to give them the correct dosage, maybe just a TAD more (if their is a scale, like approximating their weight, and you think they may be...
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    Survey For a Miniature Donkey Show

    I'll come! If you move it closer to Wisconsin!! It makes me so mad, we have the Wisconsin Donkey and Mule Assoc., but only have one show here a year. Ugh.
  13. D

    Large mini mule and small mini horse

    I think they would be fine. That's not that much difference in size. But minimule is right, she will cycle and will stand for him. Just so you know too, the odds are like 100,000 to 1, but there are documented cases of molly mules having foals. Usually it is a case like this, where people...
  14. D

    Who's expecting in 2005?

    We only have 2 jennets bred for 2005. Hershey is a brown jennet bred to Coke our spotted jack we sold and she's due March 2 (my birthday!). Dottie is a brown/white spotted jennet bred to a black NLP jack and she's due April-May (bought her pasture bred). I can't wait. Donkey babies are the...
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    New Foster Mini donkey

    Yes, sinking down is very common in mini donkeys. They do that right away from birth. We do LOTS of handling with our little ones to get them over that, all our babies get over that quite quickly with all the handling. The donkeys we've purchased, some do that, and when they are older, it takes...
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    Graphic - Mule taking on cougar

    I posted this comment on the mules only forum I'm on after I received it... The first thing I thought was "wow!" when I saw this. My mules think they're tuff when they chase the barn cats (and killed my best mouser :-( naughty boys). But then my husband pointed out the two hounds in the...
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    Donkeys need help in WI

    Thanks Corinne, any help at all is appreciated. We are gonna take our chance tomorrow morning when taking pics and look them over really well and try to check teeth and stuff. Hopefully the stupid owner doesn't show up! But, I have people wanting to send donations already!
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    Donkeys need help in WI

    I'm copying over a post I have on our local rescue's board. Can anyone please help? WI only requires that animals have food, water, shelter - the sheriff has been out here numerous times. We need to save these donkeys... Here is a sad story. I'm looking to get as much help from any of you I...
  19. D

    I got me some donkeys!!!

    Congrats on your new girls. Glad you are giving them a better life. Just keep checking those udders at least once a day and watch the jennets attitudes. We have had quite a few baby donks here and honestly haven't even caught one jennet foaling yet, where I've watched every horse but one who...
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    Actually, Donkey and mule twin foals are more apt to survive than horse foals. Donkey foals surviving are quite common compared to horses. In the ADMS publication "The Brayer", there is a couple of twin foal stories each year. On the other hand, donkeys do get just plain huge when pregnant...