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  1. rubyviewminis

    Huybers Utopia - Nellie and Ladybug Due early to mid april

    Congratulations on the colt I think he is. I was headed to sleep and saw Nellie had JUST foaled! What a cute little one! I just love when they are toddling around the first time! And yes, Missy's is still incognito.
  2. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Thanks so much. Turning in now, had to watch Nellie and her little cutie pie!
  3. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Okay need extra eyes and here is why, I only got 3 hours sleep last night (got a lot done tho) and she was out running around and bucking and feeling good in those winds today. Well, tonight she has more edema in front of the medium bag, like a big hard grapefruit on one side, a little across...
  4. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Hahaha. Her V went back up a tad, and rounded again, not unusual considering last pregnancy. But, does that indicate a foal not in position again? Very windy again so she will probably stay in more today. She has in and out privileges. I have my binoculars even tho she is 80 feet away. She...
  5. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    time to faceplant in bed at 2 am. missy eating and dozing. Night all.
  6. rubyviewminis

    Sadie the yo-yo's Daughter: Chloe owned by Viola **Update**

    I have the trophy on mares walking all the way from the far end of their lot, through their sand pen, and into the stall to pee. Yes, Missy's only flaw. But we love her anyway, even though I get really irritated.
  7. rubyviewminis

    Maple Hollow Farms 2013 Foaling Season Complete

    I can't believe I missed another! You have quite the assembly line going lol! Congratulations on your new baby! I am taking the laptop down to Missy so she can watch your mares foal.
  8. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    I am going to be doing updates and will have the cam down. Then visitin' Missy. She has a definite V belly just since this morning! Hope I can stay up tonight.
  9. rubyviewminis

    Maple Hollow Farms 2013 Foaling Season Complete

    I saw how bad the weather is your way, so sorry, hope it clears up soon.
  10. rubyviewminis

    Pacific Pintos Miniature Horses 2013 Foaling Year

    Oh Rats! I was clipping Missy and then bathed the hair off and THEN she foals! I missed it by not much, but just peeked and nearly died laughing! All I saw was Diva, then a little white head on this side, then a little tail and butt on the other side of her lol. Congratulations! Lots of...
  11. rubyviewminis

    Huybers Utopia - Nellie and Ladybug Due early to mid april

    I knew he was all legs! Now I feel like an autie after watching him enter the world. What a handsome doll he is, and I love the name! One of my fav movies.
  12. rubyviewminis

    PlayTime Minis - Finished for 2013; See you in 2014

    It is 90% of the adult length at birth by close estimates on any horse breed. They do quit growing at 6 to 18 months of age. That makes sense everytime I see a Quarter Horse newborn lol.
  13. rubyviewminis

    Maple Hollow Farms 2013 Foaling Season Complete

    It's later, where are the pictures! Uh well? Come on Melinda, you slept long enough.
  14. rubyviewminis

    Maple Hollow Farms 2013 Foaling Season Complete

    OH you guys lol! I missed another one here!! You know, you need to quit hogging the limelight. Now I need to go see what a newborn foal looks like. I forgot. CONGRATULATIONS!
  15. rubyviewminis

    CMM *Melody foaled a palomino pinto colt on 3/12/14*

    Dove is really a pretty mare, I agree! What lovely pictures you took of her!
  16. rubyviewminis

    Pacific Pintos Miniature Horses 2013 Foaling Year

    Hope your foaling is easy and fast for all your mares. I had to look Diva up because she looks so unusual in black and white. Wow, she is a gorgeous mare!
  17. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Thank you Aunties! I woke early to a beautiful sunny yet freezing morning lol. Got some sleep, but woke to a blasting headache. Coffee took care of that. I have been busy watching our latest tragedy in Texas. God bless all were hurt and their families. Hoping Missymama foals today. Hey...