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    "INTRODUCING" Our New Horse...

    Congratulations on another one of Erica's fantastic horses.
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    Anyone watching the Casey Anthony trial?

    Just got a news report. "NOT GUILTY"
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    Prayers needed for my family! Updated 6-24-11

    You and your family in thoughts and prayers.
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    Just wanted to share my trip back to Oregon

    Glad you were able to make the trip. It is a milestone for anyone to graduate and I am sure your daughter really appreciated your being able to be there for her. And to make time for your friends wedding too. Sorry your mom was in the hospital. Will keep her in thoughts and prayers.
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    WeeOkie Farm Update

    Glad to hear you & your horses survived with no lives lost. Barns, fencing etc can be replaced. I know it will take time but at least you are all okay.
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    Is anyone here familiar with inheritance laws?

    I am not an attorney but I am going through a similar situation. My youngest brother passed away. He had no wife or children and no will. As his sister I am his next of kin. We did have a older brother who is deceased and has one son. Estate is being divided equally between my nephew and...
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    Larry finally has a buddy!

    They are adorable. I think calves are so cute. I have even named a couple in a pasture we go past on the way to town.
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    barn Cat is hurt bad

    Glad to see his is on the mend.
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    barn Cat is hurt bad

    Sorry to hear about your wallet but glad Junior will be okay.
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    Oklahoma Tornado Relief late. I just mailed donations for both of them to Davie yesterday.
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    Rita Jenkins (WeeOkie Miniatures)

    So sorry to hear this news. Wish we were able to do something to help. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
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    Rita Jenkins

    When I saw this topic I was hoping for info on Rita. My husband and I were just talking about her earlier and wondering if she was ok. Keeping her in thoughts and prayers.
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    Just want to thank everyone for all the thoughts and prayers. I arrived home Wed Feb 16th after being in the hospital since Thurs Feb 3rd Feeling better but still have some healing to do. Doctor wants my incision to heal from the inside out so that will take some time. From what I understand...
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    Humpbacks! exciting that had to be. I have seen things on TV and then in person and sometimes there is just no comparison to the real thing. Glad you got to enjoy seeing them.
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    Anyone had to appeal to Social Security?

    I never had to appeal as I took my benefits at 62. If I remember right I would have had to wait until I was 65 and 10months in order to receive full benefits since they were changing the retirement age from 65 to 70 (?) I think. Maybe someone else will know for sure on that age change.
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    What on earth is this..

    Scam Check out this web site.
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    I forgot to drain my water hose today!

    We keep a large heated water tank (55 gal I think) in the barn. If needed, we can dip out of it. Also, frozen water hoses can be put in it and thaw out fairly quick.
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    For those that use the internet through cell phone

    I am not for sure on this but I think if you don't change phones you don't have to sign a contract. You could try it for a couple months and if it doesn't work go back to the way you are doing now. Keep your landline etc till you find out if it will work for you. Also, my understanding with...
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    Stove top griddle

    Thanks Katiean, will look into that one also.