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  1. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Cassie, my text messaging is blocked for now. I have too many phones I am paying for lol. I try to check here and Marewatchers, but the 'puter isn't in view at night, I watch Missy on a big television with another barn cam, and I try to peek frequently on a few other friends and...
  2. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Rats, my fault. Sue McCoy called and let me know. I accidentally clicked it off earlier, brought it back up I thought. But I had 5 pop ups on my screen and Missy in the corner and didn't notice the encoder was off. I was too busy watching foals foaling lol. Thanks guys. Thanks isn't...
  3. rubyviewminis

    Huybers Utopia - Nellie and Ladybug Due early to mid april

    Yes, can't wait to see pictures of him. As soon as that little head broke out of the sac, I thought wow! He is a big guy and very handsome!~
  4. rubyviewminis

    Huybers Utopia - Nellie and Ladybug Due early to mid april

    Congratulations on your beautiful colt! She painted him very pretty!
  5. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    teng she is 33 inches exactly. She loves to have her tail primped and have her mane combed or fingered, but lord help you if you even think of a braid or banding in her mane at all! We just had some children visiting and they were all over Missy. Missy LOVES children! I'm getting scared now...
  6. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    We have changes!! Just in the last two hours the edema moved into her bag (didn't feel like much) but when I looked at these pictures I thought, Wow! Medium bag, and its not fluctuating. She always means business when it comes to her udder lol. This is what I have been waiting for. Think I...
  7. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    *sigh* the same. I was watching another mare foal last evening and keeping an eye on two more with Missy, then I pass out asleep so I get behind on here. I must say that I can't say enough good things about Marewatchers! I can fit up to 6 barn cams on my screen to watch, as we watch for each...
  8. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Well, Missy really wanted lovin this afternoon, and she is favoring her left hind, I think a nerve is being pinched there. Her haunch was quivering and the foal was doing gymnastics on that side. He tummy is slightly lower.
  9. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Okey dokey. Need to go annoy her anyway .
  10. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Hahaha! Me too until I ended up here. Course we are in the far northeastern area. Las Vegas area, well from Reno across and down it is very hot. Hot desert, and up here a high cold desert. But last summer nearly killed me it was so miserably hot! I did no training or much fun with the...
  11. rubyviewminis

    Glitter - angel colt 4/21

    Can't wait to see her baby!
  12. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Since I missed the posts yesterday, I now have to wait HOURS for wine o'clock today. Been watching her most of last night and this morning. She doesn't know what she wants poor baby. Throwing hay seems to be a favorite pasttime, redecorating. That edema is very hard and hot feeling, but...
  13. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    I wasn't watching much the last two hours, just now I saw her yawning. Has anyone else seen her yawning today?
  14. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    True. Not too far in the distance is an Equine Dental Colledge in Idaho. But we are pretty remote, I tried to get one here many times, its just too far from civilization. The two vets I have now are very knowledgeable, and they take the time to practice on the side of caution, and learn with...
  15. rubyviewminis

    Glitter - angel colt 4/21

    Lol, no, no foaling tonight unless mama bags up. Poor baby, her teeny udder has so much HARD edema in front and around it, I very gingerly felt this morning and she is very cooperative, but it feels so hot and hard. Bet it is tender! I don't dare try to get anything out to test. We went...
  16. rubyviewminis

    Sadie the yo-yo's Daughter: Chloe owned by Viola **Update**

    Ha! Touchy touchyt. I thought I was the only cheapie frustrated with stall waste! Missy will walk, sometimes trot ALL the way from the far end of her little 1/2 acre lot, to go into her stall to pee . I experimented once and dragged a mat out into her big pen and closed the stall door, and...
  17. rubyviewminis

    Glitter - angel colt 4/21

    Missy is the same, I can't wait actually to see the little package Glitter is hiding. Hope she foals in the next 24 hours for you. We just musent have both foaling at the same time. Need to concentrate on one at a time and give each mama their individual time in the spotlight
  18. rubyviewminis

    Missy Day 358 Tovero Filly Updated Pics Page 27!

    Awh, thanks guys. Darn it snowed last night, but snow or not I might be running to the stall in socks or slippers lol. Diane, most of the time she absolutely detests sloppy yet warmed beet pulp, pellets, cubes *rolling eyes*. I have even tried cold water. Once in awhile she likes it, but I...
  19. rubyviewminis

    Glitter - angel colt 4/21

    No! No you have to wait, no fair lol! I woke up to snow! Glitter!