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  1. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Good deal Renee'. She made me the cutest farm page. Here's my little chickadee's. Looks like the other two will hatch too lol. Last thing I need is more shickens lol. Skye is a doll, and always filthy. I keep her nose powdered and try to keep them in the shade in the day and let them out...
  2. rubyviewminis

    CMM *Melody foaled a palomino pinto colt on 3/12/14*

    Okay, between Summer and Sadie I am in full mode of praying they foal soon for you guys and safely!! Lordy, at least I didn't have to deal with the *signs* of impending foaling! Come on girls!
  3. rubyviewminis

    Sadie the yo-yo's Daughter: Chloe owned by Viola **Update**

    I agree, they love being pregnant and teasing us lol. Hey they all seem to be going long this year so I don't feel so bad. Although it took me 10 days to recuperate from the stress and lack of sleep lol. Hey, Skye was worth it. Darn Missy scared the bejesus out of me.
  4. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Wow this is Fertile Mertile Acres lol. My little *other* mini mama, one of my banty hens just hatched two teeny weeny chicks out! I couldn't believe it! She is so young and broody so I, (being a smart *#$), put some of the extra banty eggs under her to make her happy. Well I was going to...
  5. rubyviewminis

    WE HAVE A BABY!!!!

    Congratulations! He's a little blessing for you, and wow, he is beautiful. Black as black can be!
  6. rubyviewminis

    CMM *Melody foaled a palomino pinto colt on 3/12/14*

    Sending many happy thoughts for you that Summer foals tonight! Boy she is cute, and looks really, really ready. Can't wait. Geez Mary, it's as if they don't want our help or something .
  7. rubyviewminis

    Post and share your 2013 foals!

    How cute! Granddaughters are adorable.
  8. rubyviewminis

    CMM *Melody foaled a palomino pinto colt on 3/12/14*

    I am on pins and needles! Come on Summer! Mary, that is amazing! Lol, congratulations! She must be related to Missy!
  9. rubyviewminis

    CMM *Melody foaled a palomino pinto colt on 3/12/14*

    Yes, I fell asleep and she knew it lol. Oh, no cigarette breaks, and no potty breaks, and keep ur clothes on! I made THAT mistake too thinking I couldn't sleep fully clothed one more night, and my vet was the expert, we all said, no, not tonight. Whammy, she fooled us all lol. I know it's...
  10. rubyviewminis

    Maple Hollow Farms 2013 Foaling Season Complete

    ROFL! For Pete's Sake Freckles! Melinda, Skye needs a playmate, we were thinking of borrowing a little appy colt with a heart on his butt to match her heart on her head.
  11. rubyviewminis

    Magic Marker Minis

    Congratulations! So glad for you both and Freckles on another healthy Filly! Can't wait to see what she looks like and the name you pick out.
  12. rubyviewminis

    Magic Marker Minis

    Diane you are the best horse mommy ever! With my first and thought last foal 3 years ago, a kind, experienced foaler told me the same thing, almost word for word. I went out and bought a $70 camera I couldn't afford, and I camped out watching her from 50 feet away. 2 1/2 months later, I was...
  13. rubyviewminis

    Sadie the yo-yo's Daughter: Chloe owned by Viola **Update**

    Relax, take care of yourself. I have come to the conclusion that sometimes men just don't know how to handle or express their real feelings, or the frustration of seeing their spouses upset. Then when they think we aren't looking ........ And then there are other times I too would like to...
  14. rubyviewminis

    Maple Hollow Farms 2013 Foaling Season Complete

    Oh my! I miss all the fun. I think she is just stunning Melinda! Very refined, and looooong legged. I really didn't know what refined refered to so much until Skye was born. Jewel was a doll baby, but now I know refined baby lol. Congratulations again! Have any idea how tall she is?
  15. rubyviewminis

    Post and share your 2013 foals!

    What beautiful foals you are having! This one is sure marked pretty! Congratulatons!
  16. rubyviewminis

    Blazing Star Ranch: Trixie's filly, more problems

    Congratulations on your healthy fillies. I am so sorry for your loss. I don't know if I could bear that happening to me. Lots of hugs.
  17. rubyviewminis

    Sadie the yo-yo's Daughter: Chloe owned by Viola **Update**

    Sooner! Sooner than 20 minutes! This mare of mine was able twice to sneak out a foal with absolutely no warning in.........what 3 minutes? Maybe 5! I fitted her for a chastity belt today, I can't take the shock anymore lol. Your mare is really pretty!
  18. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Yes Missy and Masq seemed to know what they were doing lol. I was going to catch up on sleep but last night watched two others born. Well one, Waypego's cam went down just as she was going to foal but Sue was there and they had a beautiful black pinto colt. I cant' get anything done with them...