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  1. R

    Golf Carts at R Nationals

    I'm not sure where you can use them, but this is a quote out of the AMHR National Show Premium Book: No Scooters, Rollerblades, or Motorized vehicles will be allowed in the barns or in the commercial areas
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    More Rule changes--to AMHA World Show Judging System

    The only two possible questions that I can see about this rule would be: 1. Did the LOC submit the proposed rule change before the end of the 2007 Meeting as required? 2. Did the Board have the power to implement the rule change sooner than January 2009? If #1 was done, then the rule appears...
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    Do you geld during fly season?

    Rita, I have had several horses, even mature ones (4, 5, & 12 yrs old) gelded in summer. It may not be the ideal time, but I had bought them as stallions with the intent that they be geldings, so I didn't want to wait and deal with a stallion for the rest of the summer. The vet didn't seem...
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    POLL COMMENTS - Use this to make comments about Poll

    McBunz, I am also curious when anyone has ever used the 'Base of the Withers' as a 'measuring point'. But, since some people have said they knew all about it... I thought it was only fair to put it as an option. But, if anyone who answered they knew about for a while would like to come on...
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    POLL COMMENTS - Use this to make comments about Poll

    I was just informed that I left off a category on the Poll for an answer. It had to do with which registry you are associated with. I left off AMHA/AMHR (equally)... sorry, that was just an oversight, I was trying to get everything and missed that one. Since AMHA/AMHR (equally) is not an...
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    POLL COMMENTS - Use this to make comments about Poll

    Please post any comments you have regarding issues in the Poll to this topic. Thank You. R3 (Julie Miller)
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    Poll - AMHA Measuring - BOTW - Read Before Voting

    I have also started a regular (non pinned) topic for anyone that wants to make comments. Please do not post to this poll, but to the topic started for Poll Comments. Thank You. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am aware that...
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    Swimming pools and your Children

    If you are afraid of her drowning, I would not put a pool up at your house. Why risk her drowning on your own property? Children, can and do, drown in backyard pools, even when they have responsible adults that are supposed to be watching them. It only takes a minute for a child to slip out...
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    I may have gottedn fired from my job today

    Try to calm down for now. You will see things a little clearer when you are feeling less upset. Unless you want to give up your job, it doesn't sound like you have been fired yet, and that you can go back, if you want to. One blow-up on your part, considering the pressures you have been...
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    Base of withers measuring technique

    I don't have a horse around where I'm currently living, so can't give this a try yet, but I can visualize what you are saying. However, isn't this method of determinining the location being done by feeling of the musculature that shapes the back? I thought we were supposed to be easily finding...
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    I would like to know how many people feel

    I do not know if I have the right 'spot' for measuring at the base of the withers. If I decide on a spot for a particular horse, then I could measure at that spot all day long. The problems is that I don't know if someone else would pick that 'same' spot to measure on that horse. And, I can't...
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    Let's Discuss "Base Of The Withers" measuring....

    Gary, I am truly sorry if you feel I am arguing with you in any way, or that this is 'personal'. That was never my intention, and I haven't taken any of it 'personally'. You posted an idea, I commented on it. You specifically asked me about my comments and I replied. I figured it was rude...
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    "Wild Bay" What is it?

    I have a driving team of bay mares. I think one of them would probably be considered a 'wild bay', the other a 'normal' bay. The Wild Bay: The Regular Bay:
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    Let's Discuss "Base Of The Withers" measuring....

    HGFarms, I totally agree. Measuring at the TOTW, the BOTW, or the LHOTM makes NO DIFFERENCE if people want to cheat. When I proposed the TOTW measurement, I even prefaced my remarks with the fact that it would not 'help' the measuring controversy, because the reason we have problems is NOT...
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    Let's Discuss "Base Of The Withers" measuring....

    I just found this tid-bit on another topic, but since the subject matter is the BOTW, I thought I'd copy their quote and my reply over here too. My reply...
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    Let's Take a Look at AMHR Now

    I’m not sure exactly how a discussion of the Base of the Withers (BOTW) got into this topic, but I would like to explain my comments (posted in a totally different topic). And, just for reference, I have known horse conformation for 40+ years, but I am not too proud to say that I have never...
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    Let's Discuss "Base Of The Withers" measuring....

    There is nothing 'wrong' with a 34" horse; it is a miniature horse by all definitions. Many people like the taller horses; that is their preference. But, the premise of AMHA (and AMHR) is supposed to be to try to breed for the smallest, perfect horse, not the most perfect horse that will stay...
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    Let's Discuss "Base Of The Withers" measuring....

    I guess I’ll have to say it again. I DID NOT SAY, “…SO MANY may have been confused”, and I did not say that was the reason that the BOTW passed. I based MY OPINION on the comments of ONE couple who said something like, “we preferred the BOTW to the TOTW”. I gave two possible interpretations...
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    Let's Discuss "Base Of The Withers" measuring....

    Mary-Lou, Yes, that is the feeling I got from one couple that I spoke with, but it could be that I just interpreted it wrong. They said something along the lines of, "of the two, we liked the BOTW better." But I think statement should also be combined with the fact that a lot of people wanted...
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    Let's Discuss "Base Of The Withers" measuring....

    I understand the idea of the 'margin of error', and IF people were needing it for horses that didn't exceed the maximum, then it would be OK. But, I think in practice, all it would do is 'add' that much more to the maximum height of the horses. Just as people now 'push' the upper limits of the...