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  1. S

    Donk Project, The Girls Are Home!

    Jim, I LOVE happy endings...or is it happy beginnings in this case? You are a good person to help these girls out like you have done. Now, we all just have to worry about Charlie but it sounds like you are working on that, too! Take care; there needs to be more like you. I'm sure they know...
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    We have to share our news!

    ...and your donkey kids are SO happy about that!!! StarWish/Colleen
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    NOT FAIR-Having this mini donkey forum!!!!!

    shminifancier, Thanks so much for sharing the article! HOW FUN!!! Too bad there aren't more people who are so connected w/their animal kids! StarWish
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    We have to share our news!

    Welcome, Hugadonk/Nelda!!! I'm glad to see you finally made it on this board as you will be a benefit w/all of your donkey know-how! Thanks for the congrats for Gabriella! Now, she has a big as well as very fuzzy head! LOL! OK, out because she was the main carrier of...
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    Donkeys on Equuisite today

    The post for the 2 donkeys was for yesterday's contest. Today, there is one jennet in the contest. StarWish
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    We have to share our news!

    shminifancier, Hugging her is GREAT!!!! I'm glad you feel like you could do that. Thanks for the compliments. I'll tell her what you said! StarWish
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    NOT FAIR-Having this mini donkey forum!!!!!

    I'd like to see the article... StarWish
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    NOT FAIR-Having this mini donkey forum!!!!!

    shminifancier, I loved your post and your pictures!!! Thanks for the laughs! It's good to know we're not alone in this craziness!!! StarWish
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    We have to share our news!

    shminifancier, Yes, those 2 were way cute and today, our little Gabriella is in the contest representing the donkey world! StarWish
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    We have to share our news!

    Dear Aunt Minimule, Mom gave me an extra hug for you but I NEED MORE!!!!!! Love, Gabriella StarWish
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    We have to share our news!

    As Minimule said, we have our first one in August and it's on the 21st. Then, we have our State Fair Mule and Donkey show which will be Sept. 3rd this year. Last year, Minimules' jack, Kilroy, won the Grand Championship for all sized jacks at the State Fair! I'll tell you this because his mother...
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    NOT FAIR-Having this mini donkey forum!!!!!

    qtrrae, I'll tell you that I think you could have ONE since they would have other mini company BUT, they are like the horses; you'll WANT more! Gee, since you are in a nice grassy area, what's a FEW more??? Our minis are a bit shocked at cattle, too. These guys didn't cause a stir at all...
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    NOT FAIR-Having this mini donkey forum!!!!!

    qtrrae, ...and yet ANOTHER one is inflicted w/donkeyitis!!! My friend warned us that it happens easily! We are now the proud parents of 4 and one on the way! This is in one month's time! If you think you want one now, wait until you MEET one! The good news is that our 10 mini horses get along...
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    venting over mini mare

    4MyMirage, You are Jewel's angel, for sure! As with everyone else, I am between tears and goosebumps and ANGER!!!! Is your Animal Control/Livestock Board good at taking abusers to court? This is why we can't sell any of our "kids"...what if they somehow wound up in a situation like this? Thank...
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    Donkeys on Equuisite today

    Boy, we donkey people are getting our share of spots on that site lately!!! Gabriella is on there today. These kids are so photogenic! StarWish
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    We have to share our news!

    MeadowRidge, You ought to come down here for one of the Mule and Donkey shows! They are SO fun! If you are a business, it's TD(tax Deductable)!!! I'm sure Minimules and I could show you around. StarWish
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    We have to share our news!

    Aunt Minimule, Thanks for voting for me! I miss you BAD!!! Mom and Dad say you can't come and hug me for a while because of some bad thing named "work". I hope you get over that soon. I'm looking forward to having you hug and kiss me again. Gabriella, StarWish's daughter
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    We have to share our news!

    qtrrae, Thanks to you, too!!! I think she told me to give you a soft little nuzzle for her! She does that to us when she wants attention...well, that among other things! We are trained to respond to many cues!!! StarWish
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    We have to share our news!

    Marnie, THANKS so much for the compliment! Gabriella sends wooly hugs to you! StarWish
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    We have to share our news!

    Bear/Kay, Having been in Education, especially, that bus wreck sounds absolutely horrible! Those kids who survived will need some counseling. That's SO sad... We used to go to the furniture makers in Bowling Green and they would send us to relatives for other items. Now that we are into...