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  1. sundaymom

    Congradulations to winners/ those coming thru storm

    First let me say congradulations to all the people winning at nationals. I truly share your joy and excitement. I also think anyone attending and showing, whether winning, deserves congratulaions also. I tried to run in whenever possible and look at the show. I too, as another mentioned, saw...
  2. sundaymom

    Grey Gene Testing done and results.....

    HG Farm..sorry for mis-typing your name and thank you for the kind remarks on GB. You are an experienced breeder but I am new to apps and this person was very knowledgeable and sowed the seed of doubt. Most of those pictures of GB's family came by way of me digging back for answers and talking...
  3. sundaymom

    Grey Gene Testing done and results.....

    Sorry for dashing in and out but grandaughter is here and she wants me to play with her. Ha! Miniluck...nothing at all wrong with the grey horse. Some of the most beautiful animals I have seen have been grey. I especially love the different shades that some go through. The main reason app...
  4. sundaymom

    Prayers needed for Mini horse owner

    I for one will be sending her prayers and thinking of her.
  5. sundaymom

    new to forum

    Welcome! How exciting you have joined this forum Now you can tell us about minis and showing over there. Can't wait for your updates.
  6. sundaymom

    Grey Gene Testing done and results..... can look on my web site and see GB and on the foal page the filly was Ebbie. Yes I am so happy it worked this way for I know it could have gone another way in which I would probably not be on here talking about it but crying at home. I think this is probably a worry all app breeders...
  7. sundaymom

    Grey Gene Testing done and results.....

    About a year ago I had a person tell me my stallion had grey and it was the worst thing for my appaloosa breeding. She also advised I contact seller and complain that I had been sold a grey horse for my appaloosa breeding program. Well I started to call everyone I could think of in his...
  8. sundaymom

    Introducing my additions to our family....

    I just have to praise and look up to anyone taking these older mares and giving them good homes. One of my prays for the babys I have had and might have in the future, is that they will always find their way to good and loving homes. You are such a special person in my book. Wishing you many...
  9. sundaymom

    This is when it's acceptable to smack a horse

    OUCH! So glad you weren't seriously injured. I think it is great that you brought this up that even professionals have to be on guard with large or small animals. It is so easy, for myself, a non-professional to let my gaurd down when fooling with my animals. I have to remind myself that...
  10. sundaymom

    Pictures of my new house!

    This is so special. Really like the layout. As I mature...ha! One of the things I would have loved is having a barn closer to the house. So smart of you and mom to plan now for the future.
  11. sundaymom

    A few of our 08 Overo and Appy foals

    As expected some more beautiful horses from your breeding. Hope things get easier you in the coming year and maybe find time to update your site...maybe after the shows. I have always loved looking at it and your beautiful horses.
  12. sundaymom

    Introducing our own little adopted Grandma Pony!

    What a special person you are to have taken this mare and want to improve her later years. Speaks volumes of you as a person. Good luck and look forward to future updates.
  13. sundaymom

    This picture says it all

    Now this picture brought tears to my eyes. The overwhelming emotion one feels at the sight of seeing somthing so precious and delicte, alive and well. God has surely blessed your family. I too love her name.
  14. sundaymom

    Saber & his harl boys

    I dash in and on my computer...mostly checking Lil Beginnings but never a lot of time everyday to post on all the news on the main forum and this one..the two I mostly check. But did want to say, I really enjoy your pics of your horse and dogs. They are so uplifting and always bring a smile to...
  15. sundaymom

    Here's my New "Dark Sectret"!!!

    Congradulations.. Not much I can add other than I agree with everyone else...good looking horse and beautiful color.
  16. sundaymom

    Last foal born at SPH Miniatures

    So sorry to read about your sad news Shana. Really hoping the best for this poor mare.
  17. sundaymom

    I got my papers! I got my papers!

    So glad everything worked out for you. Just love the happy dance. Ha!
  18. sundaymom

    1st clip for new baby filly

    Thanks for taking the time to comment. Poor Abbie may have two older sisters but she must feel like an orphan. I spent so much time with the two older girls. Then family things and when she came in July, I wasn't able to spend that much time with her. Hopefully the next couple of months...
  19. sundaymom

    pics of your fillies

    I had three girls this year. Ebbie the black at 6 months standing with Copper 5 months and little Abbie laying down in the background. Just love all the girls...thanks for this thread. Everyone has such great girls. (of course if I'd had boys would be saying the same thing...Ha!)
  20. sundaymom

    1st clip for new baby filly

    Just don't know when my life is going to slow down. Been so busy with grands and family but with school starting tomorrow things should get back in hand. My little baby born in July has been a little rag mop and the heat has been terrible for her, so I finally made time to clip her and get a...