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  1. S

    YIKES shots fired

    we live out in the middle of no where, like 20 minutes from town. i always thought it was safe here.. i guess not!! i have been trying to sleep since 9pm, i never EVER lock my door, but for some reason tonite when i went to bed i shut the porch light off and locked the door. i laid in bed for...
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    my favorite time of the year with the horses!

    it tried to creep up on me this year! State fair is coming!! we havent been able to get experianced enough to do nationals, so we do the Eastern Idaho State fair. we are taking the minis of course, but i cant wait for the vendors! we stay the whole 9 days ! i love the food, the atmospere...
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    I can die happy now!

    ohhhh you are soo lucky!! i love your description of him!
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    Emotional day

    so sorry to hear that your friend passed. i lost a dear friend last year and im still recovering from the lost. sending prayers to you and your friends family!
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    Profile Pictures

    i went ahead and added a pic of me with both of my daughters in it too lol
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    Question about blue eyes

    i have a pintalossa gelding who was born with navy blue eyes, he is now 5 years old. his eyes are now brown, mostly but have a blue rim around part of his eye and blue speckles in the iris, its pretty neat, i need to try to get pics of his eyes this year none of our babies were born with blue...
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    Cremation or Burial

    the horses are buried, as are goats, foals. kitties and dogs are cremated, usually, there have been a few that got buried instead.
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    Happy Pride!

    aww! you too!
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    i think we are set on meat for a while

    we raise our own beef, just got 700lbs of meat back a few weeks ago, just butchered a hog, so we will have about 320pounds of pork next week. we also have 45 cornish cross chickens that will be going to 'freezer camp' in the next week. on top of that we get 20+ eggs a day. we raise a large...
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    Natural ways to induce labor

    i had the same problem with my youngest, i was told by my dr, that Raspberry leaf tea would cause contractions (DO NOT DRINK IT BEFORE 36 weeks of gestation!) it was amazing how quick it worked i drank 3 cups before bed and a 2 cups in the morning and my contractions were 8mins apart! i would...
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    Memorial gift done for a neighbor

    beautiful! how nice of you to do such a wonderful thing! im sure she will cherish it for years!
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    Foaling Cameras

    i got mine here i love it! we are ordering 6 more when we get the rest of our barn up!!
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    good luck! she looks and sounds close!
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    show Halters

    Just wanted to add some things to the list. I plan on buying halters from Quick silver on ebay, i had several of hers but, they got stolen. Black weanling filly Grey (black now) weanling Colt the two above horses will wear same size halter (xs) Sorrel pinto weanling filly silver dapple...
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    show Halters

    im in the process of buying show halters. i need some help here LOL i cant decide on colors for ANYONE lol horses im showing are Grey (black now) weanling Colt Sorrel pinto weanling filly Black weanling filly silver dapple pinto weanling colt Sorrel pintalossa gelding solid Black mare...
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    Is it best to feed chickens medicated feed?

    we have never fed the medicated feed, we have over 100 birds . our feed is made locally by a friend. all ours are doing great!
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    ok i have to say something to someone

    LOL im not sure if you Want me to clean your house.. LOL today, i have begun telling my family (Dad stepmom and siblings) what im going through.this could get interesting.
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    ok i have to say something to someone

    i wanted to let you all know, that you have helped me in SO many ways. today was a relitivly good day and it has sure helped knowing that there is someone out there (many someones) who really care. when my OCD gets really bad, i over clean. when my depression gets bad, i get depressed about over...
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    ok i have to say something to someone

    your right it could be me, im not would help if hubby was home all the time to cheer me up when i start acting blue around them. but he is home maybe every 6-8 weeks for one nite, so he misses out on sooo many things. i always try so hard not to bring my mood with me when i go somewhere...
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    ok i have to say something to someone

    i have long suffered from Depression, anxiety and OCD, i am trying to deal with all of this on my own since hubby is a truck driver and not hardly around. I used to rely on my family (dad and step mom) to see me through my rough days, i thought that they wanted to be there for me . over the...