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  1. H

    Picture on Equusite

    My picture was choosen to be on today 12/23. Please be sure to check it out and vote. Thanks a bunch.
  2. H

    Went to PetSmart to Visit Santa

    HMMMM..... I guess I need to press enter in between each picture. Sorry.
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    Went to PetSmart to Visit Santa

    Well, all that practice paid off. I have been training the donkey to get in the back of the car for a week. I took him to a park close by as a first ride. It's weird, he will not get into a trailer(I'm talking about two men have to pick him up and place him in there, he hates trailers), but...
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    Ear Warmers

    I have seen ear covers/fly nets for large horses to keep the flies out of their ears. Do they make them for mini domkeys? They would sure work great as ear warmers if made with a different material. Does anyone know of any ear fly protection for mini donkeys or even horses? Thanks.
  5. H

    How long until they drop?

    How long does it usually take for a mini jack's testicles to drop? Mine is a year, all my horses usually dropped by now, is it longer for donkeys? Thanks, Susan.
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    Yeh, I'm new here. I have had a great time learning with this site and forum. I got a mini donkey for Christmas. I got the papers to register him and didn't even know he already had papers!! The breeder gave them to my boyfriend and he forgot to tell me . I never knew there was such a...
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    Are race mules out of thoroughbreds? Never heard of race mules. Is it big in some places?
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    It is under the Tattoos, Brands, Markings on the application for registration. It says note star or collar buttons. Another question-What are Race Mules? Thanks, Susan.
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    Gee, I must have stumped everyone on this one.
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    I got all the papers to register my mini donkey. I was looking through the descriptions and saw "button". What and where is a button on a donkey? Thanks, Susan.