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  1. J

    Thought we could all use just a little giggle

    Whew, I guess I didn't really remember the name of the town you were in. I really don't mean it to sound cruel, I just thought the way the ad was written that a few would find it amusing and since a thousand people probably have longer versions at home, they could probably sell them for twice...
  2. J

    Thought we could all use just a little giggle

    I was just browsing around looking at mini items on ebay and found this ad for a video tape showing miniature horses. It was aparently taken at an AMHA show and has footage of RARE colors like Buckskin, Appaloosa and even grey LOL. No disrespect intended if this is a members ad, but for some...
  3. J

    The Humane Society of the United States

    Mona, earlier this morning I spoke with a guy here in IL who is on the IL. Emergency Management . I asked him if he knew of any governmental organization directly responsible for assisting persons with animals/livestock. He said he didn't know of any, but would check and see what he found out...
  4. J

    Question about helping the .....

    OK, I get all these ideas going around in my head, but never seem to know what to do about them Firstly, I was wondering if there are any others of you who might be able to head down and help out if we were allowed in. I could possibly go for a while. Husband will start farming in the next...
  5. J

    Put on your Thinking Caps...

    I agree about protecting yourself from the looters, and also the tetnus (might be good to ask the doctor if there are other procautionary measures as well) I also just thought about something else. It would be nice for later to have a sweep magnet so any small metal fragments and nails will be...
  6. J


    Enchantress....SHHHH...don't tell my husband, but that's why I go to the shows too Actually, I will probably never own a national champion, but to me, it's mostly about having a nice horse that I have done the work with. Mine are always pastured (although after taking three potbellied...
  7. J


    I also would have to say that it is ideally a bit of both. I will use Arabs as an example. You could have a class in which, let's say has 5 horses. #1 small, wide set eyes, straight head, nice tail carriage, crooked legged, rounded croup. #2 tall, straight headed, nice croup, nice shoulder...
  8. J

    For discussion: AMHR: Ponies being

    Thanks Magic, I've never shown Shetlands so I don't know much about their rules That's why I didn't express too much of an opinion on things
  9. J

    Hurricaine Relief - Space provided

    I am clear up in midwestern IL. but if for any reason you would want to come up this far (maybe you have relatives near here?) I would be glad to help out. I could take 4-6 depending on whether mare/stallion or big/small. Could also house two legged critters too PLEASE - do take this seriously...
  10. J

    For discussion: AMHR: Ponies being

    This will be an interesting topic to watch. I personally have mixed feelings on this as I can see both good and bad, but hadn't really given it much thought so I think I will wait and see what more educated people have to say. I do think though that maybe it would be nice if they didn't allow...
  11. J

    Tail Rubbing... *help*

    Just wanted to say that I obviously hadn't been reading close enough to see that "it" had already been cleaned I'll try to pay closer attention next time
  12. J

    Tail Rubbing... *help*

    You might also want to try cleaning his sheath. Most boys don't seem terribly bothered by being diry but every now and then some of them are more sensitive to it and will rub just like a mare does when she needs cleaned between her nipples. Just a thought. And even if they are younger doesn't...
  13. J

    Lunging Training

    well, I hope you won't feel offended at this reply, but please...go practice and learn on a been there done it type of horse before you try training your own. Lunging with a line can be dangerous even if only one of you is learning. But when both horse and handler are trying to figure things...
  14. J

    What do you think of the write up I made

    Hello everyone, sorry I took so long to reply. been gone to a show and off to another tomorrow. Thanks for the replies and Michelle, I will check your site as soon as I get home Sun night. Right now I'm going to fall in bed and die for a couple hours Oh and Michelle. When I look at your your...
  15. J

    been watching this mare sooooooo long

    Sorry Yankee, I think it may be all my fault. A friend of mine started watching her about the first of July. On the second she wondered if she was close and I told her it didn't look like it yet and I thought she'd hold off at least another day or two Well, my friend sent me a quick note...
  16. J

    Suddenly drinking A LOT!!

    Of course I would keep an eye out for any other signs that this could be something serious, but to help reduce your stress - my Arab mare drinks very little water, but I can count on at least two times per year (spring and fall) she gets in a weird phase and will drink double her usual intake...
  17. J

    What do you think of the write up I made

    Good ponit miniv. Sometimes I guess you just assume things would be common sense, but then, I personally feel it would be common sense that a horse of ANY size belongs outdoors and obviously that isn't the case with some And for those who have brought them indoors for cute pics or health...
  18. J

    What do you think of the write up I made

    Even though I am not a big farm, I still get asked at shows etc. about the minis. I decided that I would make a sheet for absolute beginners or window shoppers. I want to help everybody, but sometimes people just want to know a little bit to see if minis would work for them and don't want to...
  19. J


    Wildoak, your point was the one I was going to make. This may or may not be the fault of the owner. Several years ago our local paper did a story about my oldest son and a mini mare we had. The reporter even brought a tape recorder so I never even thought to ask if I could preview the article...