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  1. NewToMini's

    what color would you call her..try to put her parents pics as well.

    As for your girl, Angee, she is a pinto (color of Paint, but Paint is a breed and pinto is a color). She looks grey to me, her face isn't quite black. So grey pinto, if you ask me (I'm guessing tobiano if you want a little more specific on the pattern, but I'm not great at this kind of stuff, lol)
  2. NewToMini's

    what color would you call her..try to put her parents pics as well.

    Magic Marker Minis, Jill knows that. She said the black and white one is the dad XD
  3. NewToMini's

    Face abcess

    She's still acting normal. Her appetite went down right after the vet came, but she's eating like normal again. The abscess is looking better, the scabby stuff fell off really nice yesterday and it stopped stinking, it was also a healthy looking pink color under the scab and I think the...
  4. NewToMini's

    Face abcess

    I can't really tell if she's getting better or not :/ She's not getting worse, though, so that's good
  5. NewToMini's

    New horse

    I can feel fat over her ribs now! I feel like that's a huge accomplishment, lol. She still has a ways to go before her weight will be good, but at least she's just 'regular skinny' instead of 'scary skinny' now
  6. NewToMini's

    New horse

    She's starting to get friendly now She was a grump butt when she first got here, lol. The other horse is still chasing her around and kicking her, though
  7. NewToMini's

    Face abcess

    Miniv, that's what it is. She did eat it when I mixed them with honey and a crushed treat in the Dewormer tube. She actually enjoyed it and thought it was a treat, so that was a huge relief! Since she likes it that way, that's what I will continue to do, and needing to give her two tubes of it...
  8. NewToMini's

    Face abcess

    He gave me pills. Told me to crush them and mix them into her feed. Do larger syringes have larger openings? I have both 3mm and 6mm syringes and the openings are too small.
  9. NewToMini's

    Face abcess

    I could try the molasses, thanks. I assume I would have to get baking molasses? I only have blackstrap and it doesn't taste good to me, so I wouldn't want to give it to her, lol
  10. NewToMini's

    Any donkey savvy people out there????

    Congrats! I think you can upload videos onto YouTube and then post them here, but I don't know if you can post videos directly here. Can't wait to see the pictures!
  11. NewToMini's

    New to Minis, Lots of questions

    Misty'smom, your barn is beautiful ❤ Shamrockmommy, what are your plans for the shelter? I would highly recommend putting stalls in, they are so useful even if you don't think you'll need them. And for fencing, I like the board idea. I have a filly who doesn't respect the electric fence very...
  12. NewToMini's

    Face abcess

    She doesn't like the antibiotic. Took 1 bite of it last night and decided she was done, so I put honey in it and she wouldn't even try it. This morning I tried giving it to her again and she ate a little but wouldn't eat all of it. I broke up some treats into it, and she ate it, but she did dump...
  13. NewToMini's

    Face abcess

    I don't think it would help, unless I did it every day for forever. It's not a pocket in her gums that needs to heal, it's just a gap between her teeth. Yeah, he got the needle in her artery, but then she wouldn't let him touch it, and it ended up on the ground so he had to change the needle...
  14. NewToMini's

    Face abcess

    She's 9 years old. The vet just left. We had to twitch her so he could sedate her (twice).He cut the whole covering off the abscess, then cleaned it and checked to see how deep it was. Unfortunately, it went all the way into the sinus. There was a blockage in her sinus so the saline didn't come...
  15. NewToMini's

    Face abcess

    Thank you for the instructions. I do have veterycin to use if it's better than peroxide. The vet is running late, but I will definitely update after he's been here
  16. NewToMini's

    Face abcess

    I don't have clippers. And I've never heard of foxtail, not sure it grows around here
  17. NewToMini's

    Face abcess

    Her abscess busted today, it drained partially but not completely. I tried to pour (too squeamish to syringe...) the peroxide on/in it, but I was worried about it getting in her eye, and she wouldn't stay still, so I sprayed veterycin in it. I will go out again in about 30 minutes to check on...
  18. NewToMini's

    Face abcess

    The dentist doesn't have a mini sized thing-that-holds-their-mouth-open, so he had to just feel her teeth with his hands. It's not open enough to flush with anything right now. The vet did say to use a syringe without the needle and syringe some peroxide in it, before I told him that the holes...
  19. NewToMini's

    Face abcess

    I have some vetericyn, would it work better than an antibiotic ointment? He was saying that abscesses on the cheek are often caused by them biting their cheeks if their teeth are too sharp. She had her teeth done in June (by someone else), so she would have had to have bitten her cheek before...
  20. NewToMini's

    Face abcess

    My mare has a face abcess I noticed a hard bump on her cheek a month or so ago, so I looked through old pictures, and she had it in August, too (barely). Last week the dentist came out, and I had him look at her, and he couldn't tell what the bump was. Today, I got her out to go for a walk, and...