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  1. R

    Hoof Nippers

    I can't help with the other questions, but the half-rounds are curved. I've only seen them used once, and the farrier used them to 'dig' down into the sole and to cut down the frog. The curved shape lets them bite into a flat surface that you can't get into with the regular nippers. He did...
  2. R

    Which bloodlines has the best and true movement of miniature horses

    I would have to ask, what do you mean by, "...the best and true movement..."? Are you taking about a horse with 'action' ie high front and hind movement, like a park horse, or one with a 'reaching' stride with little knee action, like a hunter style horse? I personally prefer a horse with the...
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    I know it's been asked before, but please clairify App color

    Will the skin of a true leopard be pink under their white hair? Will a near leopard have dark skin under the areas that were pigmented at birth, but later turned white? I was just wondering, as if this was true, then you could tell if the horse was born a true leopard, or just got whiter with age.
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    Tight Belly Bands?

    I'm sure that there are people who harness their show horse with the intention of having them pull from the belly band to enhance their front end motion, but I would suggest that the majority of those you see with a tight belly band in the show ring are doing so because they don't use a...
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    Prayers needed for Lilly

    I hope she is doing OK, and isn't showing any signs of damage. Please don't feel too badly, it was an accident, and you immediately took whatever steps you could to counteract what happened. For anyone who was wondering what kind of dewormer she used, I looked up Equiban, and this is what I...
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    Thinking about the rule proposal about abusive practices

    OK, I can see where I have misunderstood what was written. If I have it correctly now, you are saying that it is cruel to jump a horse over 36" high, unless it has leg protection? And, since AMHR doesn't ever ask horses to jump that high, AMHR is not a problem? But, AMHA jumpers may have to...
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    Thinking about the rule proposal about abusive practices

    Alison, do you always use protection on your horse when jumping? Did you use it in the AMHA shows you attended? I have seen three photos of your horses jumping (on your website and in your avatar), and I don't see any protection on them. WHEN does it become cruel if you don't use it? Why is...
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    Thinking about the rule proposal about abusive practices

    I thought that AMHA allowed 'protection', at least that is how I am understanding the rules. On page 79: F. Horses must not be shod. Use of pads, wedges, chains, weights, weighted ankle boots, elastic bands, shackles or any other artificial appliances that enhance a horse’s action will not...
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    Thinking about the rule proposal about abusive practices

    This is SO true. We really need to be conscious of how our 'normal' actions with horses may be perceived as 'abuse' by the general public. I think any of us who have been to parades while driving our minis have heard people say, "That's cruel, they're too little to be pulling a person around."...
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    New Color Test available!

    What is the Pearl test? I'm always happy to hear about any test that helps us answer the question, "What color is my horse."
  11. R

    Causes of Abortion in Horses

    Just bumping this back up to be sure it got seen. A lot of people ask what happened when their mare aborts, and this article lists the many reasons why it can happen. Just click on this link to go directly to the full article: CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE
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    Causes of Abortion in Horses

    I just found this article and thought it was excellent and timely, as this is the season we start hearing about mares aborting. It isn't a really long artcile, but I won't try to copy the whole thing, just the the link to the article and the Table of Contents, so you can read it for yourself...
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    Link Between Appaloosa Coloring and Night Blindness

    I'm no expert on the subject, I'm just learning about this stuff too, but I did a little more research and discovered that Night Blindness, also known as Congenital Stationary Night Blindness (CSNB), is different from Moon Blindness which is also known as Equine Recurrant Uveitis (ERU). The...
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    Hopefully, you have dodged the bullet on the founder issue. According to another article in the 'The Horse', The Timeline of Laminitis where they induced laminitis in 5 horses and studied the changes in the horses, you should be getting into the timeframe when the symptoms will start to show...
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    Link Between Appaloosa Coloring and Night Blindness

    I thought this was interesting. I hadn't heard about it before. Apparently, nightblindness is associated with homozygous appaloosa genes. If I'm reading this article correctly, homozygous Appies will have nightblindness? Here is an excerpt and a link to the full article. "Appaloosas with...
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    I would worry about the carbohydrate overload causing Laminitis/Founder as much or more that I would worry about colic. If they, or just one of them, overloaded then they can founder. I think you want them to metabolize as little of the feed as possible, not enhance the digestion with a...
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    Contact Info Wanted - Nuns in PA?

    I was wanting to get in contact with a group. I remember reading that they were Nuns(?) from Pennsylvania(?), and that they were raising appaloosas. That is about all I remember, and that may not be correct. Thanks for any help.
  18. R

    Anyone have pictures of Cinderella type carriage?

    I think one horse could pull it, under the right circumstances. The horse would need to be pretty 'solidly' built and know how to pull. The two bay mares that are pulling it in the photo are 33.5 and 33.75 and built fairly stoutly. But, usually only one of them was doing any of the pulling...
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    Anyone have pictures of Cinderella type carriage?

    I have a Victoria mini carriage that I used this year for our Christmas parades. When it was lighted up for the night parades, people told me it looked like a fairy carriage. This is a daytime photo, so you can't see the lights, but everywhere there is tinsel, I had strands of blue lights. I...
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    Intersting ulcer information....

    Thanks for the correction. I just quoted the website. I didn't do any follow up research on any of the drugs, other than Omeprazole. I'm not sure if I should 'correct' a quote or not... I'm not sure on how that should be handled. I just went and looked up Pepsid. I couldn't find it, but...