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  1. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Pictures for today. A lot of bag progress. Is it normal to swell forward of the nipples? Looks strange to me lol, maybe because I have never seen it. I don't know what is going on with the belly, she looks so lumpy to me and lower again. The weather has finally warmed up, looking at hitting 70...
  2. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    I have my fiance doing checks in the early morning so I can get some sleep Anna but he said if anything happens he is coming and getting me right away, he isn't a horse person really. I actually fell asleep in the barn last night. He came out and got me at 5am this morning. I am hoping it is...
  3. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Good day all, no baby last night..Took more pictures of moonpie for you all to review. To me she is looking thinner. Her bag is still slowly progressing and it is firm to the touch. She was very eager to get out into the paddock, and her appetite has returned in full force. I am hoping that in...
  4. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Well Moonpie is stalled for the evening. I checked her bagging, slowly progressing, felt just a bit fuller than earlier today, no waxing. I almost get a kick, literally, every time I check. She isn't too happy with all this attention right now. I did notice when I checked the color in her vulva...
  5. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    More pictures of moonpie today, the ones of her bag aren't great because she is so fuzzy it is hard to get to them. I am also putting some pictures of my racking mare. She was dodging me a bit. Hiding around my new gelding mini Zeus. She doesn't look pregnant really but thinking maybe because...
  6. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    well castlerock, the lst time she cam into season was August and she was very receptive to our little guys advances. I actually made a comment to my mom that is she squatted any lower or he got her on a downhill slope,9 we have a very hilly pasture), that he would get her. I asked her if I...
  7. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Okay, only got a few pictures this morning and some didn't turn out so going to post the ones that are decent.I will take some more before the day is out. I watched her off and on most of the night, she was yawning a lot and wagging her back end and doing what looked like trying to pee but she...
  8. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Hello Ladies, Sorry I fell of the earth. It is been a long time an I apologize for the absence. So with an update on miss moonpie, turns out I was completely wrong. She was nowhere near as far along as originally thought. All we can guess is she was so malnourished that when she put on the...
  9. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    yea Anna the poor guy just has had the worst of luck. I bought him for my niece to train in hunter jumper because when I first saw him he was all legs. Now we are just hoping that he gets healthy and stays that way. The only thing I can say is him having been sick has made him an extremely...
  10. jstarr78

    Penny's foaling thread.....SHE IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

    My name is Jody. It would be so great, although I think at least for moonpie it's more wishful thinking.
  11. jstarr78

    Penny's foaling thread.....SHE IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mousie I have the same hope for Moonpie. Maybe a full moon will bring out the babies. She looks great though. I am rooting for you and penny.
  12. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Okay, finally got another cord today and took new pictures today.Not going to back track unless you guys think it is necessary. Her bag is shrunk back down but is it me or does her belly look dropped some. Oh and the pictures where taken after trying to catch her for 30 min, the food brib did...
  13. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    We only have an estimation but we are thinking now somewhere around 320-330. The vet gave us the estimation. Allure, she is doing well, her bag is still swelling shrinking. It seems to be following a pattern. It will be swollen in the AM and then shrink by late afternoon, stay smaller for...
  14. jstarr78

    Penny's foaling thread.....SHE IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi, I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Penny is beautiful, she reminds me of my Moonpie except she is all chocolate brown instead of a bay. I am also in the waiting game feeling like I've gone nutty, but the Aunties here are doing a wonderful job at keeping me grounded. Good luck to you and Penny.
  15. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Well not sure if it means too much but one, we have clear liquid coming from both teats(getting test strips tomorrow), two she is really agitated tonight. Usually I can go in with her laying down and she doesn't give me a second thought. I can even go in and she just lays there and I can love...
  16. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Hmm, I don't understand this pregnant mare stuff. Her bag is already back to looking like it was yesterday. Is that normal. I turned her out in the pasture for 2 hours and just went to put her back in and we are shrunk again. I am starting to wonder if I have been fooled and that this may be a...
  17. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Just wanted to add these, they are some comparisons of the changes starting from the 11th to today. Don't know why I didn't take pictures on the 12th. I am now realizing I need to be more consistent with the angles I take of her.
  18. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Here are Moonpie's pictures for this morning. I am amazed at the change in her bag from yesterday.
  19. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Thank you! I think he is just a doll, and I love blue roans. I had heard that a stud could be a handful but he doesn't act "studdy" at all. My children get him out and groom and bathe and crawl all over him and he just soaks the attention up. The smaller ones even ride him in our round pen and...
  20. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Well not sure if Moonpie is trying to play with my emotions but when I went to check/feed her this morning her bag has swollen to double the size it was a week ago. It looks painful and is hot and very firm to the touch. I didn't mess with it too much as she is still irritable. Will put pictures...