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  1. picasso

    Have you ever added an awning to your trailer?

    We also have an awning on our LQ trailer and our 3 horse with tack room one. We love them. Makes a nice shady place to sit or a place to stay out of the rain. The horses also appreciate them when they are tied to the side of the trailers. And yes I have had to sit out in the sun while the...
  2. picasso


    Welcome from Kentucky!!!!!!
  3. picasso


    Here fishy, fishy------115
  4. picasso

    We are back on Mare Stare for the 2011 foaling season

    I have one mare that hopefully is in foal. I put her in the barn yesterday and she is on Mare Stare. She would be due next week at the earliest. Was hand bred. So far no bag, but she didn't make one last time either. Hope all your foaling goes smoothly!!!!!
  5. picasso


  6. picasso


    Okay let's go fishing. My guess for Monday is: 5
  7. picasso

    I'm just running a tad bit late!!!! LOL

    Just wanted to share our All Star Results. So proud of "The Boys". Thank you to Mike and Judy Workman for letting the boys come to Kentucky to live. And a super special thank you to John Rimmer for all the work you have done training these two boys. Remember all the "extras" are "in the fine...
  8. picasso

    Early spring?

    We had geese on the pond this weekend. However, it is really putting down the snow today. I sure wish Spring would hurry up. I have so had it with this winter!!!!!
  9. picasso

    Photographers at 2010 R nationals and A worlds

    The photographer at R nationals was Washburn Photography. Don't know the world one.
  10. picasso

    New Scam using Lennie Bertrand's name and email

    I know it happens every day. I just thought it was pretty comical and thought other people might also find it funny!!!! Especially anybody that knows Lennie.
  11. picasso

    New Scam using Lennie Bertrand's name and email

    I get to work this morning and check my emails first thing. There is one in my quarantine summary from Lennie Bertrand (Bertrand's Miniature Horse Ranch). So naturally I have it delivered and open it since I know Lennie and have shown at his place several times. Apparently, some one has...
  12. picasso

    processing times on paperwork?

    They are usually pretty quick, BUT this time of year with all us procrastinators they get alot of paperwork all at once. So it will probably take a little longer right now.
  13. picasso

    Office Closed

    Can you please share the new website address???? I must have been the same place you were, cause I didn't know it had changed either. LOL LOL
  14. picasso

    Our first 2011 foal is here!

    He is very nice. And you weren't kidding when you said he was big. LOL LOL How tall is the sire?? How tall do you expect him to mature?? He is a big boy!!! Your mare is beautiful. I love the 3rd picture down in the first post of them. That is great. Congratulations!!!!!
  15. picasso

    Comment by 'picasso' in media 'IMG_7259.JPG'

    Pretty, pretty!!!!! Look at that green grass. Makes me want spring even more than I already did. LOL LOL
  16. picasso


    My guess for Friday is ............#160
  17. picasso


    My guess for today is: 140
  18. picasso

    Where to order a Graber show cart

    Not sure on the shipping charges. I live close enough that we have just gone and picked ours up. I am sure if you give them a call they can give you an idea. I do know that they ship them. They are nice people.
  19. picasso

    Where to order a Graber show cart

    I order mine directly from Mr. Graber. As far as I know he doesn't have a website, but he will send you a brochure with the info in it. His phone number is: 812-636-7725 (home) or 812-890-6526 (cell). If you call the home number more than likely it will be his wife that answers but she can...
  20. picasso

    HUGE thanks to Picasso aka Donna Phillips

    You are very welcome, Connie. I enjoyed being an Elf for you. Your wish list was easy. Especially the candles. The flavors you listed are my favorites, so it was like shopping for myself. LOL LOL Again Robin thank you for all the hard work you do each year on putting this together. I was...