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  1. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Angel and Wildfire (and Nova and Napoleon and Trinity) all got a spa day today. My very own my little ponies ;-). I sure love these girls. (Please don't worry they only had the pretties on for the pictures when supervised and then they were put safely out of reach).
  2. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Thank you ladies . I have a hard time doing anything about being with her and Angel- my poor other horses are going to hate her as she's taken most of my attention! I just can't help it she's always doing something adorable (like twitching an ear lol) and I'm scared to miss it! Renee- oh...
  3. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Such a little sweetheart Oops the picture didn't attach
  4. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Thank you Pam, I can't even express how much I adore her
  5. AKMiniMama

    Sadie the yo-yo's Daughter: Chloe owned by Viola **Update**

    I'm rooting for you Viola, you must be exhausted. If it helps any Angel ate her full bucket of grain barely 10 minutes before her water broke so even if she's eating it can still happen. Can't wait to see Sadie baby pictures
  6. AKMiniMama

    Blazing Star Ranch-Lady(Filly-5/5) Eye color question.

    Wow they are all so beautiful! Congratulations!
  7. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Thank you Diane. Darn colt changing on you at the last minute . They are definitely lighter and brighter blue- close to the color of my Precious who has blue eyes (at 3 so should stay blue ). I'm hoping for blue but either way she is a keeper .
  8. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Thank you Renee, we fall more in love with her every day. I just love her coloring and am hoping she keeps the blue eyes . It was so good to get her out today for an extended time with mama. It's still muddy but there are dry spots so had to way the mud against keeping her locked up most of the...
  9. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Thank you Anna. Yep she loves her outdoor time she gets all excited when she sees us haltering mama and pretty much jumps into our arms so we can carry her out of the trailer- she is just so cute. Today was the best day we've had for awhile so she got to stay out the longest yet- about 4 hours...
  10. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Thank you BlazingStarRanch! Yeah we have had our fair share of bad weather too, it really makes it difficult to keep baby warm and dry.
  11. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Thanks Diane, Yes it just amazes me how quickly she is growing up! Here are a few more pictures. Do you think her eyes are going to stay blue? Her coat color is changing already, but so far her beautiful blue eyes have stayed . Thank you, we sure think so
  12. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    It was fairly warm today and part of the pen wasn't to terribly muddy so Angel and baby got to play for a few hours and loved it. I can't believe baby is less than a week old and she's running and jumping and bucking all at hyper speed
  13. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Renee I'm sorry you stressed so much about upsetting me- it was 1130pm and now that baby is born I don't have to stay up all night so I was sleeping and oblivious to all the apology notes- I just saw them this morning and only have a sec before I have to run off to work. I got up several times...
  14. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Renee- we are doing the best we can. It is the time of year right now where there is mud everywhere and we are trying to keep baby out of it as much as possible so she doesn't get chilled. Angel is definitely allowed to be free and play with her the videos were taken on the way to where they...
  15. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Cassie thank you so much! I really appreciate it.
  16. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Never did get the video from my friend yet so we made new (even cuter ones).
  17. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Cassie- we just took videos today and I'm sending them your way now. Thank you!
  18. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Oh darn Renee I missed it! And is just too cute I have a hard time taking my eyes off of her. Anna and Cassie- our fence is pretty escape proof and hubby put up wire mesh on all the gates in preparation for baby before Angel and Nova even arrived in Alaska so she should be good but ill...
  19. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    I haven't gotten the videos yet but here are some of her outside and the sleepy aftermath . Angel is being such a good mom and baby is the friendliest most curious foal- she went up to every person there (and there were a lot) and wanted to say hi to all horses we had to stop her several times...
  20. AKMiniMama

    Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

    Thanks Cassie as soon as my friend gets them to me ill get them to you. I appreciate it!