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  1. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    I am beginning to agree that we may have a while to go. She seems to be looking smaller in size as each day passes. Of course our gestation approximation was an educated guess on the part of my vet, who isn't familiar for mini's. I think while we are waiting I am going to try to find a different...
  2. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    I can't help but express a bit of excitement, but I just finished a check on Moonpie and I examined her bag since I am concerned with the shrinkage but I gave a squeeze and a tiny clear droplet appeared. Is this colostrum? I don't want to get excited over nothing, but this is the first time that...
  3. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Hello this Evening y'all I had a stressful day yesterday. First one of the horses I board walked up to the barn dragging his back leg. I off course thought the worse, it looked broken. I had to call the owner and the use their own vet so of course call the vet as well. Thank goodness it after...
  4. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Good Morning Everyone, First off I would like to anser Anna by introducing myself. My name is Jody. So nice to meet everyone. Second, I would like to say last night was a long night. I was concerned that her bowels were loose and then even more concerned that as the night stretched on she...
  5. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Oh and I am probably going to be super annoying. I over think everything naturally, it's my personality. But I have become so attached to this little lady that I am filled with paranoia and concern for the foal. So it's impossible for me to relax. So I will probably announce every little detail...
  6. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Well I have done my first check tonight and she was lying down until the barn cat jumped into her stall chasing a moth. I have a light inside and it really brings them in. I still have my questions regarding going into actual labor regarding behavior. I have read some really great stuff that...
  7. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Well I have her put up for the night. Checked her and everything seems the same, except is it normal for her bag to seem more swollen in the evening. It doesn't look much bigger than the photos from earlier but it feels thicker, like more solid and hard. She also has runny bowels. will be...
  8. jstarr78

    New to Mini's, need advice have Foal on the way any day now

    Riverrose thank you. I appreciate all of the commendation but really don't deserve it, I wouldn't have taken a second look at her if my mother wasn't over for the delivery of the stallion. I only wanted him, and had already been looking for a registered mare. My family and I have spent the last...
  9. jstarr78

    Update: Miss Moonpie ****4/24 Baby Is Here!!!****

    Hello to all the "Aunties" here. (that's what I have heard you all are called) I had posted in the regular Miniature forum needing advice on my miniature mare who is ready to foal any day. I have received some great advice but the number one was to repost here so I can get more advice from those...
  10. jstarr78

    New to Mini's, need advice have Foal on the way any day now

    I want to thank you all for your advice, I am going to move my post over to the mare stare area like having been suggested.
  11. jstarr78

    New to Mini's, need advice have Foal on the way any day now

    I am currently feeding her a mixture of TM12 solution with alfalfa pellets, she gets 2#s in the morning and 2#s in the evening.Plus vitamins for pregnant mares. She also goes on the pasture for 3-4 hours daily, then goes in a dry lot with 2 flakes of bermuda hay.When she goes up for the night I...
  12. jstarr78

    New to Mini's, need advice have Foal on the way any day now

    Chanda..she was taped by vet when we first got her and came out at 220lbs, we taped her again when the vet came out to evalute her when we discovered she was pregnant and it came out around 275lbs. She is 38inches tall. I understand the safety issues. We have coyotes problems in my area but we...
  13. jstarr78

    New to Mini's, need advice have Foal on the way any day now

    Thank you marty. I have mineral blocks out currently. We keep those out, I have 7 other horses on top of having the mini's now so we have them everywhere, literally. I was keeping her in a pasture with my racking mare. I did not know that they founder that easily. this mare actually was...
  14. jstarr78

    New to Mini's, need advice have Foal on the way any day now

    She was given the fescue blend from the end of March, bought her on the 21st until the beginning of June.
  15. jstarr78

    New to Mini's, need advice have Foal on the way any day now

    Hello All, Just trying to see if I can get additional information other than what I have learned online and from my vet. I recently purchased my first miniature horses in March of this year. I ended up with a beautiful 5 year old blue roan appy stud who has the most charming personality for a...