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  1. Mocha

    Memorial Day Weekend Shows in NH - Northeast Miniature Horse Club

    I'm in the same boat as Millstone. As in "how is this weekend ever going to actually happen?!" I know everybody's hard work and committee hours will pay off - it always does - but I always seem to be bringing horses who have been clipped once to remove the yak hair, and worked for about a...
  2. Mocha

    Northeast Miniature Horse Club's Memorial Weekend Shows

    We have a lot of new people showing with us this year, especially due to the popularity of our Mentored Beginner Division. And we realize that the paperwork can be downright scary! So please don't be afraid to ask questions if you need help. You may contact me, or Jen (Millstone) or Meadow...
  3. Mocha

    Northeast Miniature Horse Club's Memorial Weekend Shows

    Just wanted to mention that since we are the club known for our excellent cuisine, there will be a fabulous lunch on both days! On Saturday, the Carriage Barn Equine Therapy volunteers will have home cooked delights for your 'grab on the go' pleasure. And on Sunday, our traditional 'Catered...
  4. Mocha


    The Class Lists for May 24 and 25 are not yet up on the Northeast Club website, but should be shortly. If anyone would like one emailed before they appear please contact me directly. [email protected] Thanks for your patience!
  5. Mocha

    Northeast Miniature Horse Club's Clinic

    The Sunday Clinic report - Sunday was the day for private lessons with Mike McCabe for your driving horses. We had quite a few folks who stayed over from Saturday to audit these, as well as auditors who just came for Sunday to watch the driving. As usual, Mike worked his magic on horses at...
  6. Mocha

    Northeast Miniature Horse Club's FANTABULOUS Clinic with Mike McCabe

    And now it is time for all you folks who have signed up for the Saturday Clinic to open up your cookbooks and let me know what potluck favorite you will be bringing! We are famous for our 'gourmet potlucks' because of YOU! Last year we had a feast fit for royalty, so let's see if we can top it...
  7. Mocha

    Reminder -- Great Clinic on April 12th & 13th

    For those of you planning to attend, be sure to let us know if you want to participate in our brainstorming Q & A with Mike at dinner Saturday night. It will be relaxed and informal, and usually the best learning time of the clinic. Please make a note on your reservation form, or if you...
  8. Mocha


    I have just been told that because of the way the amateur clinic agenda is working out on Saturday, we may have a couple of slots open for driving lessons with Mike on late Sat. afternoon, as well as all day Sunday. So if Sunday was not working out for you, you might be able to schedule a...
  9. Mocha


    I wanted to clarify that this clinic is NOT JUST FOR PEOPLE WHO SHOW, and it is also NOT geared to AMHA minis only, or even registered horses. There will be valuable information shared that can benefit everyone with an interest in minis. (And hey, targetsmom, I think maybe we will stay OUT of...
  10. Mocha

    Minis going through slaughter auction on Monday

    Thank you for clarifying, Marty. Approx. $350 is what they need to go to the auction and bring them back to PA with a current Coggins. If anyone can get to the auction to bid, obviously they will be much less. But this group is doing the organizing and trucking and most of us can't go there in...
  11. Mocha

    Minis going through slaughter auction on Monday

    I was suddenly deluged Friday evening with emails on this subject. I will copy here the information that is on the web site of a group in PA called A Chance 4 Horses Perhaps with Forum member help, more than the 20 minis they say they have room for on their truck can be saved...
  12. Mocha

    A Very Successful "Day With Bonnie Fogg, Animal Communicator"

    To those of you who braved the cold yesterday, some of you driving many hours - THANK YOU from the Northeast Miniature Horse Club for making our "Day With Bonnie Fogg, Animal Communicator" a resounding success! (And to those of you who thought you would be standing out in a cold barn -...
  13. Mocha

    Shows in the northeast

    Millstone did a great job outlining our 2008 Northeast Miniature Horse Club activities. Just wanted to add that EVERYONE is welcome at our April 12 and 13th Clinic. You don't need to be a club member, or even a horse owner to attend. If you attended last year, you know what a great time it is...
  14. Mocha

    show clothes for guys . . . .

    Hey Matt -- Not to worry! If you stay with blues or greens, you are good to go with all those horses. Keep it as subdued or bright as you wish (or the wise people who are looking at you advise!) Some folks change jackets between classes for each horse, but unless you have someone in your...
  15. Mocha

    Stallions of yesteryear..

    Hey Bonnie! What a great thread. And thanks for the plug for my old girls. My trip to NFC back in 1989 was the start of my mini adventure, and I was fortunate to have personal introductions - which I didn't appreciate til years later - to Rowdy, Egyptian King, Little Boy Blue, Peppy...
  16. Mocha


    Thanks Linda. I hope I don't get into trouble for 'borrowing' this. Here is Dancer with Judy at the Deerfield, NH Fair just about a month ago.
  17. Mocha


    Thank you all so much for your kind words. Here is my attempt at a picture. This is one of Pam's that I had on my web site.
  18. Mocha


    Thank you all. I haven't posted pictures here before, but I'll give it a try. James Walsh, if you are there - can you help post your Mom's pictures?
  19. Mocha


    In early April of 1993, after 348 days of anticipation, including a very uncomfortable (pre-camera!) stint in the barn during the (March in New England!) Blizzard of 93, an incredible chestnut colt was born to an elegant black tovero mare. We called him Cherokee War Dance to honor the Native...
  20. Mocha

    Eastern Regional Results!

    Congratulations Heather on a great Regionals! Sorry about the breakdown, but glad you are all safely home. Cindy