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  1. M

    NMHC Spring Invitational Miniature Horse Show

    I'll be there. Can't wait!!! should be a great show
  2. M

    Ivermectin Coupon

    Came across thei coupon -- thought some of you might be able to use it: Farnam Ivermectin Coupon
  3. M


    Thanks, Cindy! It looked like it would be legible when I previewed the post! ooops!
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    Long Island (NY) is even more densely populated than Targetsmom's area of CT. Before I will sell a horse to anyone, i insist they check their zoning laws. Think your state is nuts -- try living in NY!!! I have even gone so far as to check myself when i don't think a prospective client has...
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    AMHA Meeting Webcast

    Anyone know how many people are attending the meeting?
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    Mini's Favorite Scratching Post?

    there's a product called an Itching Post that comes in a sheet that you attach to a wall, around a post or tree. it's a hard plastic with "teeth" on it. they have a website if you want to check it out.
  7. M

    Objects of amusement for minis?

    My stallions' favorite playthings are girl horses....
  8. M

    Please Vote for Equine Research

    CBS and the team behind the movie EXTRAORDINARY MEASURES will be awarding $10,000 to the charity that garners the most votes in an online poll. Please visit this link: LINK TO VOTE and look for the horse racing photo. Click on that photo and a 5 minute video about the work of Grayson-Jockey...
  9. M

    Show Management

    Here are a few additions: 1) start on time 2) be consistent 3) be forthcoming with info -- canceled classes, upcoming breaks, measuring times. places, etc. 4) be where you are supposed to be -- not off schmoozing with your friends (and be sure the same is true with your staff) 5) SMILE and...
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    New Colt

    Congrats! He looks like a "mini me" of his mommy!
  11. M

    AMHA Pointed Series in New England

    Hi Missy- I think this is a great idea - the more shows to choose among, the better. Of course by saying that i wouldn't want to compromise any club-run shows in the area and see their entries hurt. There was a time when there were mini shows in our area 3 weekends out of 4 held everywhere...
  12. M

    European Mini Shows

    Thank You!
  13. M

    European Mini Shows

    Are geldings shown in the AMHA shows in Europe?
  14. M

    Ownership/AOTE question

    A bad clipping job won't result in anything but a horse with a bad clipping job. HOWEVER, a bad hoof trim can (and many times does) result in a lame horse, and even a horse who can develop laminitis, etc. I would never encourage anyone who does not have professional training to do anything...
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    Ownership/AOTE question

    And I will be flying in to vote this rule proposal down, too. the whole concept of AOTE is that the amateur owner does everything his/herself. pretty soon we'll see pros showing in the AOTE division if it gets any more watered down. It's flies in the face of what the purpose of the AOTE...
  16. M

    OMG OMG OMG -!!!

    Congrats! It takes a team to get a horse to a win like that - and how nice that you recognized that by also thanking your horse's groom!
  17. M

    World show results

    And SILL no results!
  18. M

    Free Rabies Webinar from The Horse

    I received this in an email and thought I'd pass it along: Free Equine Rabies Webinar: Learn What Every Horse Owner Should Know Lexington, Ky. – September 15, 2009— Rabies is a life-threatening neurologic disease that can spread from horses to humans. Once horses show clinical signs of rabies...
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    2009 Nationals

    I have a question that i haven't seen addressed about the formal driving classes: Are the horses wearing tail pieces in those classes? Their tails look like Saddlebred tails - they go up and then cascade down.