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  1. S

    We have to share our news!

    Bear/Kay, Yup, we used to ride our motorcycles a lot up in your area. Do you ever go check out any of the Amish communities and all of their neat products near Bowling Green? As we remember it, the weather people are hardly ever correct there!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that it gets nice...
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    We have to share our news!

    MeadowRidge, Gee, we were almost "neighbors" when you were in OK! Do you miss living there? Minimules is coming home to see her kids next weekend but then, she has to go back to TX for a while longer... StarWish
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    Sandy, I am still laughing because our little Gabriella, always has one sprig of hay hanging from her mouth, too! As if the faces aren't cute's just a finishing touch! I love the face and the name!!!! Hug her for us!!! StarWish
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    We have to share our news!

    MeadowRidge, Yes, Minimules is in TX right now because of her job! It is NOT what she would prefer, simply because she hates being away from her "kids"! Once she retires, she'd like to move to TX, though. You wouldn't be the first person to come for a visit in order to escape their cold...
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    We have to share our news!

    MeadowRidge, Yes, we are friends of Minimule. She is a WONDERFUL mom to all of her mini kids! That's one reason we are such good friends. Actually, I think you have complimented some pics of my horses who were/are pictured on the forum by CharmedMinis. It is our 2 boys who she uses for her...
  6. S

    Donkeys on Equuisite today

    Bear/Kay, I just voted for them right before I came on this site. I love the look on the face of the one with the ball!! FUNNY!!! StarWish
  7. S

    We have to share our news!

    Thanks, Bear/Kay! Hey, we used to live in Wright City/Troy area! So, how's the weather there? We are now in New Mexico and it's MUCH more animal and people friendly weather. Too bad we didn't know each other then. StarWish
  8. S

    We have to share our news!

    Hey everyone, our 3 month old mini wooly jennet, Gabriella, will be in the "Today's Pictures" contest on on the 26th. So, MeadowRidge and others who want to see this little wooly girl, you can see her there! If you think the picture of her is cute, you should meet her in person...
  9. S

    How many have mini donks and horses?

    Minimules, Thanks for asking about Maria and for the "welcome" to the forum. Maria is doing well. She sure didn't like getting her WNV shot today, though. Horse cookies helped her get over it! StarWish
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    French Poitou Donkeys??

    MeadowRidge, Quantro is a 1/2 brother to the dam of our baby! That's his summer picture, too! Imagine a "winter" coat!!! StarWish
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    French Poitou Donkeys??

    MeadowRidge, Sorry if I gave the impression that that was my's not. McRoberts Game Farm is where some of ours came from. One of our jennies has a dam who is long-haired and our baby jennet is long-haired. If I knew how to send pics, I sure would. She is WAY too cute! You have to...
  12. S

    French Poitou Donkeys??

    To see these French donkeys and long-haired minis check out: We have a long-haired baby right now and her hair is at least 5" long! The kids down our lane love to come over and "style" her stripe as they brush her! HA! StarWish
  13. S

    How many have mini donks and horses?

    Hello, Group! My friend, Minimules told me you all were here. This is great news! To answer the current question, we have 10 mini horses and now, 4 mini jennies(one of those is pregnant) AND, we have a Haflinger and 2 riding mules. StarWish