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  1. Echo Acres

    towing trucks, need opinions

    Tought I would add my experience with trucks. I was always a ford person had everything from a F150 to a F350. Loved the F350 it was gas with I believe a V10 in it. I got what I thought was good gas mileage for a big truck. 12 hwy and about 10 towing. Then I met my fiance and he is a dodge...
  2. Echo Acres

    Jolly Balls

    We use the larger Wal-mart ones as well. Our horses really like them. They are very light and easy for them to push around but yet I have not lost any that fly out of the fence. We have cattle panels and live in a very windy area. I wouldn't bother with a handle, most of ours don't use them...
  3. Echo Acres


    I do our own. Unlike the others though, I have not bought or paid anything. Right now I am using the freewebs. Yes I do get a little advertising box that comes up, but every time I have been on there it is nothing bad. Right now it just isn't practical to pay for a website because we don't...
  4. Echo Acres


    We will be there stalled with Longman miniatures. We will have 6 horses there. Arriving late on the 9th and staying till the 18th or 19th. I believe Adam has some neat things scheduled at our stalls so come on over and check it out.
  5. Echo Acres

    need show turnout advice

    I am not good at razoring so I tend to do the body in a 10, the head in a 30 and then the nose up to where the show halter will go and one width over the eyes with the 50. We have done this and been just fine. Then we put baby oil gel on the nose and over the eyes where you clipped. This...
  6. Echo Acres

    Body clip opinions

    I kind of think personally that people go clipping crazy for nationals and I suppose worlds (never been to worlds) I was told to clip the horses a day or two before they show in a 30 for this. I have done both a 30 and a 10. But I can say that at nationals they seem to grow hair like crazy...
  7. Echo Acres

    Miniature World Showcase Magazine

    We got the notice in the mail today as well as our refund check. It was a great magazine in many aspects. You couldn't beat the color, quality and articles. We always looked forward to getting it. No explination of why, sad to not be getting it any more.
  8. Echo Acres

    Major Life Changes at Dusty Lane

    Wow Jean, I am sure that it will be a major adjustment for you! In the past 5 years that I have been involved with the minis I have met some incredible people, you included. It is hard to see a lot of them getting out of minis, for various reasons but I totally understand. We get older...
  9. Echo Acres

    Texas Vet Board response to public hearing

    I am a little confused after reading this. To me it is in support of only vets doing the equine dentistry. I have a hard time with this as some vets have no clue as to properly do the procedure. I hope that all works out for Carl. He did a great job on our horses and would let him work on...
  10. Echo Acres

    Still have not received any Journal

    Yes it was. They are such wonderful people. They let my son show Rapidash last year in driving thru the season and at nationals. Also Phyllis (a retired teacher) helped my son with his homework at nationals. I felt so bad when Rapidash got sick and they couldn't do anything for him. They...
  11. Echo Acres

    Still have not received any Journal

    Just got mine today. I used to be so excited when the journal came, but when it comes and everything is so outdated it is just not the same. I do still enjoy reading it, just not as much as when the news is more recent. Several of us put an ad in remembering a terrific show horse that passed...
  12. Echo Acres

    Double Diamond

    Jana as much as I totally understand, I am sad to hear you will not be at nationals. I already had a list started of what I wanted to pick up from you down there. I think you guys have good tack for a good price. We will miss having you there. Wish I lived closer for your sale.
  13. Echo Acres

    Double Diamond

    I seen on the sales ad that Double Diamond is selling out (horses?) and revamping their tack. I had no clue, can anyone fill me in on what is going on? Very interested in the tack part since we shop there quite a bit at nationals. Any information would be helpful. Thanks
  14. Echo Acres

    ATTENTION please, I'm proudly announcing ...

    Congratulations Tina! You do a nice job showing him and I am happy to hear you earned your well deserved HOF with him. Congratulations on the Equine award as well. Good luck to you on the MMHC super gelding award this year. Just an extra plug for you, he has won this award many times in the...
  15. Echo Acres

    Mare not letting stallion breed again,

    I am new at breeding, so can't say a whole lot from experience. But we bred an outside mare last year and she did the same thing. She was a young mare though and had never been bred before. We really questioned if she got bred. I bred her the 1 time when she came in, never bred again since...
  16. Echo Acres

    Hunter/Jumper Minis

    I am sure she is fine, usually very busy. They might be getting ready for a show. You might have better luck trying Bob's email. He checks it more often.
  17. Echo Acres

    Hunter/Jumper Minis

    I am surprised that Yaddax from the forum has not responded. They do a lot of this and most of their horses are trained for it. Otherwise check out thier website
  18. Echo Acres

    MI family fighting to keep mini on 3+ acres!

    For us we had to get a livestock permit for our big horses. But livestock here is considered by pounds (1200lbs is 1 livestock) We were told the miniature horse is not considered livestock but if someone got really crabby and faught it we basically could say it was a 4 or 5 minis per livestock...
  19. Echo Acres

    coat bloom

    We use wisk on all white areas of our horses when we bathe and you would not believe the difference in the white. We get so many compliments on how white our horses are. Just make sure you rinse it out really well like any other shampoo. We don't use it on the faces. We personally have never...
  20. Echo Acres

    Limited Acerage Questions

    Our paddocks are 38x40 (I am guessing) or something like that. I have 2 or 3 minis in each. When I first moved here I was concerned that the areas would be too small. Not the case. All of our horses run and play and have a great time. We do have an 8 acre farm, but have other animals and...