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  1. J

    Question for those that know

    Thanks Dona, that would make sense on the big horses since it's only in the last few years that people have truly tried to understand genetics. What a bummer though, I bought the mare because she was a bay (and because she had beautiful eyes and pretty head and...LOL) I just really don't care...
  2. J

    Question for those that know

    OK, I'm going to try to load some pics here and see what you think this is obviously a pic of her back end This is a pic of her eye. No mottling, but you can see the sclera. At different angles it is even more noticeable. The back end sure looks appy to me. It is weird though, her mom...
  3. J

    Question for those that know

    Thanks runamuk, I may look into that, but more then likely, if we all decide she has appy traits, both she and her mother will be for sale LOL. Their both nice girls, but I guess I'm just not at a point right now to try to fully understand the genetics there and would prefer to focus more toward...
  4. J

    Question for those that know

    Hey Kay, too bad you're being a stick in the mud and not going to state fair you could see her in person and tell me what you think Maybe you'll just have to come visit me instead
  5. J

    Question for those that know

    If I get a chance tomorrow, I will post pics of the mottling. For now keep any info coming I know that most colors don't truly hide, but some are sure awful hard to find. With this filly's mother, anyone unfamiliar with color would completely miss that she may be carrying the pinto genes and...
  6. J

    Question for those that know

    OK, this may get a bit long, but I need serious help here. OK, first, about 4 years ago I bought a mareat a sale (ok no flames) and she looked to be and is registered as a solid bay with only a small bit of white on the coronet band. Well, when I got her home and clipped her, I noticed she had a...
  7. J

    Here's another "what minis are good for"

    Thanks guys! I wish I had gotten pics of the two newcomers as well. It was so fun to watch my son and the guy leasing my gelding. They kept giving each other high fives and telling each other how good they were doing. Like I said, both the new people are already asking when we can go again LOL...
  8. J

    Emergencys at Shows.....

    I just wanted to add to this even though it may be a bit off topic (sorry) but I have seen so many people who padlock their stalls. I realize you don't want a horse stolen, but what if there is a fire or in the case posted earlier, they were able to get some meds into horse while the owners were...
  9. J

    Here's another "what minis are good for"

    They just make you feel good! We went to a smaller fair show this weekend and I took my 6 yr old son and two newcomers to let them show. While my horses will never be national champions, they are worth their weight in gold for their dispositions. All my son could talk about for a couple weeks...
  10. J

    Post about sickle hocks got me thinking

    That it seems some of the best performance horses actually have minor conformation faults. I have always found this amusing. We all try so hard to breed a horse for what we consider to be "perfect" conformation. Yet if you analyzed the top 10 athletes in any discipline, I bet you find many if...
  11. J

    How did you find out about the breed Mini's?

    WEEEELLLLL, I had a friend who was going to look at some minis and wanted me to go to give my opinions. That's all I did on the way there was give her my opinion Why do you want those short little things, what are you going to do beside feed them, you already have the perfect breed of "real"...
  12. J


    I'm pretty sure she meant weevils. I'm sorry rockin r. I'm not making fun of you and this is a serious post so I don't want to take away from that, but Weebles were little fat chubby toys that kids used to play with _Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down- I know I'm not the only one old...
  13. J

    What do you include in sale price?

    OK, Just my humble opinion here I include the coggins& health papers. The way I look at it, EIA is a fatal disease, if the disease itself doesn't kill them then they are required to be confined 3/4 of the year or destroyed. The rest of the herd being exposed to this horse will need to be...
  14. J

    Effects of Drought

    I sure wish those guys at the Chicago Board of Trade would come visit the area. They keep dropping the grain prices so we here in the middle part of IL are getting a double whammy. It has been really dry here and even as bad as it is for us, we can go 25 minutes east and it's worse. My husband...
  15. J

    Sharing your Show Secrets

    I just found another new thing I like very well alo. I do sandpaper for most shows, but we had a smaller show coming up and I've been feeling so blah lately that I decided to see if I could just get them good and clean without worrying about smoothing any grooves or anything (and there striped...
  16. J

    Well it is not sunburn :(

    A friend of mine had a horse with photosensitivity and literally in a couple days time his legs swelled up and the sking started sloughing off. It was bad. She had to keep in indoors as much as possible during sunlight hours and keep sunscreen on his white parts. I think they now make a few sun...
  17. J

    Are they ponies?? or miniatures??

    Hey Kay, I don't care if people call them ponies because most people simply don't know that there is even a registry trying to breed a ceratin size animal, and I've even been known to call mine fat on occasion. I don't particularly care for another showperson refering to anything I own as cute...
  18. J

    color enhancing shampoo

    OK, I'll bite I have used Quick Color and Quick Silver both and have just recently tried quick black. In my opinion (for what it's worth) you'll see more shine and maybe a "slightly" darker appearance, but it really doesn't cause a drastic change. What it does it have coloring in it that the...
  19. J

    Ground Driving Question

    I only drive occassionally and just for fun, so I really haven't had to address this issue, but if it were a riding type horse I know I would suggest that you do a lot of ground work. Asking the horse to flex and bend and walk slow circles gradually getting smaller all while on the lead. Also...
  20. J


    Geese, I too have used the car wash. It all started with a gal who was keeping a horse at my place. When he came, he had some kind of fungus or bug (not sure to this day, but he was itching himself bald) Since it was winter and I only have well water with no heater I didn't want to make him...