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  1. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Thanks Diane- she's a keeper for sure . Yep the sun does take adjustment for sure- but it is so worth the adjusting and maybe some stock in black out blinds ;)
  2. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Hi Cassie, Yep it does make it awfully hard to fall asleep, but we get to hibernate all winter so who needs sleep in the summer ;-). Thank you, she is growing up and is just so cute I can't help but play with her any spare moment I have! If the weather makes you feel any better we got like 6...
  3. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Wildfire is growing up too fast . She now gets her own little pile of hay and her own little bit of mash because she keeps getting mama's and Angel does NOT want to share. Oh and by the way these pictures were taken at 10:47PM tonight- yep land of the midnight sun- we really won't see a true...
  4. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Good morning aunties! See my new halter? :-)
  5. AKMiniMama

    It's early but who have you bred for 2014

    Hi Diane, Nope I don't own him but I doubt his owner will mind if I share a picture. He is the sire of my mini mare Precious . I was hoping it would be a good pairing as there are not a lot of choices up here but I rather not breed than breed to a horse that isn't promoting the breed or a...
  6. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Thanks Renee, if I ever get it down to where it doesn't take me forever to make them I would consider it, but for now I need more practice to get more efficient.
  7. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Thank you yes I did make them I couldn't seem to find one that was all Velcro and I didn't want anything with snaps or anything baby could get caught in so I just played around on my sewing machine and I'm quite happy with them
  8. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Thank you Diane and yes I am totally in love with her and Angel too- what a good mom and such a sweet soul.
  9. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    It is going well. Super weird weather- we just broke a record for the latest snowfall AND the longest winter 232 days of winter . All the horses had to wear winter blankets today and yesterday even though it is mid-May this is ridiculous. Wildfire is doing amazing though- she's growing and...
  10. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Matching mama and baby blankets. Both these girls are so sweet they had to have cupcakes on to show it .
  11. AKMiniMama

    It's early but who have you bred for 2014

    You're a Blessing Angel Wings (Angel) and You're a blessing Dixie Belle (Nova) both are most likely going to be bred to FarmYard Frolic Banner next month. Diane, what do you think of this pairing? I'm still working on bloodlines and things and I know you are the expert
  12. AKMiniMama

    PALS Miniatures 2013 Foals Due***Perfect Foaled A Filly 4/25***Chrissy Foaled 4/26***Updated Picture

    I bet you are just on pins and needles! Here is hoping she foals soon she is going to make one beautiful baby
  13. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Thanks Diane- she thinks everyone is her friend and if they aren't she wins them over in about 2 seconds flat :-). Thank you for the kind words
  14. AKMiniMama

    Sadie the yo-yo's Daughter: Chloe owned by Viola **Update**

    Congratulations!! Absolutely beautiful Viola!
  15. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    She just gets cuter by the day . She's trying to figure out why Angel likes all that green stuff and enjoying some extra loving from the neighbor kids .
  16. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Thank you . And Diane- I put that picture in of Angel because I thought it was so funny I definitely think she was trying to tell us something ;-)
  17. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Thank you ladies they were little cuties :-)