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  1. NewToMini's

    horse suddenly lame?

    Still doing good. We've had another freeze since then, and she looked like she may have been a little sore, but not at all lame (maybe not even sore, she could have just been walking carefully over the rutted ground)
  2. NewToMini's

    Hoof supplements?

    Here's her progress after a month. I can't tell if there's any improvement yet or not
  3. NewToMini's

    horse suddenly lame?

    She's doing better now.
  4. NewToMini's

    horse suddenly lame?

    Still barely limping (sometimes not at all today), and the ground was frozen this morning. I think she pulled a muscle or something, but I'm going to keep watching her to make sure she heals from whatever it was.
  5. NewToMini's

    horse suddenly lame?

    I ended up letting them all out, she wouldn't leave the gate, and started thinking about jumping it (one time she tried, but decided not to at the last second), even while I had the Mini's in. She was barely limping today, but the ground didn't freeze last night, it just firmed up a little.
  6. NewToMini's


    To make the round pen, you can stack the tires straight up, putting t-posts in the middle of each stack to help hold it. Or kind of stagger them, but you'd probably have to fill them with sand to stabilize them. Or maybe stagger them with t-posts (make a circle with the tires, put a t-post in...
  7. NewToMini's

    horse suddenly lame?

    She wasn't lame before, just swollen. But yes, it's the same horse. The ground was muddy until last night when it froze. It's thawed now, but will freeze again tonight. She's barely limping now, but I'm still going to try and stall her tonight if I can. I bought hay and closed in the barn for...
  8. NewToMini's

    horse suddenly lame?

    Forgot to mention, she was trimmed a week and a half ago.
  9. NewToMini's

    horse suddenly lame?

    I cleaned her hoof and checked for any problems I could find, her hoof looked normal and she didn't flinch when I lightly tapped her hoof with the hoof pick (I tapped in several places). I didn't see or feel any swelling on her leg, and didn't notice any heat. I didn't check her hoof for heat...
  10. NewToMini's

    horse suddenly lame?

    My horse (13hh Arab/quarter) suddenly came up lame this morning. She's limping pretty bad and doesn't want to put much weight on her right front leg. It's cold today and the ground is frozen with lots of little bumps from when they walked in it when it was muddy, so I don't know if it's just...
  11. NewToMini's


    Jumps or a round pen
  12. NewToMini's

    (chronic) Inflamed legs with no lamemess, cause?

    I don't think you can tell in these pictures. The one in the old halter is the day after I got her, and you can kind of see the swelling. I noticed her legs don't look swollen at all in most of the newer pictures I have of her (including a couple of pictures from before her winter coat started...
  13. NewToMini's

    (chronic) Inflamed legs with no lamemess, cause?

    I'll have to check her legs tomorrow, it's dark now. I have her on 24/7 turnout and just started her on grain a couple weeks ago (she gets 4 pounds a day, and she's 13hh, guessing around 700 pounds). I haven't really noticed her legs being swollen in a while (I don't know if it's gone, or if her...
  14. NewToMini's

    (chronic) Inflamed legs with no lamemess, cause?

    The lump is right above her fetlock, I think. She was in a stall when I went to look at her, and the girl I bought her from said she was keeping her stalled at night (I came in the evening, though). She said the horse's legs were swollen when she bought her about 3 months before (she had a vet...
  15. NewToMini's

    (chronic) Inflamed legs with no lamemess, cause?

    I bought a Quarter/Arabian cross about three weeks ago (only 13hh, so not sure if she's technically a pony or a horse). When I was looking at her, I noticed her back legs were swollen, mainly her fetlocks, but up to her hocks. I had just lunged her at all three gaits (both directions), and saw...
  16. NewToMini's

    Hoof supplements?

    I went with Horseshoers Secret. My options without buying online were either that or Dumor hoof. The Horseshoers Secret had a lot more nutrients, so it's what I decided on. I will start her on it tomorrow, and take pictures of her hooves so I can keep track of her progress (and share it with you...
  17. NewToMini's

    Hoof supplements?

    I'm thinking about starting my mare on a hoof supplement. Her hooves grow slowly, and they kind of self trim by chipping, so they never get long, and the farrier says they're not bad, every time he comes out (but he does do a bit of trimming). The problem with that, is she has one hoof that's...
  18. NewToMini's

    Adjusting stirrups on Western saddle?

    Thanks guys
  19. NewToMini's

    Adjusting stirrups on Western saddle?

    How do you measure the right stirrup length of Western saddles before getting on the horse? I ride English, but I don't have a girth right now, and just cleaned up an old Western saddle that I used to use before I took lessons. How do I know what length to adjust the stirrups to before I get on...