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  1. rubyviewminis

    Too Mini Shoes

    Too Mini Shoes is the name of my Etsy store. My daughter is an accomplished artist and talked me into starting it. I work on wire wrapping horseshoes with gemstones, beads, and other little things. I really enjoy it and started when I saw them on facebook and decided I could make my own out...
  2. rubyviewminis

    Our cat I painted.

    I just found this forum. Your work is absolutely stunning. I have been searching for two years to find an artist who can do realistic, portraiture. I will one day soon get my Maya I lost painted. She was a beautiful Siamese.
  3. rubyviewminis

    baby chicks EVERYWHERE!

    Thank gawd I am not insane! Right now I moved my foal cam to the banty coop to keep an eye on my banty barred rock hen and her chicks. I couldn't believe she was broody at 8 months and felt bad for her, so I put some of the buff Sebright and white Japanese banty eggs under her since we were...
  4. rubyviewminis

    Sadie the yo-yo's Daughter: Chloe owned by Viola **Update**

    Oh thank you for the pictures and video! She is a little beauty! I love it when babies run around the first time outside. Missy usually has a heart attack so I make sure there is no other horse nearby. She is a doll and Cloe is a perfect name, congrats!
  5. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Lol! 359! I forget who ladyk belongs to.
  6. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Life is almost back to normal with all the tv monitors and wires and camera's back. And as soon as Skye was born, Missy's diet went back to normal (except the fescue mix) just like after foaling Jewel. Such a relief and making life easier since she is happier. Finally completely rested up, I'm...
  7. rubyviewminis

    CMM *Melody foaled a palomino pinto colt on 3/12/14*

    Thank you for the update Diane. We are all thinking of you all the time, because I know if I am, then others are. I keep calling Skye, Summer. Sending you prayers and positive thoughts for full recovery for Summer.
  8. rubyviewminis

    Sadie the yo-yo's Daughter: Chloe owned by Viola **Update**

    Congratulations and yes, you should be proud of yourself! Jewel was a big headed (but beautiful) overdue dystocia and had red eyes for a couple of days. She is a pretty little thing, very pretty! I was so excited for you that I only just now read everything lol! That is EXACTLY what happened...
  9. rubyviewminis

    Sadie the yo-yo's Daughter: Chloe owned by Viola **Update**

    OH! So happy for the outcome for you and Sadie! Congratulations! Take your time, took me awhile to quit shaking lol.
  10. rubyviewminis

    Happy Appy Acres - Sugar **colt 5/2**and Cheerio angel filly 5/10

    OMG! He is a baby doll and so is his mama! Love the pictures! I SO wish mine had grass to roll and sleep on. They are always dirty, filthy, dusty, muddy.
  11. rubyviewminis

    First Attempt To Harness

    Thank you so much! He is a handsome devil. Hope he turns out to be a good driving horse. His little filly is two weeks old today. This harness came from Double TT and they sure were great about everything.
  12. rubyviewminis

    CMM *Melody foaled a palomino pinto colt on 3/12/14*

    I just came in to check updates. Lexi, all of my heartfelt condolences for the loss of the foal. Sending you many prayers for recovery for Summer and you. I am so very sorry, and also so very relieved your pretty little mare is going to be alright. All of us have experienced the fear and...
  13. rubyviewminis

    First Attempt To Harness

    I got my first harness for Masq finally and the weather cooperated enough to get him bathed to try it on him for fit. He was antsy for his dinner, my husband wasn't in a cooperative mood, and I just put it on cold turkey without looking at any of my charts, books, or videos, mainly to see if...
  14. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Our only other foal was in 2010, that is Skye. She's grown a lot lol.
  15. rubyviewminis

    Post and share your 2013 foals!

    How cute! Hope you can post dry pics soon!
  16. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Open wide! Daddy's face all over the place! Yep, that's my little girl
  17. rubyviewminis

    CMM *Melody foaled a palomino pinto colt on 3/12/14*

    Summer, you are a beautiful mare, please let us see that gorgeous baby your hiding! You and Sadie have the spotlight all weekend!
  18. rubyviewminis

    Sadie the yo-yo's Daughter: Chloe owned by Viola **Update**

    Wow, I can't believe how long these mares of ours are going! Come on Sadie, the spotlight is all yours!
  19. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Okie dokie guys lol. Been busy clipping horses, trying on harness, baby foal things and getting the gardens started. Million things going on. So glad you want pictures. I will be happy to do so. I'm trying not to bother lil mama hen right now, and then dh (pick your word!) spilled her water...
  20. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    *snickering* Dan got a large wood crate from his worksite and duplicated our large laying hen coop. It's so cute! He also made a little *house* to go over my hydrant and I put *mini outhouse* on it. Yep, we are strange all right, and I have an added addiction to chickens and ducks.