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    Happy Birthday Sharon Oneil

    Happy Birthday Sharon.
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    Zanesville, OH Mini auction this Sat.

    It is not at the fairgrounds. I went this spring, and it is in a covered livestock barn, ( stockyards ), behind a equipment dealer, if that helps.
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    Panels for miniature

    I live in central ky, and we have a town called Liberty, KY, and it is the GATE capital of the world. you can get the chicken panels ( as they are called by the gate manufacturers) for a very very reasonable price, you can email me, and ill be glad to give you the names of all the...
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    Red Donkey

    I have two lovely jennets that I aquired back in the late fall, and hadnt really planned on doing anything with them, other than let them live with our cow herd. I put them in there late fall, and we really have begun to realize what a good job they do keeping dogs, etc. out of the herd. But...
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    Help Please about registry

    This mare is not bred, and I bought her with hopes to breed her to a black overo AMHR stallion. I am glad to know I can register her amhr. Thanks for all the help guys
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    Help Please about registry

    Thank you so much for the information
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    Help Please about registry

    OK, Im a bit lost. Is it 200 or 400 hardship fee. I know the 60.00 for over 3 ( as she is 4) . I just was under the impression you got it for less , if the horse was already aspc papered. This mare is definately under 37 inches so no problem being measured, i was just curious of the fees. At...
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    Help Please about registry

    I am buying a registered shetland mare, a tad under 37 inches tall, and I am interested in hardshipping ( or whatever the technical term would be considering she is a shetland transfer to amhr) her amhr. What would the cost be, would they be as high as a regular hardship. she is shetland and...
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    I just bought two haflinger mares, from an amish guy that does my breaking of minis. MIne are smaller, 13.2 hands, but heavy boned, and I bought them a standard horse harness and had the bridle altered a bit. Other than that it fit well with the adjustments. Mine are absolutely bomb proof...
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    Question Please

    I bought myself two min jennets, and they are both open. One is 8 and the other is four. I am seriously considering breeding them to my frame overo mini stallion. Problem is, he is a maiden and I am not sure if I should attempt to breed him to the mini donks. ANy suggestions, or should i not...
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    New DOnkeys

    This is anna maria This is anna maria. Sorry wont post any more
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    New DOnkeys

    tMy Thelma Loury this pic and see if it works. this is thelma lou
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    New DOnkeys

    I forgot the pic, see if this works, sorry I am horrible with pics for some reasonMy donkey girls
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    New DOnkeys

    Hello, I just bought myself two miniature donks. Both are jennets, and the grey is 32 inches and the brown is 33 inches. I already have one standard girl who lives with our cows, but a friend had some bad health news and needed to sell his girls. I went over to take pics for him, and just...
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    Those of you with miniatures..

    I ride performance (padded) walking horses , and have several trail horses at home. We have 4 padded horses at the trainers, so each and every weekend, have to travel somewhere for a show. I never ride at home, I always plan to, have them shoed every 8 weeks, then never ever ride the ones at...
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    Horse with special needs

    kentucky, and yes, they are actually with an appaloosa mare I have that has moon blindness, and has some problems with that. she sees fairly well, and is such a kind mare, that is almost a seeing eye horse for them. These horses had sight until recently so are well adapted. I am most...
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    Horse with special needs

    My only concern here is that they stay TOGETHER. They depend on each other, and if I were not to tell someone, you wouldnt guess they were blind. They know their pasture which is about 2.5 acres, and actually trot around, etc. They also come running when they are fed, but it does take them...
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    Horse with special needs

    Oh, I have no problems at all with either being fixed in the right circumstance. These horses are not culls. By far, I have had several people ( from locally) here who have seen them offer to "take" them. I just want them to go to a permanent, not in it for anything but the love of it...
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    Horse with special needs

    I want to ask a question, and hope someone has a good idea. If you had a horse(s) , with special needs, how would you go about finding them a good home. I am asking about a particular pair of animals. Now, before any flaming, or anything that goes that way, please remember, this is not a...
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    Are there Overo Shetlands???

    White cloud was almost solid white sabino overo. I sold him to susan, and the reason being , I wanted frame, and all i ever got was sabinos. He was a tremendous double reg. stallion and throws aweseome babies. I bought him from lois along with another minimal frame stallion, and must say she...