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    The older horses get the apple wafer treats from TSC or carrots. The younger ones especially the weanlings get Teddy Grahams.
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    Registration papers for Nationals

    That's what I thought but after reading that in The Journal and it was written by Jeanne Bragagnini, Chair, Stewards Committee, I wondered.
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    Registration papers for Nationals

    I read in the Journal your registration papers must be current for Nationals. If you have a three-year-old the papers have to be brought up to permanent. I thought since the papers didn't expire till 12/31 you had til then to send in for permanent. Does this mean if I have a horse born April...
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    Final Meeting w/ Pulmonologist Prior To Surgery

    Will be thinking of you and hoping everything turns out great.
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    Farm ATVs

    A few years ago I talked my hubby into buying a Honda Foreman 4X4 with the electric shifting. He really didn't want it but said ok. After we got it, I hardly ever got to use it so we went back and bought a 250. We use them both every day. The Foreman has a speedometer and shows about 1200...
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    I really need some prayers and good thoughts

    Thinking of you and hoping for the best results on your exam and tests.
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    Small Update on the Mini Filly that might be bred.

    Not sure I trust blood tests for pregnancy. I bought a trail horse a few years ago that had a negative test. Three months later we had a big filly on the ground. The seller had blood tests done on two mares, both were negative and both had fillies.
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    1st mini horse

    Yes, we still have our first one. Snickers was purchased in 1999 as a nine year old. Very gentle and was driven in parades for a few years. His rear legs won't let him drive any more but he still gets around good at 19 years young. Also have our second horse, a mare who turned 21 this year...
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    need advice

    Yep, peanut butter is the way to go. At the first signs of mice in our barn, I set out traps and within a month's time caught twelve mice. Lost two traps, never did find where they went.
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    Confused about America's Got Talent

    I started to watch and it was performances from the previous night so I just turned it off. Maybe I missed new talent in the second hour?
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    as the stomach churns

    Happy to see this update. Now you can get on with your future and have a better work environment.
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    I hope you can see this...

    The love is coming through with those pictures. Thank you so much for sharing.
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    Finally I am back

    Glad to hear you are back. Congratulations on the new Apple. I switched over 3 years ago. My only regret, I shoulda done it sooner. I do recommend purchasing the Apple Care. They are very helpful plus if anything goes wrong with the hardware, they fix it.
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    Foal halters- At what age do you first halter...

    The foal we had last year I put a halter on him when he was about three or four days old. Never unattended. When he was about a week or ten days, I put a halter and lead on him and also on his dam. Lead dam around and he just followed. Did that a few times and he was fine with it. Lisa at...
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    2-4 month old orphan rescue

    Hi Shelley, Glad to hear your guy is doing good. Have you named him yet? And I agree with others...we need pictures.
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    Other contact # for Double Diamond Tack

    Were you able to get in touch with Double T? I have two numbers that are different than either of the numbers posted here. I know they are good numbers as I used them within the past couple weeks. Bonnie
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    Who has pets that have really odd habits?

    I have a black lab/collie that when I first go outside in the morning he is right underfoot and I can't walk anywhere until I tell him to sit, then I lean down and tell him to "Give me a kiss" He licks me on the cheek and trots off.
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    Prayers needed for Deserea

    Sorry to hear about Desera. Thoughts and prayers coming your way. Hoping she recovers quickly.
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    An Icelandic Foal is born

    Congratulations..........waiting for pictures
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    Very, very nervous, and even more excited

    Have a wonderful trip and enjoy your visit with your family. Don't forget to take your camera, we expect pictures when you get back.