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  1. M

    Foal #2 of 2008

    What a sweetie! congrats!
  2. M

    Its a filly!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What a doll!!! Congratulations and have fun spoiling her rotten!
  3. M

    "Style" of presentation in Halter

    Be careful what you wish for!!! Here are some examples of halter horses wearing the Victor-type halters: AND FINALLY, 2 SHOT OF HORSES NOT WEARING VICTOR-TYPE HALTERS:
  4. M

    Using extension cord for a heated bucket???

    Before heated buckets were invented, i knew of some horse owners who used to recycle old insulated coolers. He'd put warm water in them (sans lids, of course). The water of course would eventually still freeze, but it took a lot longer to do so. It's a heck of a lot cheaper than buying those...
  5. M


    Northeast Miniature Horse Club cordially invites you to our 2nd annual A Day with Bonnie Fogg, Animal Communicator A Fundraising Event for the NMHC RESCUE FUND Saturday, February 7, 2009, 10:00am at Mocha Miniatures, the home of Cindy Moses 55 Brown Hill Road, Bow, NH (Inside and Warm!)...
  6. M

    Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!

    Martha and I wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe New Year's!!!
  7. M

    daily dewormer

    That's interesting... I was always told the opposite: that the daily dewormers can help with diarreah. A specialist at New Bolton Center (U of PA) told me that there is an anti-inflammatory in Strongid-C that can help with chronic diarreah. Glad taking your horse off it worked for you. Just...
  8. M

    Silver Dapple Foals

    If you go to this page on my website, you will see a photo of our (now deceased) herd sire, Silver Major, an unclipped silver dapple. Below his photo are ones of his daughter, Bunny Brown and a son, Quick Silver both clipped so you can see the dapples. Silver Major Page Hope it gives you some...
  9. M

    Tomas' Latest Job

    Does Tomas have a celebrity attitude? As long as he is the center of attention at all times, he is as sweet as can be. Otherwise, he can be a tad.....demanding? In other shoots, he has gone so far as hip check the models (and send them sprawling) just as the photographer was taking the pics...
  10. M

    Tomas' Latest Job

    Tomas' latest job was last week for Victoria's Secret. I never had so many male friends volunteer to help me with a photo shoot as I did for this one...I wonder why??? They wanted him in all his hairy wonderment, so he wasn't clipped, just au natural. The photos should start appearing in...
  11. M


    Are entries featuring the boss of the barn allowed?? If so, here's mine.... Martha Millstone of Millstone Farm
  12. M

    Stallions for 2009

    Here are my men: What a Follys Tonto, multiple AMHA World Show Top Ten and Top Ten Producer Millstones All Revved Up What a Follys Casanova, multiple AMHA World Show Top Ten Producer Millstones Sinful Sydney and the little brat, Millstones Mile a Minute, who won't be ready for...
  13. M

    IAMHA Auction going on NOW

    I watched the first 5 horses ell, then had to turn off the monitor. i was getting sick. The horses that I saw sell were really nice. Gorgeous, royallt bred mares in foal to good stallions that the auctioneer had to work his butt off to get to $500. i show fillies bringing $500 or less. How...
  14. M

    IAMHA Auction going on NOW

    The prices are making me sick. These horse should have at least one more decimal point in their prices.
  15. M

    A question about shows and showing.

    The Northeast Miniature Horse Club offers a wide variety of Mentored Beginner Classes (both halter and performance), where beginners are paired with more experienced exhibitors who accompany them into the ring and offer pointers throughout the class. These classes are a great way to break the...
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    AMHA World Judges

    3 of them are among the best judges we have... (but i won't say which 3!)
  17. M

    White horses

    White horses ABSOLUTELY stand a chance in the show ring. This is Tomas, aka What a Follys Tomahawk, 3-time AMHA World Champion, World Reserve Grand Champion and 3 Reserve World Championships, all in halter classes. When white horses are clean, fit and groomed, they GLEAM under the lights:
  18. M

    Bumps, bumps and more bumps

    My pintos do this! I went nuts trying to figure out what was wrong. My vet biopsied the bumps. I disinfected all my blades, clippers, everything. I stopped using the blade wash and sprays - nothing helped. After they break out in the bumps, they eventually pop and you get lovely looking...
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    AMHA's New Judging System

    Using the meathod AMHA employed this year not only saves time in the scoring of each class -- you also eliminate the need to give the judges "potty breaks," since they can now use the time they aren't judging to take care of personal needs. I remember those breaks sometimes adding 30 minutes...
  20. M

    AOTE Sr. Mare Class at Worlds

    It looks like people moved up in the placings. They also have the same horse/Amateur placing both 3rd & 4th.