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    2008 AMHR Nationals Results

    No -- actually it doesn't make more sense to me since I have had a couple of strange messages regarding things I never said on here-- I "believe' we are to use our forum names on here -- since we could not pick one already in use -- so I have gotten a few comments on things "Amy" has written...
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    2008 AMHR Nationals Results

    QUOTE Amy, are you sure this was the case for all horses in question? I appreciate the fact that in your friend's case this may be true, but there was more than one person questioned. Lisa -- this is NOT my post-- I have no friend involved (that I know of) so did not do this quote. Thanks Amy
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    ASPC / Canadian Shetland

    Seems hard to get information-- I went on their website quite awhile ago when Tammy & I first discussed this. I emailed a person on the website and asked for information & a rulebook. I never even got a reply back from the organization. I was of the same opinion as Judy & Desiree -- that...
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    2008 AMHR Nationals Results

    Personally I don't think we need to change any qualificatiosn. The rule book states very plainly -- each horse must show at a minimum of 2 shows under a minimum of 4 judges. Whether or not the line on the form was missed-- each person knows at which shows they attended with their horses -- and...
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    Beautiful new mare for Maple Mountain!

    Congratualtions Lori-- she is lovely -- and will certainly stand out in your herd. Our "wild" overo mare aslo stands out in ours as we had only solids before her-- now have a couple of pinto stallions though. However, my Lacey throws very quiet, minimal color-- not what I was expecting from...
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    Filly Fairy Stopped over

    Congratulations Fran & Walt -- beautiful filly there -- and another one with the 4 white legs.
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    2008 AMHR Nationals Results

    Any time we have shown at the Nationals -- there is a spot on the form where you have to fill in what qualifying shows you are using to have qualified your horse. We didn't go last year -- so I am wondering if they have removed this line?? It made it very easy to show that your horse had been...
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    Hi Devon -- it would be the same as the Futurity -- when you sustain your futurity horses-- IF you can't make the Nationals for the futurity classes -- you lose out. !!
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    Where do Ontario people find mini trailers?

    John built our small trailer. We used it for about 10 years or more -- now we have bought a used larger one. That little one of ours will hold 5 horses -- plus tack & feed in the nose-- also has a shelf along the side (inside) where we put the feed dishes, fork, shovel etc. We put our carts &...
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    Repeat Buyer

    We have several repeats in our barn. 4 from Flying W Farms -- Frederika Wagner has become a very dear friend. 3 from Lowell Boone - Marie & Lowell also were very good friends & I learned a lot about many different things from Lowell-- He was the one that got us interested in showing AMHR...
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    Is roan to roan breeding lethal???

    We have a blue roan stallion -- have bred him to blue roan mares, bay roan mares & red roan mares -- always have had a very healthy foal each spring from each breeding. Love the roans & have several of them.
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    Double k clippers

    We ahve 2 sets of wall mounts &1 set of the belt mount-- the belt mount is not too heavy for short periods -- but gets in the way when you need ot get down under LOL-- I usually hang it on the fence or the gate -- so basically use it loke a wll mount as well. -- however, I really liek the shrter...
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    thought some may like to see the latest quilt top

    Stunning . I am a quilt fanatic as well - just waiting on a quilt kit to arrive any day. When I was young, my grandmother always ahd a quilt on the go & the "quilting bees" were a real tradition. it is beautiful & the color seleciton beautiful.
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    Question for Canadian breeders!

    There are no AMHA shows in Ontario -- but there are AMHA shows out West -- AMHA is very popular there as well as AMHR.
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    The Journal & All-Star letters?

    Re they not sending out the Champion & Reserve Champion ALL Star certificates then for 2008??
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    Cowboy Hats

    I don't see anything wrong with it. Taking a hat & waving it in in front of a horse is no different than those clicking things that drive me nuts when the guy next to my horseisi doing it. OR pulling grass out of your pocket. I think we are soo busy looking for "something" wrong - we are...
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    Your thoughts on showing in Halter

    Your filly is lovely-- she has a very pretty head. I, Personally like the cremellos & perlinos-- we showed a perlino mare all the way to the Nationals-- she did better in performance than in halter -- but that was her fault, not the judges-- she simply did not like to stand still for very long...
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    Do you do Line or In breeding?

    That is waht I always thought as well -- but have seen some of the others that have turned out very nice. however, I also think brothere to sister -- will possibly bring out the bad traits faster. Not sure -- have never done it .Just what I was taught.
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    HOF would mean Hall Of Fame -- maybe they just missed a letter?? That is my guess- other than that I don't know .
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    How are the registeries bringing in more members?

    Way to go Debbie !!