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  1. S

    Yet another update on donkey with lump

    Traci, Thanks for the update on your little girl. I was hoping it was just a sarcoid. I'm with you all on the maggot issue...blah!!! We had a mule get a nasty cut on her jowl last year and we used the Farnam 3 way salve. It has a pain killer, too and that cut healed with NO scar. It is an...
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    Animal Communicator

    Well, those of you who have had this experience probably understand more but for those who have not witnessed this, it is something to see and hear. I had heard from friends that watching the animals while Bonnie works with them is interesting and I'd highly recommend it if possible. You're...
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    anyone ever just ride in the trailer to see

    Like most, I have ridden in there for the benefit of one of our equines. I once rode from nothern Illinois to west of St Louis with a very nervous Arab mare who had never been trailered in her 6 years prior to us buying her. It did help her to have me there but it sure didn't help me much! It...
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    Animal Communicator

    We had two of our long-earred girls talked to yesterday and it was amazing! I was out near their corrals on the phone and watched them as Bonnie "talked" with them. When she checked teeth on one, the mule was moving her lips and mouth as though someone had their hand in there. As one got a...
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    Our new girl!

    I'll bet Gracie is enjoying her nice fluffy bedding rather than her icky damp place she WAS in before you got her! Now, she'll want to foal!! Good job getting her out of that situation! StarWish/Colleen
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    Update on jennet with strange lump

    We have a gelding donkey who is about 5yrs old and he has a ping-pong ball-sized growth under his jaw which is pretty firm. We had our vet, who is a very good donkey expert, check it and he said it was nothing to worry about and to just leave it alone. There was also a recent article in one of...
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    Looking for Pedigree info

    Steph, MGF is McRoberts Game Farm in Nebraska. We have some donkeys from there, as well. The owner is Jerry McRoberts and he has a website. Just do a search on McRoberts Game Farm. I hope this helps, too. The Donkey Tree will give you a great pedigree. StarWish/Colleen
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    What are the diffences

    no, no baby yet!!! She is so crowded inside that her diaphram can't help her do her big heehawwww!!! Poor thing! Kim R. Kim, I keep checking to see if you have "news"! That's pretty sad when she can't even complain like she'd like to do!! LOL! I know, our jenny was the oddest shape, not like...
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    Photos and descriptions of Harmony's

    I also have information and pictures for building a pony, donkey and cob size cart using motor cycle wheels. It is to big for minis. Harmony OK, Harmony!!! Now, we need those details for those of us who also have the bigger donkeys, etc.!! PLEASE???? You are a generous, ingenious...
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    What are the diffences

    Kim, No baby yet? Darn, don't you just go crazy waiting? I'm thinking of you... StarWish/Colleen
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    Pushy Donkey

    She wants to be "The Main Donkey!" These are insanely jealous animals, we've found. It is not uncommon to become the filling in a donkey turnover in our pasture! They surround us on all, no, me!!! Young donkeys can be very mischievous and have a shadow of ears back and here I...
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    When will he put his eeee and ahhhh together?

    LOL!!! We have a very verbal group here so our jennets have learned to talk pretty fast from their moms! Our youngest jennet is now a yearling and she has a very screechy scream! At a show in March, she was in the barn but all heads on the bleachers outside turned when she voiced her dismay at...
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    What are the diffences

    Kim, our jenny's tummy did not drop like our mares' do and her udder didn't get as big as most, either. I'd say the non-stop walking was our best cue. She didn't bite at her sides nor did she lift up her back legs as though in pain, either...they can really endure pain w/o showing it!!! They...
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    Easy Entry Cart/Wagon

    Harmony, I would also like to see how you did it! Could you post it here? Thanks, StarWish/Colleen
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    What are the diffences

    KIm, it sounds like your jenny is about ready to foal! Do you have other donkeys? They are great tattletails and will let you know as soon as the bag breaks! If she is your only jenny, I'd say just to keep an eye on her. They are very stoic and don't show pain/discomfort like a mare will. Ours...
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    Does anybody make/sell draft style mini harness?

    Yes, Minimules is correct on our source for the team spotted work harness. We are the ones she referred to in her post. Troyer also sells the collars you will need for this type of harness. They can tell you how to fit a collar/getting the right size, too. At the last auction in July, it sold...
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    My mules

    Cute picture and I'll bet your dad loves it, as well! They all want to be his "main mule", huh? We need to see your new little palomino mule, Wylie again! Starwish/Colleen
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    Mini donkeys how small??

    On the dwarf issue; someone told me the donkeys don't have dwarfs because they have always been little animals. Because people have "helped create" the mini horses by breeding down, there are sometimes flaws because we have "messed with" nature and that cause the dwarfs. I'm not sure how...
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    New DOnkeys

    Hey, Tracy! We're all very happy for you, I'm sure! These longears are pretty addictive because they are SO sweet! Here's to lots of ear scratching in your future! Corinne, good luck w/you next acquisition, too! LOL!!! You know, we're all sick here, don't you? As my husband and I justify our...
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    Pics of Maestro after taking 1st in Mini mule

    Maestro is even better looking in person, believe me!!! StarWish/Colleen