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  1. M

    Question about fly control

    i have had great success with Solitude. Absolutely zero flies in a very horsey area. (As far as i know my neighbors do not use it - and i have horses on 2 sides of me). It's pricey, but worth it to me. You have to start it now (at least in the Northeast) before fly season gets underway. We...
  2. M

    Who had the horse featured in an advert?

    Some of those curls are hair extensions, some of them are his own hair. It took a good 90 minutes of primping to get him looking that way. (the stylists tend to reuse those hair extensions, imagine the "lucky" model who gets to reuse Tomas'!!) Tomas actually liked this model - he usually has...
  3. M

    Who had the horse featured in an advert?

    Yes, it was Tomas, aka What a Folly's Tomahawk. a few of the photos from that shoot are below. He should be appearing any day now in some Victoria's Secret ads... and getting ready...
  4. M

    Senior show horses

    Germel's Abraham, at age 11 was the AMHA Reserve World Champion in Sr. Geldings under 32" (Open) this is a photo of him from earlier that year: Kristina should post something on here about her dad's stallion who won at the World Show as an even older teenage!!
  5. M

    2nd foal of 09 for Sawmill River!!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS on the arrival of a gorgeous filly. But come on -- Shady Lady CANNOT be 19!!!! (Now i feel really, really old!!). Glad to see she is still full of herself - love the pic of her sticking her tongue out at you! That filly deserves a great name!
  6. M

    Top Geldings, then and now

    Well, if we can add retired geldings to the list, i'd have to say my boy, What a Follys Tomahawk (aka Tomas), a 3-time AMHA World CHampion, 2-time AMHA Reserve World Champion and AMHA World Reserve Grand Champion: Of course now that he's retired from the show ring, he pursues modeling...
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    Results of AMHA Meeting

    Thank you, C.A.R.E. -- I appreciate the efforts of your group. Our rules are there for a reason and shouldn't be broken. I liken it to being "a little pregnant."
  8. M

    Free Webinars on Equine Ulcers, Laminitis and more

    The Horse has scheduled a bunch of equine health webinars on topics that pop up here all the time: Ulcers Laminitis de-worming disease prevention. These are inter-active Webinars where you can ask questions of the presenters. they are free and all you need to do is pre-register. Here is...
  9. M

    The foaling mare clip

    Unless the foals are due in May or later, ALL my furry-as-yaks mares get the preggo cut. I know of one breeder who had foals ingest hair and required colic surgery (when just days old!). Better safe than sorry
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    Federal Stimulus Bill Aids Horse Owners

    This applies to horses of ALL breeds, not just Thoroughbreds! American Horse Council Announcement
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    Saturday AMHA General Membership Meeting

    So ALL horses will now be eligible for permanent registration at age 3 -- even those whose papers state differently? Or does this just apply to harshipping??
  12. M

    First foal of 09 for Sawmill River!!!!

    WOW!!! Handsome baby! He has nothiing but mischief in those eyes! Poor Celebrity!
  13. M

    Thank you Northeast Miniature Horse Club & Bonnie!

    Come on, Matt -- what did Pogo say?
  14. M

    Pros & Cons in Leasing out your stallion!

    A few more things to consider: Would you limit the number of mares the lessee can breed him to? Are they allowed to stand him to other mares? If so, do you get a cut of that stud fee? What if they end up breeding him to 25+ mares? Is your stallion young and inexperienced? What if he is...
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    Thank you Northeast Miniature Horse Club & Bonnie!

    OK, someone really has to clue me in on what Arnold had to say!! Hopefully, his new owner will show him a photo of Arnold Schwartzenegger so he knows who he is named after! Maybe then he will like his name! (come on, it's got to be better than "termie," which was the nickname he came with.
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    Gestation Period

    I've had mares go as early as 285 days (and had live, healthy foals) to ......402 days. My mares are *mostly* consistent year-to-year, but not always.
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    Animal Heroes

    I saw your photo this morning when i did my daily "click" on the ARS. Congrats!!!!! I hope you win!
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    Ranch/ farm Tools

    We clean stalls and paddocks with Pooper Scoopers like this one: Scooper Pooper i haven't found a small manure fork that works well -- and I've tried a lot of the "mini" ones.
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    Whinny For Me's First 2009 Foal Is Here!!!

    Congrats on your gorgeous little girl!!
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    New York Rules on Equine Dentists

    I found this on the Thoroughbred Times website. Hopefully, the case will now be dropped! Ruling backs New York’s equine dentists by Paul Post New York State’s second-highest court has upheld a lower court’s ruling that may allow lay equine dentists to practice their trade without further...