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  1. Tammie-C_Spots

    How do you no when a mare has finished grieving

    I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your foal and the many others that were mentioned. I've lost some myself in the past. If the foal doesn't make it I will leave the foal about 3-4 hours with her then I take it away and bury it. I don't like to leave the foal if other horses could have access...
  2. Tammie-C_Spots

    How do you enjoy your mini's?

    My horses are my stress relief, my companions and comfort as well as a joy just to have. We do lots of stuff when we can like parades, nursing homes, used to show, have fun, drive, jump, do obsticles, lead line on the bigger minis with small children, fairs, breeding and all sorts of stuff. Due...
  3. Tammie-C_Spots

    Minis and now my first Shetland!

    Thanks everyone! I really am enjoying Amanda. My daughter took a ride on her and I put the harness on her for a short time and I'm really happy with how calm and well mannered she is. I'm already looking foward to her foal for next year! Tammie
  4. Tammie-C_Spots

    Minis and now my first Shetland!

    I had to share that I decided I needed a change and after much searching "Code's Amanda VB" is here thanks to Lewella on pointing me to Eldon McCall Amanda is as sweet as can be, rides, drives and is in foal for 2008. Had to go way out to IA to get a kid safe/bombproof pony and have her shipped...
  5. Tammie-C_Spots

    Stallions- I need suggestions

    I've leased lots of horses over the years of all ages. Number one thing is have a written contract and specify that if he's neglected, abused or suspected of neglect you can come and get him at any time without prior permission wherever he is at the time and take him. I have that on all my...
  6. Tammie-C_Spots

    Stallions of yesteryear..

    I too was brought back to those wonderful times reading your post, Bonnie. I recall seeing some of the famous ones showing. These days it still suprises me when a new owner will say they got a get or grandget of this or that famous horse to realize I had seen the horse they mentioned in it's...
  7. Tammie-C_Spots

    Appaloosa/Pintaloosa Breeders; question

    I did some appy x pinto crossing as well as some good research on crossing them. The least color production tended to be a pinto with tobiano only as it's pattern or an appy with minimal color. Best crosses for that "wow!" color will be your tovero, splash or other overo patterns crossed on loud...
  8. Tammie-C_Spots

    AMHA Members: Breed or Height?

    Personally I have two opinions- 1) become a bloodline rather than a height registry, close the books, eliminate hardship, raise 38" as maximum height for mature horses. 2) or the less strict- become a bloodline registry, keep harship but make it so improvement small breeds only would be...
  9. Tammie-C_Spots

    Just some thoughts on type, show quality etc

    I agree. You have to be ready for critisism if you want to ask everyones open opinion on photos. Your asking for a lot of different personal opinions. Personally I'd rather have honest opinions that being given a false impression on something major. LOL- no offense taken! I love apps too but...
  10. Tammie-C_Spots

    Has anyone ever heard of Gold Seal World Class as a registry?

    That second statement isn't even in the same family tree. What my statement means is that no horse should be considered "worthless". They all have something they can give either to thier breed or to humankind. The quote you metioned basically says "I'll do what I want, when I want and to h**l...
  11. Tammie-C_Spots

    Has anyone ever heard of Gold Seal World Class as a registry?

    I hope people here mean that the papers are worthless and not the horses because that would be a very close minded thing to say. All horses in the world are good at something- it's just finding out what it is. Gold Seal was started by a specific farm many years ago. A few farms did that so that...
  12. Tammie-C_Spots

    Just some thoughts on type, show quality etc

    I breed appaloosa minis and find their traits attractive. I've been breeding for 14 years and have culled along the way. I line breed and it's been very successful. The group I have now (9) are pretty nice (if I do say so myself- LOL!) and of minimal faults. Yes, there are things that I could...
  13. Tammie-C_Spots

    Colour query

    She could be sorrel. If the dam is bay (black base) and carries the red (sorrel) gene recessively you won't see it. The sire being palomino is sorrel and carries sorrel recessively with a cream gene. The foal can inherit one red from dam and one red from sire only and be a normal sorrel as this...
  14. Tammie-C_Spots

    Breeding Mares

    If the stallion is refined and not stocky and the mare has good width I'd consider that breeding. Have to make sure though that the stallion isn't too big physically to "enact" the breeding and hurt her so I'd only hand breed and just make sure all goes well. Tammie
  15. Tammie-C_Spots

    Maine Miniature Club Clinic

    hmmm, I do my own horses hooves but sounds like an interesting clinic. I may see if I can come up if I'm free that day- sounds fun! TAmmie
  16. Tammie-C_Spots

    Selling a horse on payments

    I've sold a few on payments and it worked great. I didn't let them go though until they were mostly paid for and if it is a mare in foal they must do final payment by the time the foal is born or the foal will be mine (kind of gets people to try and get them paid off by then). As others said I...
  17. Tammie-C_Spots

    SORRY another color question

    \ Sounds grey to me. I know grey appies often look blue roan and it's very hard to distinguish. In the non appy I think seeing the dark head is definatly the thing to look for. There is ususally a definate mask or black face on the true roans. A lot of people make that mistake Tammie
  18. Tammie-C_Spots

    Horse Shopping

    Since they all seem to fit your requirements and I noted your talking about doing liberty and CDEs and jumping (among a few other things ) I would do this- See them all again and see if you have the same impressions. Put out a couple of poles laid out on the ground and lead each walk and trot...
  19. Tammie-C_Spots

    Breeding Mares

    My stallion is 34" and I have successful bred him to mares 32-36" with no foaling problems. If the mare is smaller I'd make sure she's roomy and has wide hips so the foal can pass easily. I wouldn't breed a petite young 28" filly to my stallion but I keep it reasonable and figure the mare's...
  20. Tammie-C_Spots

    Asking Prices of AMHR Over Division Horses

    Years ago here in the North east a taller horse just didn't bring as much as smaller but over the years (14 to be exact) people seem to have come to value the quality of the horse and other things more than just "height". It helped that we had a very popular AMHA club and once we had a AMHR...