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  1. L

    A Mini Merry Christmas Story

    JUST BEAUTIFUL!!!!! How fun! I enjoyed it! MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND YOUR'S, TOO! From Janell & her Biscuits here at Johnny Creek Farm, in Sealy Texas!
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    Pamela you wrote: I am VERY pleased to hear that you will be talking with Kay! THANK YOU Hon! I sent this e-mail to their contact address they have on their website for "The Smallest Horse In The World" Hello Paul, Kay & Michael Goessling~ I just watched this video (that I posted the...
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    YES! that is definitely little Thumbalina! And she is definitely VERY unhappy there ....can ya blame the little thing????? bless her heart. I have tears in my eyes from watching this very disturbing video. Thumbalina is being expoited, if this is what they are doing with this baby girl....I'm...
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    I am sure little Thumbalina is very well cared for, but how could ANY horse keep up with that tour she has been on? Her owner said HE was exhausted, so what do you think all this traveling and stress has been like for her? I have been very concerned about little Thumbalina's health every since I...
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    Little Bit's Forum & Dwarf Mini 2008 calendars

    THANK YOU for bumping this up Mary....I appreciate it. I still haven't heard from Nancy Mitten though. If anyone e-nmails her, would you PURDY PLEASE ask her to e-mail me again? I took a peek at your beautiful website Mary, you have some very nice horses. And I LOVE the little Arabian...
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    Little Bit's Forum & Dwarf Mini 2008 calendars

    I just read the Pinned: about Sales Ads/Pitches/Testimonials Mary Lou, I hope I am not doing anything wrong by posting here on the Back Porch about the Dwarf Mini calendars being for sale. Since you OK'd it last year I didn't think I needed to bother you again this year. ALL the profits...
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    Little Bit's Forum & Dwarf Mini 2008 calendars

    Nancy Mitten..... I received your e-mail about ordering 2 dwarf Mini calendars, but I think it got deleted my mistake ..... I can't seem to find it now, and this HughesWeb Mail starts taking away deleted messages after so many. If you happen to read this, will you PLEASE e-mail me again? It...
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    Little Bit's Forum & Dwarf Mini 2008 calendars

    I thought you might enjoy seeing a preview of one of the pages of the 2008 Dwarf Mini calendar. This is November. And I would also like to thank the folks who have e-mailed me with their orders already! A BIG THANK YOU!!!!!
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    Little Bit's Forum & Dwarf Mini 2008 calendars

    I thought you might enjoy seeing a preview of one of the pages of the 2008 Dwarf Mini calendar. This is November. And I would also like to thank the folks who have e-mailed me with their orders already! A BIG THANK YOU!!!!!
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    Cancerous BrainTumor

    I just now read this post, I am so very sorry to hear this news. Please know that I too, will be thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers Hon, you and your family, too. (((((((((((((((BIG HUGS))))))))))))))))
  11. L

    Little Bit's Forum & Dwarf Mini 2008 calendars

    Hello everyone~ I would like to announce that I am now taking orders for the 2008 "Little Bit's Forum" calendars and "Little Bit's Dwarf Mini" calendars. The Dwarf Mini calendar is going to be even more special this year, as Donna has included the name of each dwarf on it's picture! There...
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    Little Bit's Forum & Dwarf Mini 2008 calendars

    Hello everyone~ I would like to announce that I am now taking orders for the 2008 "Little Bit's Forum" calendars and "Little Bit's Dwarf Mini" calendars. The Dwarf Mini calendar is going to be even more special this year, as Donna has included the name of each dwarf on it's picture! There...
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    Horses ears "wired" to stand up and forward?

    This "ear wiring" thing is very disturbing to me, not only because it is not fair in the show ring, but a horse uses it's ears to communicate SO much to other horses, can you imagine how detrimental this would be to a horse in that way! Plus they NEED to be able to rotate their ears in order...
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    My little dwarf Tessa

    THANK YOU!!! :bgrin We appreciate it! :
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    My little dwarf Tessa

    :aktion033: Please consider voting for Tessa, if you will. Thanks, Janell & Tessa :bgrin Click on "Today's Photos" on the left of the screen and it will take you to the photo contest, there's 3 other CUTE pictures, too! :
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    God takes away just to give you another one.

    CONGRATULATIONS! Lara & David, I'm tickled for you. :aktion033:
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    Ms Wiggles crossed the Rainbow Bridge

    Dear Lara & David, The Biscuits and I are sending our condolences, but we know that Ms Wiggles is in good company now, and I'm sure my Little Bit was also there to greet her when she crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. : Lara I hope you thought to give that sweet baby girl some sugars from me &...
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    Minx wrote: VERY WELL SAID : Lara & David, like I told you on the phone tonight I will support whatever decision you make about little Ms Wiggles, not that that it matters if I or anyone else supports you, as it is ulttimately your decision, as you two are the ones living with this special...
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    Lara I was tickled to hear that Ms Wiggles is doing well today! :aktion033: I fed Little Bit every 1 1/2 hours for 4 months, then every 3 hours for the next 4 months. He lived in the house with us, and slept next to me on the floor on a thereputic dog bed. He would wake up every 1 1/2 hours...
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    Well, Lara I am tickled to hear that Ms Wiggles was acting better at he last feeding! :aktion033: Bless her little heart. I am keeping her in my thoughts and prayers. I'm terribly sorry to hear about you loosing your son, I can not imagine how devastated you and your family must have been Hon.