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  1. J

    New Mare isn't drinking

    Littlehorse, I wouldn't be too concerned at this point. I would just watch her and a good way to check to see if she is getting dehydrated is the skin pinch test. Grab a fold of skin on her neck and pull slightly. If it goes right back to where it was, she's probably fine. However, if the skin...
  2. J


    Well, I'm probably going against the grain here and actually it is against what i would usually say, but I would have a vet out and give her some acepromazine (sorry I don't think that's the correct spelling) a short while before the trimmer gets there. I would normally recommend that you work...
  3. J

    What is up with all the mean attitudes lately

    I do realize that some people try to cause problems, but if a newbie comes on the forum, they won't realize that you are responding to someone whose been a pain in the butt and they will find us just plain rude. I don't expect to change people who purposely try to be rude to others, nor will it...
  4. J

    What is up with all the mean attitudes lately

    OK, maybe I'm just getting less tolerant in my old age, but it seems there has been a lot of mean and rude, not to mention unnecessary comments on here lately. On the post where Liltnt felt rejected, many people said to just toughen up. Well, I hate to tell everyone, but there are more of us on...
  5. J


    Well, just a guess here as I don't know his past either obviously, but if he didn't have a lot of good grass in his old setting, just being on good rich grass can keep them loose for quite a while. There are obviously other health related issues that can cause problems as well, but that would be...
  6. J

    ok I give up

    Liltnt, I guess if there's enough room for two I'll come have some of that cheese with the Whine too because I feel the same way you do (let me know when meal time is LOL) I can ask a ligitimate question and if I'm lucky I get half a dozen replies. Others can post that they just sneezed and they...
  7. J

    Recent talk of amateur status...

    Karen, thanks for your post and sorry I took so long to reply. I was out of the house all day. Actually I show miniatures. I like the Shetlands, but I own and show the minis. If I felt there were other members to support the idea I would take time to write a request, but I have a hard enough...
  8. J

    Recent talk of amateur status...

    Well, I am happy that there will be at least one other person who feels a bit like me If all I wanted to do was mess with my friends big guys then I could just show against the pros and who cares how I do, but if I ever wanted to work with minis at all, I'd be showing a clients horse as that...
  9. J

    Recent talk of amateur status...

    Am I the only one who would like to see an in between class? I know there are so many divisions already, I don't know where we'd begin, but I would love to have a place to "fit in". I love to help my friends with big horses. I can not charge though unless I ask them to provide food for their own...
  10. J

    If I didn't already have a headache,

    Jacquee, I do know there are some good people out there . These a whole forum full of them right here. I just know the mentality of several people that do attend this rodeo. I have bought horses from an auction and have given them good homes so I know there are kind people also. It's just the...
  11. J

    If I didn't already have a headache,

    I had a gal come by today and tell me about a mini for auction nearby. They are having a rodeo and they are raffling off a miniature horse stallion to raise money for the families of Iraqi soldiers. Here's some of my frustrations. She tells me how adorable this 3 MONTH old already weaned and...
  12. J

    PETA response to FAO schwartz "pony" sale

    Winchester, I do not feel people are attacking you personally. Like was said earlier, it was your choice of methods that everyone is upset against. This group has really hurt a lot of animal owners so I think they are passionate about their disgust with them. I first heard of this group about 8...
  13. J

    FAO Schwarz Catalog

    Well, in one way I can see why the whole "catalog" thing bothers some, but really, it isn't a whole lot different than selling over the internet. I mean, I can try my best to be sure the horse is getting a great home, but there is no way I can drive to Canada to see if the home is really all...
  14. J

    What are your opinions?

    Not sure of the truth of it, but was told by the vet years ago, that most viruses we have are species specific, but there are a few that could be spread to the horses. Not sure which ones, but if it is allergies I wouldn't worry. And animals can have allergies too so your dog may be sensitive to...
  15. J

    So sick of judges and politics..

    Well, I feel that more times than not the pros have good horses. They can only fill so many spots in the barn and they want what's gonna get them noticed so they can fill those spots next year as well. I feel there is some degree of politics, but it really doesn't do any good to complain, just...
  16. J

    FAO Schwarz Catalog

    Well, I realize this post wasn't intended to be an arguement about riding, but I personally get tired of the no riding mentality. Many people tend to assume Arabs are too small and "frail" to be ridden hard. Heck, for several years the top endurance horses in the country were Arabs in the 14...
  17. J


    This was a very fun thing to do and the horses were very patient. The stars and stripes only took about 45 min, but I did have a helper so that cut down time as well. One word of warning to anyone who enters next year though. If you don't clip the rest of the hair off shortly after the picture...
  18. J

    Hey Suzanne.........Just curious .....

    Sometimes I get busy and don't get on here for a few days and if it was posted I didn't ever see it sorry. I was just curious how it turned out. Did you get a lot of neat entries?
  19. J


    Well, this may be a long shot, but I started putting fabric softener sheets in between my winter blankets after I washed them to help with odor. Even after they were washed in town, in commercial washers, they still smelled like horse pucky. I usually only use blankets in an emergency or for...
  20. J

    Thought we could all use just a little giggle

    [i checked her feed back. Low on the 1st pg of FB, one says Good tape but first 10 seconds has porn on it.] Geesh, I wonder how many kids have gotten to "treasure" that. Excellent show for an amateur production; learned a lotI'll bet they did I hadn't even taken time to look at the feedback