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  1. R

    What is your LEAST favorite miniature horse color....

    any appy color is my least favorite whether it is in the minis or the big horses
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    pedigree lookup

    looking for pedigree of mare named LONG BRANCH MINDY LOU thanks in advance
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    looking for info on stallion

    i am looking for some info on the stallion ARIONS MAGNUM P I. basically his offspring and any show info thanks
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    opinion on mare and foal

    please look over this picture and give me an honest opinion on this mare and foal thanks charles
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    need help in posting some pictures

    could someone help me in posting some pictures i need the forums opinion on. thanks charles
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    pedigree and produce lookup

    could someone please lookup a pedigree and produce record of Van Lo's Dell Tawnee Dawn she is also LWO Positive thanks in advance charles
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    Jinx Pictures

    I think i would breed again 16 is still young. i have bred my thoroughbred mares as old as 24. because they were rather uncontent if they did not have a baby and would try to steal the foals from my other mares. So i would go ahead and breed her and try to get another baby from her as most...
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    pedigree lookup

    could someone please lookup the pedigree of SUNDANCERS RISING STAR THANKS in advance
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    produce record

    could someone look up the produce record of this mare she is A/R registered CHICKADEE RIDGE OBSESSION thanks for all the help charles
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    pedigree lookup

    bumping back up need more info
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    pedigree lookup

    could any forum member look up the pedigrees on these horses French Broads Shooting Star, AMHA Chickadee Ridge Obession, AMHA & AMHR French Broads Almost Golden, AMHA & AMHR Timber Ridge Dancing Doll, AMHA i know this is a lot to ask but it will be greatly appreciatied charles
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    pedigree lookup for mare

    could someone please look up the pedigree for Chickadee Ridge Afternoon Delight. thanks in advance
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    all racing thoroughbred are tattooed on the inside of thier upper lip why not brand them that way plus it is hard to change. and would not be visible to the judges
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    looking for stallion

    if i am not mistaken Tony from Little Americas has a stallion by Glenns Southern Rogue. I think Traveller is the stallion that is by him. hope this helps charles
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    soats lil cricket

    could some one lookup the progeny of SOATS LIL CRICKET, a friend of mine has a daughter of his and i think i recently read that he only had two daughters that are producing foals still. Her mare is a sorrel mare and is 18 years old thanks charles
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    What's wrong with SILVER???

    I can understand this too! As I don't like the appy color, i think it has something to do with the mottling areound the eyes and nose just to me makes them ugly. but that is just my opinion as i have seen rather loud colored leopard apps that are outstanding individuals
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    amha/amahr pedigree lookup

    needing the pedigree looked up on amha or amhr not sure which one she is registered with her name is Dream Weaver's Touche' thanks in advance
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    AMHA look up

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    AMHA look up

    could someone look up int eh amha studbook the pedigree of LITTLE DABALDOYA THANKS IN ADVANCE CHARLES
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    amha lookup

    could someone look up the pedigrees of these horses they are registered with the AMHA CIRCLE A RAMBO BRUCE'S LITTLE STAR thanks in advance i know this take time it is deeply appreciated charles