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  1. NewToMini's

    New bit

    Thanks for the information about the bit wraps, Chandab! I was thinking about using honey, but wasn't very enthusiastic about the mess it would cause.. Also, not bit related, but I'm using an old Dewormer tube filled with honey to give the horses as a treat every night. I can now administer the...
  2. NewToMini's

    New bit

    I got a bit for my riding horse today (French link full cheek snaffle). She currently won't take a bit (she does have a Dr cooks bitless) but this one looked perfect to teach her that bits are ok, since it's pretty mild (I think?). I am, however, concerned about the metal hitting her teeth and...
  3. NewToMini's

    Miracle's starting to get a little porky...

    Took 8 wheelbarrows full of dusty dirt and manure out of the barn this morning (just got a new wheelbarrow after not having one for over 6 months) , I was exhausted afterwards, so I sat down with the minis for several minutes while they napped. Wondering if I should just shut Miracle in during...
  4. NewToMini's

    Miracle's starting to get a little porky...

    I was thinking about the safety of a grazing muzzle, since they are essentially halters with a basket over the nose..... There's also a chance the filly could get a hoof stuck in the straps (she jumps on her mom and tries to rough house). I didn't even consider that it might stop her from...
  5. NewToMini's

    Miracle's starting to get a little porky...

    What kind of cotton sheet would I get? What are they called? Do fly sheets work for that?
  6. NewToMini's

    Miracle's starting to get a little porky...

    She gets a decent amount of exercise during the spring and summer. I'm leaning towards keeping her in the barn during the day... Would the trees be enough shelter for the other 2 (the larger pony doesn't like the barn, anyway, she's claustrophobic, and the minis can get in the little shed in...
  7. NewToMini's

    Miracle's starting to get a little porky...

    Chandab, thanks for the feeding guidelines refresher. I was thinking that a 250 pound horse needed 1 pound according to the minimum guideline. I guess I can reduce it to 3/4 pound now
  8. NewToMini's

    Miracle's starting to get a little porky...

    She weighs 250 pounds. I give her grain because she's on a hoof supplement, and I figure she may as well get a full serving so she gets all the vitamins to stay shiny and dark (she's smokey black, so she fades really bad, and the mini feed is high in copper). The mini feed is the closest thing I...
  9. NewToMini's

    Miracle's starting to get a little porky...

    So, spring has just started, and one of my minis (Miracle) has come out of winter just as big as she was going in. She was sightly overweight going into winter, which I liked, so she would have an easier time staying warm, but now it's spring, the grass is growing, and she's still a bit...
  10. NewToMini's

    'Saddle' bags for Miniature Horses??

    Thanks for the tip
  11. NewToMini's

    'Saddle' bags for Miniature Horses??

    I went to the tack store to look around today, and they had a large nylon horn bag that would be perfect. I didn't look at the price tag, but it didn't look too expensive. They also offered me a job while I was there XD Full time with regular hours, so definitely better than what I have now. I...
  12. NewToMini's


    Thank you I do usually carry a whip, (sometimes more for protection from dogs, though, when we're just going for a walk) this was the first time I forgot to bring it.
  13. NewToMini's

    Heavy mane?

    I'll try undercutting it and see if I like it. Is it easier to do with scissors or clippers? I've been doing everything with scissors, but I'm wanting to get clippers to make them look better. There's just so many other things I need or want for the horses that seem more important, lol
  14. NewToMini's

    Heavy mane?

    My mare has a really thick and heavy mane. When I got her last year, it was long (hanging a few inches below her neck, and the weight of it pulled her crest over and created a 'dent' in front of her withers (like a ewe neck), I cut her mane off to make her more comfortable and so her neck could...
  15. NewToMini's

    'Saddle' bags for Miniature Horses??

    Regular saddle bags might work. Would they be too big, though? I don't really know how big saddle bags are, lol
  16. NewToMini's

    'Saddle' bags for Miniature Horses??

    It wouldn't be holding anything heavy. Just a long rope, possibly water, and maybe a sandwich or book. Just to make it so I could walk her to the lake (only a mile away), take it off her and put a longer line on her so she can graze while I eat lunch or read a book. I don't need anything fancy...
  17. NewToMini's

    overseeding feild in spring

    Until I get a new wheelbarrow (the wheel falls off the one I have now), the manure will either sit on top of the dirt the way the horse's left it, or will be harrowed to break it up so it decomposes faster. Picking it up isn't really an option right now, so harrowing is the next best. And once...
  18. NewToMini's

    Welp, Saturday was eventful!

    A trainer shouldn't charge too much for the problems you're having. But you really need the trainer to train you, not the horse. This is simply a respect issue, and while training the horse will help for a while, unless you learn how to handle her, her behavior will come back.
  19. NewToMini's

    Putting weight on rescue minis

    Alfalfa should be good. It has extra protein and calories, and it tastes better, so it might help them gain faster.
  20. NewToMini's

    overseeding feild in spring

    Haha, that's probably how it will go