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  1. picasso

    Area 1 & 2 Roll Call

    We'll be there Desiree!! Look forward to seeing you. Who else of your crew is coming???
  2. picasso

    Our first show!!

    What show are you taking him to?? I am sure you will have a great time. Just remember the best part of showing is having fun!!!!
  3. picasso

    Body clipping questions...?

    I hate to disagree, but you won't be disqualified if you use a 30 or 40 on the face of a shetland. I use 50's on their muzzle. The rule is that you cannot "razor" a shetland.
  4. picasso

    Gracie Lost Her Battle With Cancer

    So sorry to hear. She is beautiful
  5. picasso

    need advice asap

    We had two quarter horses that did that one time. I thought they were dying!!! We had them in the trailer and the floor was literally wet under them. Were fine a few hours later.
  6. picasso

    Area 2 show

    We are planning on going to Ashland. Really like that facility!!!!!
  7. picasso

    When purchasing miniatures on line

    Be VERY, VERY careful. Bought one horse on line without seeing it in person. Actually did see a video. Was absolutely not what it was supposed to be when I got it home. Will absolutely never buy another horse without seeing it in person. Learned my expensive lesson very well.
  8. picasso

    Tranquilizer questions

    I have to ask "why no ace"?? I have not ever heard this, so curious to learn more. Thanks
  9. picasso


    I'll be there with 2 driving horses. One country pleasure over and one pleasure driving over. Looking forward to starting the show season there.
  10. picasso

    High Mountain's first foal and maybe only foal for 2010

    Fastrack: The dark patch is just a place of darker brownish hair. When he was first born I just thought it was wet. But it's not. Mona: His eyes are light blue. Skin around his eyes is pink. Thanks everybody for looking at my little boy. I may have him tested, but at this point I'm not...
  11. picasso

    First 2010 foal at Circle J!

    Congrats on your little one. Really, really cute!!!!
  12. picasso

    High Mountain's first foal and maybe only foal for 2010

    Announcing High Mountains Stop, Drop and Roll (pending). He will be AMHR and AMHA registered. He was born at 12:35 Wednesday morning. Text book delivery. Thanks to 2 ladies on Marestare I was there just as he was born. Would like to have opinions of what color he is???? I am not good with...
  13. picasso


    Laura Tennill has some articles on her website about clipping that you might find interesting. There is a place on the left of her home page that says "informative article". She has diagrams and everything!! Wish I could make my horses look as good as Laura's always do.
  14. picasso


    Cute, cute!!! Congratulations
  15. picasso

    Our first 2010 foal at Eagles Ring Farm

    Very very cute boy!!! Congratulations
  16. picasso

    He's HERE!!!

    Congratulations on your new boy. You will really enjoy him when he gets here. Praying for a safe and speedy trip home for him. He looks really nice in the picture.
  17. picasso

    My first AMHA show

    The main thing is just relax and have fun!!! The rest is just icing on the cake.
  18. picasso


    Beautiful little girl. Congratulations!!!
  19. picasso

    Want to set up a farm monitoring system - Mare Stare?

    Call Heather at Marestare. She is super helpful and knowledgeable. Made it so easy to set ours up this year it was unbelievable!!!!!
  20. picasso

    Whinny For Me Farm's First 2010 Foal

    Congratulations Jill she is absolutely beautiful!!! Hope your eye doctors appointment went well.