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  1. S

    Bragging Rights

    Shoot, Shawna....I'm beginning to think that everyone has quit showing up with jacks because Kilroy always beats them! He is SOOOO nice! Are you taking him to the Denver Stock Show? He sure would have won this year and probably would next year. StarWish/Colleen
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    Introducing S H Charley II

    Your new boy sure is cute! Congrats! StarWish/Colleen
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    Donkey Lovers

    LOL!!! Boy, are you safe in asking THIS group if you should get a mini donkey! All of us who are "donkeyholics" are here!!! Of course, we'll tell you to "go ahead"! I agree with everyone else's answers thus far. Don't worry about him not being handled much...he'll be all over you as soon as...
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    The Pet Donkey

    Great story, thanks for sharing it with us! StarWish/Colleen
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    Rescued Donkey Pictures

    Corinne, You are a TRUE rescuer!!!! It's SO nice to know she will be safe and well-cared for now that you have her in your care!!! Thank goodness for people like you. Hugs to you. I swear they know when they have been saved! Kiss her for us... StarWish/Colleen
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    Look at that SHINE

    WOW!!! Looking GREAT!!!!! How could Maria resist that Kilroy now? She'll be able to see herself in his side! StarWish/Colleen
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    Bishop Mule Days in CA

    Hey everyone! I hope all is going well for all of you and your "kids"! We went to Bishop Mule Days for the first time and it was a BALL!!! There are donkey and mule classes and minis were represented but not many were there The setting is beautiful and the facilities were nice. All of the...
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    Winter Fun pictures...

    MeadowRidge, He's WAY too cute!!! Now, we need updated pics! I love the looks on his face!!! StarWish/Colleen
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    I should introduce my self!

    Welcome, Jody! I LOVE your baby's picture!! We are currently awaiting a baby...our first mini donkey foal. We live in NM and have mini horses, 2 riding mules, a Haflinger and recently added the mini donks. There are some very nice, knowlegeable people on this forum and it sounds like you will...
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    Newest edition to our Longear herd

    Minimules, He is the absolute CUTEST!!!!! Kilroy and Angel did a great job, huh? Hey everyone...if you can believe it, he's even cuter in person!!! StarWish
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    How many have mini donks and horses?

    Welcome spottedrj! Gee, how have you guys in OH kept the sweetness and affection-loving nature of donkeysand mules unknown? Actually, why do LOTS of people not know all of the GREAT things about donkeys and mules? We've all heard the "bad" things... So, I guess it's on your shoulders to...
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    On the racing mules issue...yes, they are out of thoroughbred mares, at least the ones here(NM) are. A member of our Rio Grande Mule and Donkey Club has the current "fastest mule" in the country. He brought some of the race videos to a meeting for us to see. We thought it was sort of funny that...
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    Donkeys waxing?

    Ashley, Thanks, that info would be very useful if I knew when she was bred...pasture breeding drives me crazy! I'm not sure the previous owners knew when their jennets were bred since one was supposed to be due in Jan and she still hasn't foaled! StarWish/Colleen
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    Interesting article in the Brayer

    OK then, Minimules...we'll have to fight over who gets to do the Jerry Springer show first! LOL!!! StarWish/Colleen
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    Donkeys waxing? they will make it "interesting", too, huh? Does anyone know if they have as many problems foaling as the mini horses seem to have? Thanks for the reply, Corinne! StarWish/Colleen
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    Donkeys waxing?

    Sandy S., Thanks for the reply. This jenny was pasture bred before we got her and we were told she is due in April but her dam was supposed to be due in Jan. according to the breeder, and she hasn't foaled yet! So, ... I was curious about whether they are more like standard donks or like...
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    Pics of My Donk Project Girls

    Well, Jim, are they in your house yet? I was just wondering how the girls are doing now...HA! StarWish/Colleen
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    Donkeys waxing?

    OK, you donkey breeders...what do I watch for when they are getting close to foaling? Do the croups soften, do they wax, vulvas enlarge???? Thanks for further info. I've never foaled out a donkey before... Hey, Minimules, JenJen is getting there but we're not sure how soon! I think I saw the...
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    Interesting article in the Brayer

    Oh great, Minimules! Now, I have to worry about Bucky(mini stallion)actually reaching big Katie(mule)through the fence!!! HA!! Right now, he wants Mary(Haflinger) bad! We're going to be on Jerry Springer yet! When we lived in MO, we had a "mule guy" for a vet and he used to tell us about mules...
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    Donk Project, The Girls Are Home!

    Jim, Your new girls are SOOO cute!!! Good for you!...and them, of course!!! StarWish/Colleen