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  1. NewToMini's

    New horse

    Here are the side by sides from today. Left and top is the day I got her.
  2. NewToMini's

    New horse

    2 week progress. She's starting to look like she's gaining weight, and her back is starting to fill in slightly. Her bones are still easy to feel, though, and it's still kind of shocking how thin she is when I run my hands over her ribs, withers, and shoulders. How much more weight should she...
  3. NewToMini's

    New horse

    She also got a new halter and lead a few days ago, and I bought her a bridle from the Equine Affaire yesterday (along with a really cute hoof pick)
  4. NewToMini's

    New horse

    I've watched her eat her grain a few times now. She takes her time to chew it thoroughly. I did increase her portion a bit, and today I had to feed an extra flake of hay, gave them some soaked hay cubes, and let Star (don't think I've mentioned her name yet, so that's her name, lol) in the yard...
  5. NewToMini's

    New horse

    I put the hay outside on the ground because the horses are all out in the pasture together. She doesn't scarf her hay, so the only reason to get a slow feeder would be to avoid them wasting it, and I haven't had the extra money so far.
  6. NewToMini's

    New horse

    She loved her grain. It sounded like she was eating it too quickly, though (could have just been from the metal on her halter hitting the bucket, making it sound like she was eating faster - I wasn't watching her). Will she slow down when she realizes it's something she's getting every day, or...
  7. NewToMini's

    New horse

    I got her grain and joint supplement today. They didn't have safechoice senior, so I got sentinel senior. It was a couple dollars more expensive, so hopefully it means it's better grain XD
  8. NewToMini's

    New horse

    I'd rather start out feeding her too little (worst case scenario, she keeps gaining weight very slowly) than to start out feeding too much (worst case scenario, she colics, and could die...). So I think I'll use your advice to start with just a cup of feed morning and night and work up from there
  9. NewToMini's

    New horse

    Thanks for the tip on how much grain to start her out on. I was planning on starting her at a pound per day and working up to 2 pounds, but I was concerned that starting at a pound would be too much. I will be getting her grain tomorrow and starting her on it Wednesday morning.
  10. NewToMini's

    New horse

    Here are some side-by-sides. Left and top is last week, bottom and right is today.
  11. NewToMini's

    New horse

    So it's been a week. She's only been eating hay and grass, and I can't tell if she's gained any noticeable weight (though it has only been a week, so maybe I shouldn't see change yet). But here are some update pictures.
  12. NewToMini's

    Removing ergots

    I think if they're taken care of regularly, they're easy to just peel off. I've heard to use baby oil to soften them before peeling, but haven't tried it
  13. NewToMini's

    New horse

    I made a small pen in the yard to let her graze on better/longer grass. I plan to let her graze in the yard for a couple hours per day. I don't know if letting her graze this way will actually help her get more calories, but at least it makes her happy and will get the yard mowed down a bit XD
  14. NewToMini's

    New horse

    She got her teeth done today. She did really well for it and was really calm (only part that even fazed her was the thing holding her mouth open, and she just backed up - once he took it out of her mouth she just stood there for the rest of the floating). She needed tarter scraped off her teeth...
  15. NewToMini's

    I need to run to a Feed store, but what do I need?

    Straw shouldn't hurt her. It doesn't have much nutrition in it, but I don't think it will cause problems.
  16. NewToMini's

    I need to run to a Feed store, but what do I need?

    You can either feed on the ground or in a holder. If your dirt is sandy, it's best to not feed directly on the ground (can lead to colic). There are a lot of options... I think the hay pillow ( looks interesting, and it...
  17. NewToMini's

    I need to run to a Feed store, but what do I need?

    Hay is just dried grass, so it's the replacement. You will be feeding enough so that she's just barely finished it when you give her more (best to feed twice a day).
  18. NewToMini's

    I need to run to a Feed store, but what do I need?

    And a paddock is a small pasture. Big enough for the horse to run around a bit, but not big enough for galloping or to provide enough grass for the horse.
  19. NewToMini's

    I need to run to a Feed store, but what do I need?

    Get a horse-specific grain. Sweet feed isn't good for horses, and especially not for minis (too much starch). Something low-starch would be best, I feed safechoice (I believe they have a mare and foal feed), but there are other brands that may be better. There will be instructions on the back of...